
Hi everyone and welcome to the June update of Java on Azure Tooling. In this update, we're introducing a new app-centric view for the Azure toolkit for IntelliJ, which will make the admin interface more user-friendly. Additionally, we've added support for more Azure services. For Gradle plugins, we have some new support for Azure Web Apps and Azure Functions. We hope you enjoy these new features and share your feedback with us. let's start!

Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ update

▌New app-centric view in Azure Explorer

In our April blog , we first introduced app-centric concepts in our roadmap. At present, after a long period of development, Azure Explorer (Azure Explorer) has expanded and supported a variety of cloud resources. Azure Resource Manager is a logical collection of Web Apps, Function Apps, Spring Apps, Virtual Machines, Storage Accounts, Databases, and other services . But it is grouped by resource type and not by application type (Resource Groups). For developers working in Azure Resource Manager, this view complicates managing and understanding which services or products are specifically involved in an application. We also found that within the resource view grouped by service type, some developers may tend to lose focus or feel overwhelmed.

For these reasons, we have been investing in improving and introducing this new application-centric view. Through this view, it will help developers recognize and define specific content in the application. In the demo below, you'll be able to see a view of Azure resources grouped by application.

To try this new feature, you can find the root node - Resource Groups in Azure Resource Manager. You can find that for each application, all resources belonging to the same resource group are grouped together. If needed, you can create or delete resources in resource groups for each application. Below is a short demo.

▌Application Insights Support

In the latest release, support for Application Insights is already available on the Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ, so developers can manage Application Insights directly in Azure Explorer. To create it, you just need to find the Application Insights node, then right click on it and select "create".

With this functional support, you can manually configure resource connections through the Azure Resource Connector after creating Application Insights.

When you right-click a node in the "Open Live Metrics" option, it will navigate you to the Application Insights portal, where you can observe the flow of information in real-time throughout the deployment process and locate your application's performance.

▌Spring Apps Update

Recently, Azure Spring Apps Enterprise was officially announced to be available. We have invested in and supported features in Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise in our product. If you choose to use Azure Spring Apps' enterprise-level pricing rules, you can simply right-click on the "create" option under the Spring Application Cluster node to complete the configuration.

To enhance this experience, we additionally support 0.5 cores and 512M of memory in the vCPU version. Also, you don't need to specify a runtime for an enterprise application because it will automatically detect the runtime from the source code or project for deployment. After deployment is complete, you can simply right-click on the node and select "Show properties" to view the configuration.

Gradle Plugin Update

▌Deployment Slots Support

When you deploy your web app or Function app to Azure App Service, you can use a separate deployment slot instead of the default production slot. This way, you can validate any application changes in the staging deployment slot before replacing it with the production slot in the same application service.

 azurewebapp {
    deploymentSlot {
      name = 'xxx'
      configurationSource = 'parent'

From June in the latest version, you can try the Gradle plugin to support deployment slots, which supports both Azure Web App with version 1.4.0. and Azure Functions with version 1.9.0. You can try this new feature by manually adding the above configuration in your build.gradle file.

To learn more about the Gradle plugin, you can find more details on how to deploy a Java web application to Azure with Gradle step by step.

How to deploy a Java web application to Azure with Gradle step by step:


feedback and suggestions

If you are interested, please don't hesitate and try our products! Your feedback and suggestions are very important to us and will contribute to the future development of our products.


The following links and resources can help you better understand Java on Azure Tooling:

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