Introduction: The Developer Mission Center is online! Do tasks, get points and gifts in kind, and bring you one-stop fun in the community!

The Developer Mission Center is online! Do tasks, get points and gifts in kind, and bring you one-stop fun in the community! At present, there are various types of tasks such as evaluation tasks, daily tasks, and activity tasks in the task center, and the rewards are i P h one 13 , Pico VR all-in-one machine, Beats headset , Apple Watch 3 , 1,000 yuan Tmall supermarket shopping card , etc. The gameplay is rich and the gifts are attractive. Want to participate? Come and see the description!

Enter the special page, you can see the popular tasks, if you have any prizes you want, you can directly click "Participate Now" to enter.


If you don't have what you want, you can also filter by yourself in the "Task Market", which provides you with "Task Type", "Task Difficulty", and "Reward Type" . You can filter out the tasks you want to do according to your personal situation. , get your prize.  title=

Points, physical objects, certificates, medals, everything you want is available here. At present, the prizes are very rich. Click to enter the mission center and see if there are any prizes you like!

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