If we have a struct of profiles, and then want to bind a method to this struct, we can do this:

 package main

import "fmt"

type Archive struct {
    name, gender string
    age          int
    mom          *Archive
    dad          *Archive

func (person Archive) FormatArchive() {
    fmt.Printf("name: %s\n", person.name)
    fmt.Printf("gender: %s\n", person.gender)
    fmt.Printf("age: %d\n", person.age)

func main() {
    //    实例化一个结构体
    bill := Archive{name: "bill", age: 17, gender: "Male"}
    //    调用结构体绑定的方法

Then, when we want to change the data of the structure on the method of structure binding, we need to use the pointer, which is as follows:

 package main

import "fmt"

type Archive struct {
    name, gender string
    age          int
    mom          *Archive
    dad          *Archive

func (person Archive) FormatArchive() {
    fmt.Printf("name: %s\n", person.name)
    fmt.Printf("gender: %s\n", person.gender)
    fmt.Printf("age: %d\n", person.age)

func (person *Archive) decrease_age() {
    person.age -= 1

func main() {
    //    实例化一个结构体
    bill := Archive{name: "bill", age: 17, gender: "Male"}
    //    调用结构体绑定的方法

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