In the morning, I introduced to you that IDEA officially announced that it is developing a new set of UI, but it is currently a preview version that needs to apply for experience.

Immediately afterwards, some netizens shared the method of activating the experience without applying for it.

This video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV165411X7u7

Just need the following steps:

  1. Download the latest IDEA version (DD tried the 2022.1 version, the later versions should all include it, the previous version is not sure)

Download address: https://www.jetbrains.com/zh-cn/idea/nextversion/

  1. shift Press the key twice in a row to search for the registry:

图 1

  1. Find ide.experimental.ui option and check it

图 2

  1. Restart the IDE and switch successfully!

图 3

  1. Finally, DD tossed the theme again, and it's comfortable now! Welcome to my official account: Programmer DD, continue to share the configuration later!

图 4

In addition, let me mention that I recently added a new section to my blog, and I am maintaining several interesting long-term serial columns, one of which is "Fun with IDEA". Better, if you are interested in these contents, you can pay attention! Click directly to: "Play with IDEA"

Welcome to my public account: Programmer DD. Learn about cutting-edge industry news for the first time, share in-depth technical dry goods, and obtain high-quality learning resources

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