In June, we released Neuron 2.1.0, which is mainly deeply integrated with eKuiper, enabling one-click deployment of Neuron with data processing functions. In addition, we mainly focus on the development of new drivers, adding the southbound driver DLT645, and optimizing some functions to be more suitable for practical application scenarios. Neuron's Dashboard page has been open sourced, and users can now customize the front-end interface.

DLT645 driver

The DLT645 driver is suitable for the DL/T 645-2007 communication protocol, and the plug-in supports automatic selection of the corresponding data format according to different data identifiers. Currently the plug-in supports UINT8/UINT64/DOUBLE data type, and supports reading all data identifiers of DI3 = 00, 02 and part of data identifiers of DI3 = 04. The plug-in also supports two connection methods: serial connection and TCP connection.

What's new at a glance

  • The new IEC104 protocol supports the device to actively report the data processing function, which improves the efficiency of IEC104 collecting data points.
  • The integration of the Dashboard data processing engine has been added. Now, after configuring the northbound eKuiper plug-in (the installation package has been configured by default), you can now configure the data processing rules in the data processing options. For details, please refer to the official website documentation.
  • A customized Modbus TCP simulator has been added. The simulator supports reading and writing data with the standard Modbus TCP protocol, and supports the extended Modbus TCP protocol, which can read 65535 bytes of data at a time.
  • Refactoring the implementation of Neuron core code, now Manager and Adapter corresponding to each APP and Driver are implemented by Actor model, so operations will be converted into corresponding message types, and messages will be delivered to the message processing queue corresponding to Manager or Adapter for sequential processing , solves many problems caused by concurrency; and now each module in Neuron core adopts lock-free implementation, which improves stability and performance of docking devices.
  • The parameters of the HTTP API have been refactored, and the ID field used in the API is replaced with the corresponding name of PLUGIN/NODE/GROUP/TAG, which enhances the usability of the HTTP API. There is no need to call other APIs to obtain the corresponding ID when calling the API.

bug fix

  • According to some compilation problems that have received more feedback from the community, Neuron has removed some unnecessary dependent libraries, deleted and merged some duplicate export header files, unified the data structures such as HASH TABLE, LIST, ARRAY used in Neuron, and reduced participation in Neuron projects. Threshold for development; removed features not available in lower kernel versions of Linux to make Neuron usable in lower end devices.
  • Fixed memory leaks found in previous releases.
  • Fixed the abnormal core data found in the previous version and the abnormal connection of some drivers to the device.

other updates

  • Improve the official website documentation of Neuron 2.1.0, add some device configuration examples and some modifications corresponding to the Neuron version.

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