Problem Description

Given a string S consisting of lowercase letters, the duplicate removal operation selects two adjacent and identical letters and removes them.

Repeat the deduplication operation on S until it can no longer be deleted.

Returns the final string after all deduplication operations are done. The answer is guaranteed to be unique.


例如,在 "abbaca" 中,我们可以删除 "bb" 由于两字母相邻且相同,这是此时唯一可以执行删除操作的重复项。
之后我们得到字符串 "aaca",其中又只有 "aa" 可以执行重复项删除操作,所以最后的字符串为 "ca"。
Likou original title address:


Scheme one group stack idea

 var removeDuplicates = function (s) {
    let stack = [] // 1. 创建一个栈数组,用于存放数据
    for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // 2. 遍历字符串执行入栈出栈操作
        // 3. 一开始栈是空的,所以不用看if,直接看else的操作
        if ( === s[i]) { // 5. 若栈中已有的顶部数据项(最后一项)和即将要入栈的数据一致,就说明是重复项了
            stack.pop() // 6. 重复项的话,就删除呗(即将入栈的这一项忽略,同时把栈顶部数据即最后一项删除)
        // 4. 新来的这一项,入栈(尾部追加)
        else {
            stack.push(s[i]) // 栈是特殊的数组,只会用到尾部增push、尾部删pop
    // 7. 最后栈中存放的数据就是不相邻重复的数据
    return stack.join('') // 8. 然后把栈数组转成字符串返回出来即可

There are many applications of stack, but if you encounter the problem of "成对" , you can consider using 栈的思想 to solve it. That is, 尾部增、尾部删。

So, this question can also be used 字符串进行“栈”的操作 , anyway, the tail is added and the tail is deleted.

  • Increment at the end of the string, consider: str = str + 'newStr'
  • Delete the end of the string, consider: str = str.slice(0,-1)
Delete the last item of the string, that is, the 0th to the penultimate item of the reserved string for interception. Note: The slice method intercepts two parameters of the string, and does not include the last item when intercepting, so it is str = str.slice(0,-1)

Therefore, there is the following solution:

Scheme 2 String stack idea

 var removeDuplicates = function (s) {
    let str = '' // 和上方基本一样,只不过由数组栈换成了字符串了。故不赘述了
    for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
        if ( == s[i]) {
            str = str.slice(0, -1) // 尾部删
        } else {
            str = str + s[i] // 尾部增
    return str



Because the tail addition and tail deletion can just be operated in pairs

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