When you use OpenHarmony documentation or participate in OpenHarmony documentation/ecological content contribution, have you encountered the following problems:
● Should I write in the first or second person?
● How should the Markdown file be named?
● What style should code blocks and comments use?
● Is there a unified quick reference table for terms and abbreviations?
To answer these questions and help developers, technical authors and other interested developers write better content, the OpenHarmony Documentation Team has released the OpenHarmony Developer Documentation Style Guide.
Detailed reference:

Interpretation of the OpenHarmony Developer Documentation Style Guide

This guide provides normative requirements or reference suggestions for the language style, document structure, and content elements of OpenHarmony documents to ensure that OpenHarmony documents have a consistent style—user perspective, complete, specific, concise, clear, and consistent, while helping developers participate efficiently Documentation contribution. Before starting OpenHarmony document writing, it is recommended to browse the guide, or consult the guide as needed, and write according to the corresponding requirements or suggestions. The main contents of the OpenHarmony Developer Documentation Style Guide are as follows.
● Language style: Mainly define the following topics related specifications or suggestions - Person and voice - Tone and wording - User perspective - Complete - Concrete - Concise - Clear - Consistent ● Document structure: Mainly define the following topics related specifications or suggestions - Title: Title Rules, Title Styles - Paragraphs - Sentences - Contents - Folder and File Naming Content Elements: Mainly define the following topics related specifications or suggestions - Item list - Tables - Pictures: general requirements for pictures, drawings, screenshots - Tips and descriptions - Links : Linking Rules, Linking Styles - Terminology and Abbreviations - Unit Symbols - Punctuation - Character Escapes - File Paths - Codes and Comments: Inline Codes, Code Blocks, Comments - IP and MAC Addresses - Personal Information

We look forward to your feedback

It is hoped that this style guide will assist developers in contributing to OpenHarmony documentation more efficiently. We have seen 400+ community developers participating in the OpenHarmony Docs warehouse contribution. Developers are welcome to participate in the OpenHarmony open source project, continue to pay attention to SIG Docs, provide feedback on documentation suggestions and requirements, and work with us to continuously improve the documentation experience.
Welcome to subscribe to SIG Docs for more documentation information
For details on how to subscribe, please refer to the link below, How to subscribe to the mailing list
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We firmly believe in the co-construction power of community developers, and work hand in hand and side by side to create a healthy and thriving OpenHarmony community.

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