Hi everyone, my name is Mic

A fan who worked for 5 years found me.

He said: "Mr. Mic, if you can answer this question, I will admire you"

I was stunned on the spot, is the bet so casual now?

I asked him what the problem was and he said "How does Kafka avoid the problem of double consumption!"

Check out the answers from ordinary people and experts below!

Ordinary people:

How Kafka avoids repeated consumption is that we can use a design similar to distributed locks at the end of that message consumption.

When I consume a message, I can directly use an instruction such as setNx in redis, and then save the message in redis, and then if it is sent repeatedly, I just need to judge whether the redis exists or not. All right.


OK, I will answer this question from several aspects.

First of all, the messages stored on the Kafka Broker have an Offset mark.

Then the consumer of Kafka maintains the currently consumed data through the offSet mark,

Every time a batch of data is consumed, Kafka Broker will update the value of OffSet to avoid repeated consumption.


By default, after the message is consumed, the value of Offset will be automatically submitted to avoid repeated consumption.

The auto-commit logic of the Kafka consumer has a default interval of 5 seconds, that is to say, it is committed when the next message is pulled from the Broker after 5 seconds.

Therefore, in the process of consumer consumption, the application is forcibly killed or shut down, which may cause the Offset not to be submitted, resulting in the problem of repeated submission.

In addition, there is another situation where repeated consumption will occur.

There is a Partition Balance mechanism in Kafka, which is to distribute multiple Partitions to multiple consumers in a balanced manner.

The Consumer will consume messages from the allocated Partition. If the Consumer cannot process this batch of messages within the default 5 minutes.

It will trigger Kafka's Rebalance mechanism, which will cause Offset to fail to commit automatically.

After rebalancing, the Consumer will still start consumption from the Offset position that was not submitted before, which will also lead to the problem of repeated consumption of messages.


Based on this background, I think there are several ways to solve the problem of repeated consumption of messages.

  1. Improve the processing performance of the consumer to avoid triggering the Balance. For example, messages can be processed in an asynchronous manner to shorten the market for single message consumption. Or you can adjust the timeout for message processing. It can also reduce the number of pieces of data pulled from the Broker at one time.
  2. You can generate md5 for the message and save it in mysql or redis. Before processing the message, go to mysql or redis to determine whether it has been consumed. This solution actually uses the idea of idempotency.

The above is my understanding of the problem.


The problem of repeated consumption is very important. If it is not considered, there will be online data problems.

Therefore, during the interview, these questions can also test the technical ability and practical ability of the applicant.

In addition, about the issue of idempotency, I talked about it in the previous video, you can find it yourself.

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《Spring Cloud Alibaba 微服务原理与实战》、《Java并发编程深度理解及实战》作者。 咕泡教育联合创始人,12年开发架构经验,对分布式微服务、高并发领域有非常丰富的实战经验。