MBTI "spoilers" your life
Recently, the "four-letter letter" combination has become a new "encryption trend", frequently appearing on various social networking sites and in the self-introduction of young people. [Rongyun Global Internet Communication Cloud] Background reply Test, free test
The seemingly illogical four letters seem to penetrate your life. How you perceive the world, how you make decisions, how you deal with things, and even what career you are suitable for and what personality dominates, seems to be hidden behind these four letters.
On Weibo, this is a topic with over 1.6 billion views, which shows its popularity.
More than 2 million people participate in MBTI every year, and many of them are star "spokespersons".
New social trend or advanced version of the constellation?
The MBTI personality test sets the psychological characteristics of people in four dimensions in the process of judging things, and subdivides the population into sixteen personality types:
Attention E/I (Introversion/Extraversion)
Cognitive Mode S/N (Reality/Intuition)
Judgment style T/F (rational/emotional)
Lifestyle J/P (Judgment/Understanding)
The Women of the Forbidden City at MBTI
Queen INFJ, with a stable and dignified appearance, good at forbearance, and a deep city;
Hua Fei ESFP, clear love and hate, arrogant and strong, never cover up;
Of course, the most powerful is the empress. Same INFJ, but better. Able to penetrate people's hearts, perceive emotions, and be very proud, strategic, and visionary.
Celebrities from all walks of life at MBTI
Programmer Personality of MBTI
Programmers are basically of these types:
INTJs are independent and quiet, active and innovative;
INTPs like to think and delve into things of interest;
ISTJ's goals are clear and unshakable, and they pay attention to details;
ISTPs are organized and practical;
ENTJs are decisive and good at setting goals.
These personalities are suitable for more rigorous data and software work.
Therefore, we also call these personalities "programmer personalities".
What MBTI personality are you?
The background reply "test", come and test~
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