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Span is an important and commonly used concept in distributed tracing systems. Learn more about spans from Google Dapper Paper and OpenTracing .
SkyWalking supports OpenTracing and OpenTracing-Java API since 2017, our Span concept is similar to the paper and OpenTracing. We also extend Span.
There are three types of Span
1.1 EntrySpan
EntrySpan represents service provider and is also the endpoint on the server side. As an APM system, our target is the application server. So almost all services and MQ-consumers are EntrySpans. It can be understood that the first span processed by a process is EntrySpan, which means that the entire span enters the service span.
1.2 LocalSpan
LocalSpan represents a normal Java method that has nothing to do with remote services, nor is it an MQ producer/consumer, nor a service (eg HTTP service) provider/consumer. All local method calls are localSpan, including asynchronous thread calls, thread pool submission tasks are.
1.3 ExitSpan
ExitSpan represents a service client or MQ producer, named LeafSpan
in the early days of SkyWalking. For example, accessing DB through JDBC, reading Redis/Memcached is classified as ExitSpan.
In order to achieve distributed tracing, it is necessary to bind traces across processes, and the context should be propagated with it throughout the process. This is the responsibility of the ContextCarrier.
Here are the steps on how to use ContextCarrier in A -> B
distributed calls.
- On the client side, create a new empty
. - Create an ExitSpan by
or useContextManager#inject
to initializeContextCarrier
. - Put
all the information in the request header (such as HTTP HEAD), attachments (such as Dubbo RPC framework), or messages (such as Kafka). For details, see the official cross-process transmission protocol sw8 - Through the service call, pass
to the server. - On the server side, get
all content in the header, attachment or message of the corresponding component. - Create an EntrySpan by
or useContextManager#extract
to bind the server and the client.
Let's demonstrate through Apache HttpComponent client plugin and Tomcat 7 server plugin, the steps are as follows:
- Client Apache HttpComponent client plugin
span = ContextManager.createExitSpan("/span/operation/name", contextCarrier, "ip:port");
CarrierItem next = contextCarrier.items();
while (next.hasNext()) {
next =;
httpRequest.setHeader(next.getHeadKey(), next.getHeadValue());
- Server Tomcat 7 server plugin
ContextCarrier contextCarrier = new ContextCarrier();
CarrierItem next = contextCarrier.items();
while (next.hasNext()) {
next =;
span = ContextManager.createEntrySpan("/span/operation/name", contextCarrier);
In addition to cross-process, cross-thread also needs to be supported. For example, asynchronous threads (message queues in memory) and batch processing are very common in Java. Cross-process and cross-thread are very similar, because they both need to propagate the context. The only difference is, Cross-thread serialization is not required.
Here are the three steps for spreading across threads:
- Use the
method to get the ContextSnapshot object. - Let the child thread access the ContextSnapshot in any way, either through method parameters or carried by existing parameters
- Use
in the child thread.
Cross-process Span transmission principle
public class CarrierItem implements Iterator<CarrierItem> {
private String headKey;
private String headValue;
private CarrierItem next;
public CarrierItem(String headKey, String headValue) {
this(headKey, headValue, null);
public CarrierItem(String headKey, String headValue, CarrierItem next) {
this.headKey = headKey;
this.headValue = headValue; = next;
public String getHeadKey() {
return headKey;
public String getHeadValue() {
return headValue;
public void setHeadValue(String headValue) {
this.headValue = headValue;
public boolean hasNext() {
return next != null;
public CarrierItem next() {
return next;
public void remove() {
CarrierItem is a data interface similar to Map key value, connecting K/V through a one-way connection.
