If you are a Spring Boot user, you must have such a development experience. When we want to introduce a certain function, we only need to directly introduce the corresponding Starter in the maven or gradle configuration, and it can be used immediately without the need for Write an xml or java configuration class to initialize various beans like traditional Spring applications.

If you have explored the principles of these Starters, then you must know that Spring Boot does not eliminate these beans that you want to configure, but makes these beans into some default configuration classes, and uses /META-INF/spring.factories This file to specify the default configuration to load.

In this way, when the Spring Boot application starts, the beans will be loaded according to the configuration class specified in the /META-INF/spring.factories file in the various Starters introduced.

In Spring Boot 2.7, which was just released this time, there is a deprecated content about this /META-INF/spring.factories file, so for developers with custom Starters, they have time to hurry up The change has changed since support for /META-INF/spring.factories will be removed starting in Spring Boot 3.

So how to change it? Let's take a swagger starter we wrote before as an example. Its content /META-INF/spring.factories is as follows:


We only need to create a new file: /META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports , the content only needs to put the configuration class directly, for example:


Note: There is one more spring directory here.

If you think it is too troublesome to maintain, you can also use mica-auto to automatically generate it. For details, see this article posted earlier.

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