In July, the MQTT X team focused on the development of version 1.8.1. The MQTT X desktop version in v1.8.1 will support automatic updates and optimize the MQTT X web page. At present, MQTT X CLI has completed the connection support and user property setting support for MQTT 5.0, and a conn command has been added to quickly test the connection, and the bench command will be added in the future, which will support the performance test of the MQTT protocol in some scenarios.

MQTT X desktop application

Automatic update function

At present, the development of this function has been preliminarily completed, and the final functional test is in progress. When testing under different operating systems, the software update can be completed without manually downloading the installation package. When the user receives the upgrade prompt, just click Update to automatically upgrade the version to the latest in the software, eliminating the need for manual The tedious operation of downloading the installation package. After the automatic update function is supported, users will experience new functions faster and improve the user experience. This feature will be officially released in v1.8.1.

Default MQTT 5.0 connection

In previous versions, MQTT X defaulted to MQTT 3.1.1 connections. As the most complete MQTT client tool that currently supports MQTT 5.0 features, we have modified the MQTT version of MQTT X default connection to 5.0 in the latest version, so that more users can quickly use and experience the new features of MQTT 5.0.


MQTT 5.0 support

MQTT X has now completed the connection support for MQTT 5.0, and uses the MQTT 5.0 connection by default when using it. At the same time, a new user property parameter - User Properties, supports setting user properties when connecting, publishing, and subscribing. E.g:

 mqttx pub -t 'hello' -h '' -p 1883 -m 'from MQTTX CLI' -up "name: mqttx" "company: EMQ"

Added conn command

In the current version 1.8.0, only two commands, pub and sub, are supported, that is, fast publish and subscribe. For some simple scenarios that only need to test the connectivity of the MQTT service, the conn command is more convenient.

 mqttx conn -h '' -p 1883 -u 'admin' -P 'public'

The above new features will be officially released in MQTT X CLI 1.8.1.


The MQTT X Web online trial address has been modified to:

Just visit the above address, you can quickly use this online MQTT 5.0 client tool, connect to MQTT Broker through MQTT over WebSocket, and test message publishing and receiving in the browser, and quickly develop and debug your MQTT services and applications.

In version 1.8.1, we will continue to optimize the page style, improve the test function and so on.

future plan

MQTT X is still in the process of continuous enhancement and improvement, in order to bring more practical and powerful functions to users and facilitate the testing and development of the IoT platform.

Next we will focus on the following:

  • User experience upgrade
  • MQTT X CLI will support bench command
  • Plugin system (e.g. support for SparkPlug B, integration of MQTT X CLI)
  • Script function optimization
  • Launched MQTT X Mobile mobile application
  • Improve MQTT X Web function
  • MQTT Debug function

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EMQ(杭州映云科技有限公司)是一家开源物联网数据基础设施软件供应商,交付全球领先的开源 MQTT 消息服务器和流处理数据库,提供基于云原生+边缘计算技术的一站式解决方案,实现企业云边端实时数据连接、移动、...