See how the ContextCarrier.items() method creates a CarrierItem
public CarrierItem items() {
//内置一个 sw8-x key
SW8ExtensionCarrierItem sw8ExtensionCarrierItem = new SW8ExtensionCarrierItem(extensionContext, null);
//内置 sw8-correlation key
SW8CorrelationCarrierItem sw8CorrelationCarrierItem = new SW8CorrelationCarrierItem(
correlationContext, sw8ExtensionCarrierItem);
//内置 sw8 key
SW8CarrierItem sw8CarrierItem = new SW8CarrierItem(this, sw8CorrelationCarrierItem);
return new CarrierItemHead(sw8CarrierItem);
Create a link CarrierItemHead->SW8CarrierItem->SW8CorrelationCarrierItem->SW8ExtensionCarrierItem
Look at the above tomcat7 traverse the CarrierItem, call the key to get the value from the http header and set it to the built-in value of the object, so that the header value of the previous process can be set to the next process.
ContextCarrier deserialize(String text, HeaderVersion version) {
if (text == null) {
return this;
if (HeaderVersion.v3.equals(version)) {
String[] parts = text.split("-", 8);
if (parts.length == 8) {
try {
// parts[0] is sample flag, always trace if header exists.
this.traceId = Base64.decode2UTFString(parts[1]);
this.traceSegmentId = Base64.decode2UTFString(parts[2]);
this.spanId = Integer.parseInt(parts[3]);
this.parentService = Base64.decode2UTFString(parts[4]);
this.parentServiceInstance = Base64.decode2UTFString(parts[5]);
this.parentEndpoint = Base64.decode2UTFString(parts[6]);
this.addressUsedAtClient = Base64.decode2UTFString(parts[7]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
return this;
In this way, the newly created ContextCarrier can inherit all the properties from the previous caller, and the newly created span can be associated with the previous span.
develop plugin
Knowledge point
The basic method of tracing is to intercept Java methods, using byte-buddy and AOP concepts. SkyWalking wraps byte-buddy and traces the propagation of context, so you only need to define interception points (in other words, Aspects of Spring).
defines the constructor interception point and instance method instance method interception point, there are three main methods that need to be rewritten
* 需要被拦截Class
* @return
protected ClassMatch enhanceClass() {
return null;
* 构造器切点
* @return
public ConstructorInterceptPoint[] getConstructorsInterceptPoints() {
return new ConstructorInterceptPoint[0];
* 方法切点
* @return InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint 里面会声明拦截按个方法
public InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint[] getInstanceMethodsInterceptPoints() {
return new InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint[0];
ClassMatch The following four methods indicate how to match the target class:
, through the fully qualified class name (Fully Qualified Class Name, that is, the package name + . + class name). -
, according to whether certain annotations exist in the target class. -
, according to whether there are some annotations for the method of the target class. -
, according to the parent class or interface of the target class
defines the class method static method interception point.
public abstract class ClassStaticMethodsEnhancePluginDefine extends ClassEnhancePluginDefine {
* 构造器切点
* @return null, means enhance no constructors.
public ConstructorInterceptPoint[] getConstructorsInterceptPoints() {
return null;
* 方法切点
* @return null, means enhance no instance methods.
public InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint[] getInstanceMethodsInterceptPoints() {
return null;
What methods are there for common method interface pointcuts?
public interface InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint {
* class instance methods matcher.
* 可以理解成功对Class 那些方法进行增强
* ElementMatcher 是bytebuddy 类库一个方法匹配器,里面封装了各种方法匹配
* @return methods matcher
ElementMatcher<MethodDescription> getMethodsMatcher();
* @return represents a class name, the class instance must instanceof InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor.
* 返回一个拦截器全类名,所有拦截器必须实现 InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor 接口
String getMethodsInterceptor();
* 是否要覆盖原方法入参
* @return
boolean isOverrideArgs();
Look at the methods of the interceptor
* A interceptor, which intercept method's invocation. The target methods will be defined in {@link
* ClassEnhancePluginDefine}'s subclass, most likely in {@link ClassInstanceMethodsEnhancePluginDefine}
public interface InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor {
* called before target method invocation.
