
🎈 Create bot

  • 选择群右键管理聊天信息添加群机器人
  • Improve the basic information of the robot, including avatar, name, etc.




🎈 Robot configuration instructions

  • The created robot has a unique webhook address
  • Be sure to protect your webhook address. If it is leaked, you can remove the robot and create a new one to deal with
  • Click webhook address, you can see the documentation, and you can also configure ordinary push messages
  • The custom push messages are described in detail in the robot configuration description column, but they need to be developed by themselves



🎈 Robot information push

  • The current custom robot 支持文本(text)、markdown(markdown)、图片(image)、图文(news) four message types
  • We only need to send the specified type of message to the webhook address according to its documentation to achieve message push
 // 文本消息类型
    "msgtype": "text",
    "text": {
        "content": "广州今日天气:29度,大部分多云,降雨概率:60%",

// markdown消息类型
    "msgtype": "markdown",
    "markdown": {
        "content": "实时新增用户反馈<font color="warning">132例</font>,请相关同事注意。\n
         >类型:<font color="comment">用户反馈</font>
         >普通用户反馈:<font color="comment">117例</font>
         >VIP用户反馈:<font color="comment">15例</font>"

// 图片消息类型
    "msgtype": "image",
    "image": {
        "base64": "DATA",
        "md5": "MD5"

// 图文消息类型
    "msgtype": "news",
    "news": {
       "articles" : [
               "title" : "中秋节礼品领取",
               "description" : "今年中秋节公司有豪礼相送",
               "url" : "www.qq.com",
               "picurl" : "http://res.mail.qq.com/node/ww/wwopenmng/images/independent/doc/test_pic_msg1.png"

🎈 Error warning push

  • Here we take the Thinkphp framework as an example to integrate error warning into the project to realize real-time error push
  • First add an error handling class to the config configuration file, which file is executed to handle the error
  • After the configuration is completed, as long as the project encounters an error, the program will go to the specified file to process it.
  • Then perfect the error push warning logic in this file. Generally, error warnings are pushed with the markdown type.
 'exception_handle'       => '\app\common\exception\WorkWx',
namespace app\common\exception;

use Exception;
use itbdw\Ip\IpLocation;
use app\common\util\Helper;
use think\exception\Handle;
use think\exception\HttpException;
use think\exception\ValidateException;

class WorkWx extends Handle
    const WEBHOOK = '填写你自己的webhook地址';

    public function render(Exception $e)
        $clientIP = Helper::getClientIp();
        $clientAddress = IpLocation::getLocation($clientIP);
        $ipAddress = implode('-', $clientAddress);

        // 参数验证错误
        if ($e instanceof ValidateException) {
            $data = [
                'msgtype' => 'markdown',
                'markdown' => [
                    'content' => "来自 **<font color="info">天眼</font>** 的温馨提醒,请相关同事注意。
                             >**描述:** <font color="comment">参数验证错误</font>
                             >**端IP:** <font color="comment">{$clientIP}</font>
                             >**地址:** <font color="comment">{$ipAddress}</font>
                             >**状态:** <font color="comment">{$e->getCode()}</font>
                             >**行数:** <font color="comment">{$e->getLine()}</font>
                             >**文件:** <font color="red">{$e->getFile()}</font>
                             >**提示:** <font color="warning">{$e->getError()}</font>
                             >**信息:** <font color="warning">{$e->getMessage()}</font>"

            return Helper::postCurl(self::WEBHOOK, json_encode($data));

        // 请求异常
        if ($e instanceof HttpException) {
            $data = [
                'msgtype' => 'markdown',
                'markdown' => [
                    'content' => "来自 **<font color="info">天眼</font>** 的温馨提醒,请相关同事注意。
                             >**描述:** <font color="comment">请求异常</font>
                             >**端IP:** <font color="comment">{$clientIP}</font>
                             >**地址:** <font color="comment">{$ipAddress}</font>
                             >**状态:** <font color="comment">{$e->getCode()}</font>
                             >**行数:** <font color="comment">{$e->getLine()}</font>
                             >**文件:** <font color="red">{$e->getFile()}</font>
                             >**信息:** <font color="warning">{$e->getMessage()}</font>"

            return Helper::postCurl(self::WEBHOOK, json_encode($data));

        // 其他错误交给系统处理
        return parent::render($e);


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