
Microsoft is firmly committed to serving the game development community, and released a series of new products, updates and new projects at the Microsoft Game Overseas Developer Conference on May 13. The PlayFab team has delivered a series of exciting updates around Multiplayer Services, Party, Experiments, Data Platform and User Generated Content (UGC) services. We have new demos, tech talks, and documentation to help you dive into each update.

Be sure to visit our GDC page . Learn more about game development techniques.

Before sharing our first product update of 2022, we would like to remind developers that we welcome your feedback and let us hear from you. The " Feature Request " section of our forum allows you to post, comment, and vote on ideas from our community. Fixing issues also remains a high priority, so please continue to share your findings in the bugs section of the forum. Thank you for your continued support!

We hope more creators and creators who are using PlayFab to develop and run games will give us feedback, and let us know if our product updates are very helpful to your game's success, or if you want to learn more.
The PlayFab leadership team is continuing our "External Engagement" series of meetings, and we hope to meet more customers to help us understand your needs and goals. If you are interested in participating, please contact us: PFOutsideInR equest@microsoft.com , or contact us below to discuss more details with the Microsoft Gaming team.

Product update content

  • Data Connections (Bring Your Own Storage): We've added the ability to write PlayStream and telemetry events to your own storage account. With the ability to export data from PlayFab to a custom data store, you will be able to take full control of your data in terms of access, scaling, latency, retention and privacy with Azure services. This feature is already in public preview. To learn more about this release, see the blog post " Controlling Data in Your PlayFab Assets Using a Data Connection ".
  • Matchmaking Players: We've added real-time notifications to avoid polling for current status, as well as integration with the new game lobby feature. The updated Matchmaking client SDK with real-time notifications is now in public preview. To learn more, see the Matchmaking documentation and download the SDK to try it out today. Also remember to join our new Game Developers @Azure program, sign up for free access to this new player matching service, and it's available for most games.
  • Game Lobby: This is a service that allows players to temporarily group together to coordinate a multiplayer experience, and also supports the ability to search for available lobbies and join. Specifically, it includes member attributes, as well as lobby and search attributes for game scheduling. The new lobby service with real-time notifications is now available to all developers via public preview. To learn more, see the lobby documentation . Also remember to join our new Game Developers @Azure program for free access to this new lobby service in most games. To learn more, see the blog post Introducing ID@Azure: Your Cloud Journey Starts Today .
  • UGC General Release (GA): We have updated UGC from Public Preview to General Release (GA). In addition to various API tweaks and bug fixes, we've added Game Manager improvements and features to help developers better manage their UGC catalog of user-generated content. To learn more, see the Increasing Market Engagement with Azure PlayFab UGC video and PlayFab User Generated Content document from GDC.

Upcoming Product Updates

  • Game Leaderboards Leaderboards v2: Leaderboards v2 is currently still in limited preview.
  • Game Economy Economy v2 public preview coming in Q3 2022! Player inventory and wallets will be available, with support for receipt verification, game bundles, stores, currencies and more in the most popular markets.
  • Segmentation Player Segmentation: We are introducing a new API called ExportPlayersInSegment in beta as an enhancement to the existing GetPlayersInSegment API. Additionally, we'll make it easier for you to define segments that consist of fixed player lists.

Other product update low-gen since last October

From now on, join the Game Developer @Azure project and use it for free!

  1. Build and Run a Live Game with PlayFab Starting today All Game Developers @Azure members can use the PlayFab Standard plan for free for up to two years. The plan, which normally costs $99/month, includes access to $400/month worth of LiveOps and Insights metrics, as well as Gold Support, which includes forums, support documentation, and case support submissions. Connecting with your current technology stack and using the PlayFab services you need means you can focus on creating great gaming experiences without worrying about server scaling or whether your LiveOps team members have the tools they need.
  2. Opening the Door to Cross-Platform Gaming with PlayFab To support cross-platform play, members of the Game Developers @Azure program have free access to PlayFab Party Networking, Voice and Chat, PlayFab Player Matchmaking, and PlayFab Lobby. The usage caps we provide are very generous and are based on the most successful games on PlayFab today. So the free usage cap of these PlayFab services can cover up to 95% of games.
    1. Build and operate a real-time game with PlayFab

Apply to join <br>Fill out our short application form and we will contact you within a few business days once we receive your application.
Finally, thanks to all the amazing game creators who built the PlayFab platform with us. Without you, none of this would be possible.

For more information on Playfab products, contact us

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