Introduction: A comprehensive analysis manual covering the evolution history of DevOps, core concepts and Alibaba DevOps best practices, revealing the secrets of Alibaba's efficient R&D!

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What is DevOps that is popular all over the world?

How to use DevOps for efficient R&D?

How did Alibaba quickly land DevOps?

How to enjoy DevOps dividends and build your own elite delivery team?

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Five chapters cover the evolution history of DevOps, core concepts and a comprehensive analysis of Alibaba's best practices. From DevOps to cloud effect architects, they will teach you how to build a DevOps platform. You are only short of this e-book for efficient R&D!

1. Opening

First, let's take a brief look at what DevOps is and where the term comes from. Here I divide the development history of DevOps into three stages: the birth period, the definition period and the landing period.

So what is a high-performance R&D team? We can refer to a table in the "2018 DevOps Status Report": it can be deployed once per hour or once a day, one version can be launched in one day or one week, the service recovery time is less than one day, and the change failure rate is less than 15%. However, this number is actually not good-looking. Taking our own example, the Alibaba R&D platform team can easily release production multiple times a day, with an availability of 99.95% and a change failure rate of less than 5%.

These requirements seem common to Alibaba. How did Alibaba come through step by step, and how should other companies replicate these experiences? >> Click to learn about Alibaba's DevOps culture

2. Agile R&D

With the rapid development of new technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and IOT, the business of enterprises will be built on software and the Internet. Software delivery capability has become the core competitiveness of enterprises. With the intensification of market competition, enterprises have higher and higher expectations for R&D efficiency.

However, the continuous emergence of new technologies and new business formats has made the business of enterprises more and more complex, and collaboration among various teams has become more and more difficult, and the R&D efficiency of enterprises has shown a downward trend. There is a huge "gap" between "expectation" and "reality", which is exactly what we are working towards. This is the fundamental reason why we want to improve R&D efficiency.
In actual development, what are the three major problems that affect the improvement of R&D efficiency? How to achieve lean and agile R&D? >> The answer is here, click for details

3. Code Management

In order to support Alibaba's overall business development, the R&D team has to maintain 6 systems at the same time. Among them, the Gitlab technology stack is based on Ruby, Phabricator is based on PHP, SVN is based on C, and Gerrit is based on Java, which increases the daily development and maintenance work of developers. a lot of burden. In this context, DevOps came into being, which greatly improved the efficiency of research and development. >> Click to learn how to efficiently research and develop like Alibaba

4. Continuous Delivery

To achieve continuous delivery at scale, it is important to have a set of tools to fully support the R&D model. The R&D architecture should have certain flexibility and scalability, but this is not enough for enterprises, and it must also have out-of-the-box capabilities. >> Click to understand the large-scale implementation of enterprise CICD

5. Solutions

This chapter details how to deliver effective value smoothly and with high quality through three case studies and a hands-on practice.
Smooth means that there are no repetitions and obstacles in the delivery process, and it is completed quickly; high quality means that there are fewer curves in the delivery process and fewer online failures after delivery; effective value means that the demand made is really what the user wants. >> Click to learn Cloud Effect Architect teaches you how to build a DevOps platform

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The Alibaba Cloud developer community - the series of e-books from the Cangjingge, brings together the technical essence of the first-tier manufacturers, and the explosions continue. Click the link to get massive free ebooks: https://developer.aliyun.com/ebook

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