
🎈 Personality Home

  • I believe that many friends are visiting github and gitlab
  • You will find that the homepage of many developers is unusually cool, such as https://github.com/autofelix


🎈 Production steps

  • Do you want to have a tall homepage of your own right now?
  • As we can see from the above picture, in fact, it shows the content inside one readme
  • And the front path of this readme , you will find that it is the same as your account name
  • Steps 右上角+号New repository设置仓库信息
  • This repository name must be exactly the same as your account name
  • Repository must be public
  • There must be a readme file in the warehouse



🎈 Modify content

  • Next, we only need to pass the command git clone 仓库地址 pull to the local modification readme The content in
  • You can see that there is a chart on the right side of the homepage that counts your own warehouse.
  • This is developed by a great foreign god, we just need to introduce it and change the username to our own.
  • For more settings, you can refer to my personal homepage settings https://github.com/autofelix

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