As a professional novice, we don't know anything.

Linux does not understand, docker does not understand.

But I also want to complete the task assigned by the leader: deploy data visualization tools after installing docker in linux. As a dedicated worker, you can't be rotten, you can't lie flat, you're weak, helpless, and pitiful. . This ability, we need to go, or we can just break up the team. But, unexpectedly, we still have a solution.

In order to reduce the risk of deducting bonuses, I am still me, and I want to complete this function.

So, the following is my learning process, so I grew up again.

Clear concepts one by one

Get to know CentOS first

I don't know if I don't search it. I'm startled by a search. It turns out that CentOS is like this. It can be said to be one of the favorite Linux systems for developers. It is a free and open source operating system that can be redistributed. It is a very stable A predictable, manageable and reproducible platform, CentOS Linux has been a community-driven open source project since March 2004, aiming to be functionally compatible with RHEL. In many cases, we will choose to use CentOS to build the server to ensure the stability and efficiency of the server, which is quite good.

Simply put , it's a solid server operating system.

What does Docker do?

It seems that the whole world is talking about Docker. People who have something to do with the computer industry are embarrassed to go home for the New Year because they don’t know what Docker does.

In jargon: Docker is an open source application container engine that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable image, which can then be distributed to any popular Linux or Windows operating system machine, as well as virtualized change. Containers are completely sandboxed and do not have any interface with each other.

Explain to relatives: A popular explanation from Zhihu:

The idea of Docker comes from the container. What problem does the container solve? On a large ship, the cargo can be placed neatly. And all kinds of goods are standardized by the container, and the container and the container will not affect each other. Then I don't need a boat for fruit and a boat for chemicals. As long as the goods are well packaged in the container, then I can take them all away in a big ship.

The theory is almost understood, then I should start

First of all, it is clear that the tool we want to deploy is that BI supports deployment on CentOS and supports Docker image deployment.

OK, the conditions are met

Not much to say, go directly to the operation process, it is recommended that you collect it directly:

Deploying .Net Core BI projects in Docker in CentOS

We start with:

first step:

Installation system: CentOS 8, system mirror address: download address

Don't ask why it's not another version, it's really a pit, because this version is easier to use.

Step 2:

Enter the system and enter the following command line. For Xiaobai, it is normal that he can't find the command line when he first comes in, because at the beginning, I couldn't find it either. Because it needs to be installed with administrator privileges, after entering the command line, enter su and press Enter. Then you are prompted to enter a password and enter the root account.

After entering the system, a box for updating the plug-in library will pop up on the interface, click Update. The veterans order by themselves, here are the newbies, otherwise yum will not be available. This can also be installed by command, but this step is more troublesome.

third step:

Install docker ready.

  • Update it first

yum -y update

Centos8 uses podman instead of docker by default, so containerd.io is needed, so let's just install it

yum install https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/30/x86\_64/stable/Packages/containerd.io-1.2.6-3.3.fc30.x86\_64.rpm

  • Install some other dependencies

yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2

--config source

yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo


sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo

  • install docker

yum install -y docker-ce

  • start docker

systemctl start docker

  • Check docker status

docker --version

If the docker version number comes out, then this step is installed.

the fourth step:

To install wyn, execute the following commands in sequence.

sudo docker pull grapecitycn/wyn-enterprise

sudo docker run --name wyn -p 51980:51980 -d grapecitycn/wyn-enterprise

Congratulations, now we have wyn installed. It can be started via http://localhost:51980/ . But the problem is, it won't start.

Because we still have the fifth step to install again, so don't get excited for now:

the fifth step:

Execute it: docker run -d -p 51980 httpd

Well, this step is 99% complete. Do you think it is very simple? But this problem lasted seven or eight hours when I first installed it.

Customize Wyn's docker image

1. Export custom documents and configurations.

  1. First, use the official docker image provided by Wyn to create a docker container of your own.

For example: sudo docker run –name wyn -p 51980:51980 -d grapecitycn/wyn-enterprise:5.0.00312.0

  1. Access to Wyn applications running in docker containers.

At this point, you can configure the Wyn system according to your needs, such as replacing the background image and LOGO of the login page, replacing the LOGO displayed in the upper left corner of the system, and replacing the LOGO displayed on the browser tag page. You can also create some sample documents according to your needs.

  1. Export the documents and configurations you need from the Admin Portal .

After exporting, it is a compressed package.

2. Make a docker image

  1. Prepare a Linux machine and copy the folder custom-wyn to this machine.
  2. Rename the compressed file exported in the previous step to sample\_files.zip and copy it to the directory custom-wyn/sample\_files.
  3. If you need to build fonts in a custom docker image, please copy the prepared font files to the directory custom-wyn/custom\_fonts.
  4. Modify the tag name of the docker image wyn-enterprise in the dockerfile file according to your own needs.
  5. Referring to the content in the script file push-docker-image.sh, create and upload the docker image to the docker repository.

3. Pull the docker image for verification

  1. Pull the docker image created in step 2 and use the image to create a docker container.
  2. Access the Wyn application running in that docker container and verify it.

Although the research process is very painful, I still feel satisfied when I master this skill. The above is Xiaobai's learning and growth, and I hope to dedicate it to Xiaobai students like me.

Learn more about BI visualization industry solutions: https://www.grapecity.com.cn/solutions/wyn/industry

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