Introduction: Technologists join hands to participate, gain insight from multiple perspectives, and explore the road of digital and intelligent innovation with you
At 14:00 on July 19th, "Thousands of warehouses and thousands of warehouses, Qingyun goes straight-Alibaba Cloud Database Upgrade Plan Practical Summit" will be held online. This summit brings together well-known corporate leaders, technical experts, international authoritative consulting agency analysts and ecological partners in the fields of finance and operators, and will analyze in depth from the three dimensions of technology, practice and ecology, and discuss with you the digital transformation of enterprises. new paradigm.
Scan the QR code to book a live broadcast, fill out the survey questionnaire, and win limited-edition peripheral gifts.
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Sneak peek at summit highlights:
- Bringing together business leaders and technical experts in the fields of finance and operators, Shi Hongfei, manager of Shenwan Hongyuan Data Center, and Chen Zhiyang, deputy general manager of Guangdong Mobile Information System Department, will share the practical experience of the upgrade plan and interpret the multiple services provided by the cloud native data warehouse AnalyticDB for customers. Value and technical advantages;
- The first upgrade plan for the entire network - a new generation of cloud-native real-time data warehouse solutions, fully release cloud-native dividends, and help business value agile and online;
- The chief analyst of Forrester, an international authoritative consulting agency, shared "Choosing the Right Database to Help the Digital Transformation of the Financial and Telecommunications Industry" to provide you with professional database selection suggestions and authoritative references;
- Launched the "Upgrade Ecological Alliance Program" to jointly build an open, cooperative and win-win innovative ecology. For details, please refer to:
Make an appointment for the "Alibaba Cloud Database Video Account" live broadcast, lock in the exciting content in advance, and participate in the live broadcast interaction to win gifts
Live interactive lottery rules👇
1. Pay attention to Alibaba Cloud database video account
2. There are three rounds of interactive lottery in the live broadcast, which will start at 10 minutes, 70 minutes, and 110 minutes of the summit. The prizes are 10 mouse pads, 5 commuter backpacks, and 5 customized travel sleep suits;
3. When the anchor starts the "Lucky Bag" lottery event, click the "Lucky Bag" at the top left of the screen to enter "I want a lottery" to participate in the live comment interaction (the time limit for each round of lottery is 3 minutes), and the system randomly selects eligible viewers as winners;
4. The winner will send the delivery address by private message to the anchor with the winning screenshot, and the prize will be sent within one week after the summit
At 14:00 on July 19th, I look forward to exploring the road of digital innovation with you
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