new capabilities

3D Engine

3D Engine provides a real-time 3D engine with high performance, high image quality and high scalability, and provides convenient and efficient visual development tools. Based on Huawei's 3D Studio development tools, developers can create high-quality 3D applications through functional modules such as graphics and rendering, animation, and UI. At the same time, the engine also opens up the ability of third-party plug-ins, and is committed to cooperating with partners in the global graphics field to research innovative technologies. Currently supports Windows and Linux platforms.

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new features

Video Editing Service Video Editor Kit

1. The Atomic Ability SDK adds a one-click dynamic effect capability to the AI algorithm. Realize the dynamic effect of sky and water surface in landscape pictures, and support to set the movement speed and movement direction of the overall dynamic effect of the picture;

2. The Atomic Ability SDK adds the ability to highlight clips in the AI algorithm. It can intelligently identify and segment video footage based on material content analysis such as duration, tags, aesthetic evaluation, character expressions, etc., and extract video highlights with one click;

3. Atomic capability SDK adds template capability. Support query online video templates, and use templates to synthesize wonderful videos with one click.

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Audio editing service Audio Editor Kit

1. Support setting the path of custom exported audio files to meet the user's personalized export needs;

2. On the side of the sound source separation side, new separation instruments such as piano, electric guitar and guitar are added to achieve a more detailed music separation effect.

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Sign Language Service SignPal Kit

Added sign language lip generation feature. According to the language context, the mouth movements that conform to the expression habits of the hearing-impaired person are generated, which makes the sign language expression more vivid and easy to understand.

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Sports Health ServicesHealth Kit

1. The real-time performance of data opening is improved. Single measurement data such as weight, blood sugar, exercise records, sleep records, etc., the real-time data is increased from 1 hour to 1 minute, helping developers to obtain the latest data in a timely manner;

2. Added sporadic nap function for sleep type. Support the opening of sleep time, sleep time, and sleep duration data to help users monitor sleep health data;

3. Added 20 sports types such as swimming, mountaineering, skiing, etc. on the side to support rich sports scenes;

4. Added support for the background keep-alive function of sports applications on the terminal side. Motion recording API that supports background keep-alive, that is, the user keeps the application running in the background during exercise, so as to achieve uninterrupted motion recording (currently only Huawei mobile phones are supported);

5. Four new types of end-to-side motion sampling data are added: paddle frequency, power, swimming stroke frequency, and SWOLF, providing developers with more types of data opening;

6. The cloud side newly supports southbound GPRS device access, and supports device binding and unbinding;

7. Cloud side added support for VO2 max exercise sampling data opening.

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Machine Learning Services ML Kit

Android version:

1. Added online text entity extraction capability, which can detect whether there are entities with specific meanings such as names, proper nouns, etc. in the text, such as dates, phone numbers, courier numbers, film and television names, etc. At the same time, the entity information is highlighted to improve the efficiency of text reading; it is convenient for users to quickly copy and paste, such as the rapid acquisition of phone numbers; it is conducive to user information extraction, such as express address recognition; it is convenient to build a knowledge map, such as building a complex person relationship map;

2. Online text translation adds 4 languages: Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, and Telugu;

3. The speech synthesis service has added 4 tones in Chinese and English for male and female;

4. Two new languages, Arabic and Turkish, have been added to the speech synthesis service;

HarmonyOS version:

1. Added online language detection, online text translation, real-time speech recognition, and real-time speech transcription capabilities.

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new resource

Advertising ServicesAds Kit

1. The sample code hms-ads-demo-javascript modifies the version adaptation problem, and adds the function of activating the reminder pop-up box;

2. The appInstalledNotify and appActivateStyle parameters are added to the ppsads.setGlobalRequestConfig(object) method to activate the reminder popup settings and popup style settings.

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Wallet ServiceWallet Kit

1. The sample code hms-wallet-clientdemo-android upgrades the dependent components of Wallet SDK;

2. The targetSdkVersion is upgraded to 30, which is compatible with Android R.

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HarmonyOS SDK通过将HarmonyOS系统级能力对外开放,支撑开发者高效打造更纯净、更智能、更精致、更易用的鸿蒙原生应用,和开发者共同成长。