Introduction: At 14:00 on May 25, 2022, the online launch of Alibaba Cloud CDP products will be launched, which is not to be missed!

Alibaba Cloud and Cloudera have jointly created the data hybrid cloud platform CDP on Alibaba Cloud. One management platform supports multiple deployment forms. The platform can flexibly run various enterprise workloads, support multi-functional data analysis from edge computing to artificial intelligence, and provide an enterprise-grade security model to ensure customer data security.

Click【Alibaba Cloud CDP Conference】to make an appointment now


Press conference information:

Conference highlights:

  • Full of dry goods: In the digital age, enterprises' reliance on and selection of big data platforms is becoming more and more important. With a data hybrid cloud, businesses can quickly and easily access and analyze data to drive data-driven decisions. This conference will start from CDP's product concept, product value, and application scenarios, combined with the data hybrid cloud platform CDP's implementation practice in Alibaba Cloud to deeply analyze the new trend of data hybrid cloud. Provide new ideas for enterprises to achieve high-quality digital transformation.
  • Big coffee gathered: Three product technical experts from Alibaba Cloud and Cloudera gathered to chat online about the new trend of data hybrid cloud.
  • Live broadcast benefits: free trial of products, download of conference materials are waiting for you to experience, the live broadcast will be locked on May 25th, not to be missed!

Product Free Trial: https://survey.aliyun.com/apps/zhiliao/owtTaIQU3

Conference Agenda:


  • Welcome to Dingding to scan the QR code of the poster and join the product exchange group to participate in the discussion. We will regularly push exciting articles in the DingTalk group, and invite technical experts to share them live~



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