WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure (WAPI) Wireless LAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure - is a wireless network security transmission standard formulated by China, and belongs to the same field as the IEEE 802.11 standard.
The original purpose of WAPI was to solve the security problems in WEP. WAPI was set as the national standard in 2013.
WAPI consists of WAI and WPI. WAP uses public key cryptography and WPI uses a symmetric encryption algorithm.
WAPI uses two-way authentication and encryption. The Authentication Service (AS) is responsible for the issuance, verification and revocation of certificates. Both the wireless client and the access point (AP) are installed with the public key certificate issued by the AS as their own digital identity certificate.
The application modes of WAPI are single point type and centralized type.
Relevant national standard: GB 15629.11-2003
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