Welcome to SegmentFault, a world of technology for professional programmers and programming enthusiasts, a community of millions + developers, welcome to be a part of it, and your technology journey is about to start.

Get this guide to take you on an in-depth tour of our community!

The community operation staff (ACU) will also be on call at any time 🤓️ @思不小哥[sfxiaojiejie]

While sharing technical content and experiencing community functions, you can also continue to "upgrade", increase your "reputation value" in the community, and unlock new community functions (with higher permissions). Please read carefully below:



There are many ways to gain "reputation points" in the community~

For example, in the Q&A section, answering questions, answering questions are liked, adopting other people's questions, asking questions are favorited, etc.; articles shared in the column section are liked; new users will also get "reputation points" when they are activated.


pay attention! ! ! Reputation points will also "decrease"

When you downvote someone else's answer, the question or answer is downvoted, you cancel the adoption of someone else's answer, the answer is deleted (including your own deletion), and a piece of content you post is received ≥ 6 times because of spam, violations or inappropriate Friendly reports, etc. will be deducted from the prestige value, etc. will be deducted by the prestige value.

How much prestige can be increased/decreased can be found here: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000040650321


Q: What can I do in the community with the above reputation points?
A: You can get the [special permission] of the community

There are 14 permissions waiting for you to unlock🔓, the details are here: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000040650806


31 声望7.4k 粉丝