* 前置通知
* @param result change this result, if you want to truncate the method.
void beforeMethod(EnhancedInstance objInst, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] argumentsTypes,
MethodInterceptResult result) throws Throwable;
* called after target method invocation. Even method's invocation triggers an exception.
* 后置通知
* @param ret the method's original return value. May be null if the method triggers an exception.
* @return the method's actual return value.
Object afterMethod(EnhancedInstance objInst, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] argumentsTypes,
Object ret) throws Throwable;
* called when occur exception.
* 异常通知
* @param t the exception occur.
void handleMethodException(EnhancedInstance objInst, Method method, Object[] allArguments,
Class<?>[] argumentsTypes, Throwable t);
Develop Skywalking actual combat
Project maven environment configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
In order to be more representative, use the ES plugin officially developed by Skywalking as an example. In order to be compatible with different versions of the framework, Skywalking officially uses witnessClasses. If this Class exists in the current framework Jar, the task will be a certain version. Similarly, the witnessMethods will have a certain Method in the Class.
public class AdapterActionFutureInstrumentation extends ClassEnhancePluginDefine {
public ConstructorInterceptPoint[] getConstructorsInterceptPoints() {
return new ConstructorInterceptPoint[0];
public InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint[] getInstanceMethodsInterceptPoints() {
return new InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint[] {
new InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint() {
public ElementMatcher<MethodDescription> getMethodsMatcher() {
return named("actionGet"); //拦截方法
public String getMethodsInterceptor() { //拦截器全类名
return "org.apache.skywalking.apm.plugin.elasticsearch.v7.interceptor.AdapterActionFutureActionGetMethodsInterceptor";
public boolean isOverrideArgs() {
return false;
public StaticMethodsInterceptPoint[] getStaticMethodsInterceptPoints() {
return new StaticMethodsInterceptPoint[0];
protected ClassMatch enhanceClass() { //增强Class
return byName("");
protected String[] witnessClasses() {//ES7 存在Class
return new String[] {"org.elasticsearch.transport.TaskTransportChannel"};
protected List<WitnessMethod> witnessMethods() { //ES7 SearchHits 存在方法
return Collections.singletonList(new WitnessMethod(
Creates an interceptor with a given class name that implements the InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor
interface. Create an EntrySpan
public class TomcatInvokeInterceptor implements InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor {
private static boolean IS_SERVLET_GET_STATUS_METHOD_EXIST;
private static final String SERVLET_RESPONSE_CLASS = "javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse";
private static final String GET_STATUS_METHOD = "getStatus";
static {
TomcatInvokeInterceptor.class.getClassLoader(), SERVLET_RESPONSE_CLASS, GET_STATUS_METHOD);
* * The {@link TraceSegment#ref} of current trace segment will reference to the trace segment id of the previous
* level if the serialized context is not null.
* @param result change this result, if you want to truncate the method.
public void beforeMethod(EnhancedInstance objInst, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] argumentsTypes,
MethodInterceptResult result) throws Throwable {
Request request = (Request) allArguments[0];
ContextCarrier contextCarrier = new ContextCarrier();
CarrierItem next = contextCarrier.items();
//如果 HTTP 请求头中有符合sw8 传输协议的请求头则 取出来设置到上下文ContextCarrier
while (next.hasNext()) {
next =;
String operationName = String.join(":", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI());
AbstractSpan span = ContextManager.createEntrySpan(operationName, contextCarrier);//关联起来
Tags.URL.set(span, request.getRequestURL().toString()); //添加 span 参数
Tags.HTTP.METHOD.set(span, request.getMethod());
if (TomcatPluginConfig.Plugin.Tomcat.COLLECT_HTTP_PARAMS) {
collectHttpParam(request, span);
public Object afterMethod(EnhancedInstance objInst, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] argumentsTypes,
Object ret) throws Throwable {
Request request = (Request) allArguments[0];
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) allArguments[1];
AbstractSpan span = ContextManager.activeSpan();
if (IS_SERVLET_GET_STATUS_METHOD_EXIST && response.getStatus() >= 400) {
Tags.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE.set(span, response.getStatus());
// Active HTTP parameter collection automatically in the profiling context.
