Introduction: The second special program of "Developer Evaluation Bureau" - Alibaba Cloud DevOps Platform Cloud Effect Special 6 leaders from Alibaba Cloud, Nanjing University, Thoughtworks, and InfoQ discuss the digital future of industry, research and research, and start a wave of digital transformation. The BizDevOps Path of Exploration under.
In the era of digital economy, digital transformation has become the general consensus and action of society. More and more businesses are running on the digital base, and software systems are becoming the value core and innovation engine of the business. Under this trend, the software industry is faced with many new challenges and opportunities: on the one hand, the scale and complexity of software systems under the Internet of Everything continues to grow; on the other hand, the rapid changes in business require increasing software delivery efficiency . The way software is built and delivered needs to change.
On June 29th, we specially invited 6 leaders from Alibaba Cloud, Nanjing University, Thoughtworks, and InfoQ to discuss the technological changes under this wave of digital transformation and find ways to break them.
In this live broadcast, you will learn:
- Challenges and opportunities of digital transformation for product development?
- Why do we need to move from DevOps to BizDevOps?
- What methods and practices are included in the BizDevOps system?
- How to truly apply and implement BizDevOps to improve enterprise R&D efficiency?
Recommended audience: corporate CIOs, CTOs, CDOs, and practitioners who pay attention to R&D efficiency and digital construction of production and research.
Live Appointment Channel: BizDevOps: Technological Breakthrough under the Wave of Digital Transformation
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