Introduction: Experience and send Tmall supermarket vouchers! Serverless build a real website in 1 minute, you only need to complete 1 scene experience, you can get a 10 yuan Tmall supermarket card, no need to consider the server, you can quickly experience the fun of building a real website.
Whether the website can be successfully built is a key action for Xiaobai to mature. Building a website generally requires understanding three issues: domain name, website source code and server . A domain name is easy to understand, it's like a "mobile phone number" that is unique and allows others to find your website. So how can we solve the problem of website source code and server in one step? This article allows you to easily build your first personal website in 1 minute using Serverless without considering the server and website source code.
Serverless website construction, I don't have to think about server problems anymore
Building a website and applying for a server is the first card point for many people. You need to: 1. Compare the server manufacturers; 2. Select the server configuration; 3. Purchase the server; 4. Record the server; 5. Install the server. You are thinking of buying a 9.9 server to play with, but then you will face more problems, such as storage space size, IIS concurrency, CPU limit rate, database support, traffic limit, installable program support, Web site program support, etc. Suddenly I feel that the 9.9 server package I just got is not fragrant...
Can you skip the annoying server and just focus on the code part and have a personal website easily? sure! You can use serverless technology. Alibaba Cloud's function computing product is an event-driven fully managed serverless computing service. You do not need to manage infrastructure such as servers. You only need to write code and upload it. Function computing will prepare computing resources for you, and use Run your code in a flexible and reliable way, and easily help you solve server operation and maintenance management problems.
Free quota, convenient experience
Function Compute provides users with a certain free quota every month (about 46 yuan per month, and the annual total is about 552 yuan). The user's Alibaba Cloud account shares the monthly free call times and execution time quota with RAM users. The free quota will not be accumulated on a monthly basis, and will be cleared and recalculated at the beginning of the next natural month, that is, at 01:00.
Experience rewarded
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1 minute Alibaba Cloud function computing to build a personal website tutorial
If you are just starting to build a website for the first time, it is highly recommended to start with a blog site, because the blog site is the easiest and easiest to use. Generally, there are many open source and free blog programs, both at home and abroad, and the most familiar one in foreign countries is wordpress. zblog etc. This experiment will take building Z-Blog as an example, so that you can experience the advantages of low cost, free operation and maintenance, and high availability of function computing website construction and website maintenance. Zblog is a small and powerful blog program based on the Asp platform. It is very convenient for beginners to operate, and can quickly build their own website.
Online experience address:
Build a personal website
Go to the Function Compute console:
Click the Apply button on the left:
Note: If you have used the App Center before, a page similar to the following appears after clicking Apply:
At this point, you can click the "Create Application" button to continue the process.
After clicking Apply/Create Application, you can see the list of applications:
At this point, select "Zblog" to:
Choose Create Now, then choose Direct Deploy:
At this point you also need to focus on the role name section on the page, for example:
At this point, you need to click Go to Authorization to authorize. After the authorization is completed, you may be prompted:
You also need to continue to click to go to authorization:
Click the Create button at the bottom of the page when finished:
Wait for a while here, wait for the creation to complete, and you can see the access domain name:
At this point, you can open the access domain name to initialize Zblog, first read the agreement, and click Agree to go to the next step:
All the above content has passed the test, and there will be a green check mark. At this time, you can click Next:
Select the SQLite database, configure the site name and administrator information, and click Next to complete the initialization.
Wait a moment to see the result:
At this point, click Finish, you can see the blog home page:
Add the path after your domain name: /zb\_system/login.php is the management address, for example:
Enter the newly configured administrator account password, you can enter the personal blog management background, and start your own blog journey.
Expansion of ideas
Alibaba Cloud Serverless Application Center, in addition to Zblog, there are also blog systems such as Wordpress, which can be experienced independently:
Experience more scenarios Welcome to the Serverless Application Center
Go to the Function Compute console:
Click the Apply button on the left to choose from a large number of templates!
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