if (!TomcatPluginConfig.Plugin.Tomcat.COLLECT_HTTP_PARAMS && span.isProfiling()) {
collectHttpParam(request, span);
return ret;
public void handleMethodException(EnhancedInstance objInst, Method method, Object[] allArguments,
Class<?>[] argumentsTypes, Throwable t) {
AbstractSpan span = ContextManager.activeSpan();
private void collectHttpParam(Request request, AbstractSpan span) {
final Map<String, String[]> parameterMap = new HashMap<>();
final org.apache.coyote.Request coyoteRequest = request.getCoyoteRequest();
final Parameters parameters = coyoteRequest.getParameters();
for (final Enumeration<String> names = parameters.getParameterNames(); names.hasMoreElements(); ) {
final String name = names.nextElement();
parameterMap.put(name, parameters.getParameterValues(name));
if (!parameterMap.isEmpty()) {
String tagValue = CollectionUtil.toString(parameterMap);
tagValue = TomcatPluginConfig.Plugin.Http.HTTP_PARAMS_LENGTH_THRESHOLD > 0 ?
StringUtil.cut(tagValue, TomcatPluginConfig.Plugin.Http.HTTP_PARAMS_LENGTH_THRESHOLD) :
Tags.HTTP.PARAMS.set(span, tagValue);
After developing the interceptor, be sure to add the skywalking-plugin.def
file to the classpath, and add the full class name after development to the configuration.
xxxName = tk.shenyifeng.skywalking.plugin.RepladInstrumentation
If this file is not present in the jar, the plugin will not be loaded by Skywalking.
Finally, put the packaged jar in the plugin or activations directory of Skywalking.
xml configuration plugin
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<class class_name="test.apache.skywalking.apm.testcase.customize.service.TestService1">
<method method="staticMethod()" operation_name="/is_static_method" static="true"></method>
<method method="staticMethod(java.lang.String,int.class,java.util.Map,java.util.List,[Ljava.lang.Object;)"
operation_name="/is_static_method_args" static="true">
<tag key="tag_1">arg[2].['k1']</tag>
<tag key="tag_2">arg[4].[1]</tag>
<log key="log_1">arg[4].[2]</log>
<method method="method()" static="false"></method>
<method method="method(java.lang.String,int.class)" operation_name="/method_2" static="false">
<tag key="tag_1">arg[0]</tag>
<log key="log_1">arg[1]</log>
operation_name="/method_3" static="false">
<tag key="tag_os">arg[0].os.[1]</tag>
<log key="log_map">arg[0].getM().['k1']</log>
<method method="retString(java.lang.String)" operation_name="/retString" static="false">
<tag key="tag_ret">returnedObj</tag>
<log key="log_map">returnedObj</log>
<method method="retModel0(test.apache.skywalking.apm.testcase.customize.model.Model0)"
operation_name="/retModel0" static="false">
<tag key="tag_ret"></tag>
<log key="log_map">returnedObj.model1.getId()</log>
Through xml configuration, you can save the steps of writing Java code and packaging jar.
xml rules
configure | illustrate |
class_name | Need to be enhanced Class |
method | Method needs to be enhanced to support parameter definition |
operation_name | Action name |
operation_name_suffix | Operation suffix, used to generate dynamic operation_name |
tag | will add a tag to the local span. The value of the key needs to be represented on the XML node |
log | will add a log to the local span. The value of the key needs to be represented on the XML node |
arg[n] | Represents the input parameter value. For example, args[0] represents the first parameter |
.[n] | When the object being parsed is an Array or List, you can use this expression to get the object at the corresponding index |
.['key'] | When the object being parsed is a Map, you can use this expression to get the key of the map |
Add configuration in the configuration file agent.config:
plugin.customize.enhance_file=absolute path to customize_enhance.xml
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