Author: Shen Guangyu

A member of the DBA team in the Southern District of Aikesheng, mainly responsible for MySQL fault handling and performance optimization. Persistence in technology, responsible for customers.

Source of this article: original contribution

*The original content is produced by the open source community of Aikesheng, and the original content shall not be used without authorization. For reprinting, please contact the editor and indicate the source.

1. Background

A customer's MySQL instance has a large amount of data (the amount of data on T), and the full/incremental data in MySQL needs to be quickly migrated to DBLE. TiDB DM supports multi-threaded data export, import and incremental synchronization, so TiDB DM is selected as the data migration tool. This article takes this case as the background to introduce the method of using TiDB DM to migrate data from MySQL to DBLE and some problems encountered.

2. Schematic diagram of data migration and server environment

(1) The schematic diagram of data migration is as follows:

(2) The server environment is as follows:

Server IP Role port Version Remark dm master 8261/8291 V2.0.7 tiup install node dm worker 8262 V2.0.7 SRC MySQL 4490 MySQL 8.0.18 DBLE 8066 DBLE DBLE datanode 4408 MySQL 8.0.25 DBLE datanode 4408 MySQL 8.0.25

3. Install TiDB DM

(1) Prepare the environment and install tiup

 #分别在dm master和worker节点主机创建tidb用户,密码为dmadmin,并配置sudo
shell> useradd tidb
shell> echo "dmadmin" | passwd tidb --stdin
shell> echo "tidb ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/tidb

shell> su - tidb
shell> ssh-keygen -t rsa
shell> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ tidb@
shell> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ tidb@

shell> curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
shell> source .bash_profile
shell> which tiup

shell> tiup install dm dmctl:v2.0.7
component dm version v1.10.2 is already installed
download 26.92 MiB / 26.92 MiB 100.00% 10.01 MiB/s

(2) Install dm-cluster

shell> tiup dm template > dm_topology.yaml
shell> cat dm_topology.yaml  |grep -v ^[#-] |grep -v ^$
  user: "tidb"
  ssh_port: 22
  deploy_dir: "/home/tidb/dm/deploy"
  data_dir: "/home/tidb/dm/data"
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
shell> tiup dm deploy dm-test v2.0.7 ./dm_topology.yaml --user tidb -i /home/tidb/.ssh/id_rsa
shell> tiup dm start dm-test
[tidb@10_186_65_83 ~]$ tiup dm display dm-test
tiup is checking updates for component dm ...
Starting component `dm`: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/dm/v1.10.2/tiup-dm display dm-test
Cluster type:       dm
Cluster name:       dm-test
Cluster version:    v2.0.7
Deploy user:        tidb
SSH type:           builtin
Grafana URL:
ID                  Role          Host           Ports      OS/Arch       Status     Data Dir                              Deploy Dir
--                  ----          ----           -----      -------       ------     --------                              ----------   alertmanager   9093/9094  linux/x86_64  Up         /home/tidb/dm/data/alertmanager-9093  /home/tidb/dm/deploy/alertmanager-9093   dm-master   8261/8291  linux/x86_64  Healthy|L  /home/tidb/dm/data/dm-master-8261     /home/tidb/dm/deploy/dm-master-8261  dm-worker  8262       linux/x86_64  Free       /home/tidb/dm/data/dm-worker-8262     /home/tidb/dm/deploy/dm-worker-8262   grafana   3000       linux/x86_64  Up         -                                     /home/tidb/dm/deploy/grafana-3000   prometheus   9090       linux/x86_64  Up         /home/tidb/dm/data/prometheus-9090    /home/tidb/dm/deploy/prometheus-9090
Total nodes: 5

Fourth, DBLE configuration

(1) db.xml

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
<dble:db xmlns:dble="">
    <dbGroup name="dbGroup1" rwSplitMode="0" delayThreshold="-1">
        <heartbeat>select 1</heartbeat>
        <dbInstance name="host_1" url="" user="sgy" password="QfnHoIeIYL7ZT+EdJMYNuiLw6glbx2hEyrqxK+uxFPU8vja8vZHCLEKvKBOt1vOJdXCCgW7wNidJaTYWORDaUg==" maxCon="2000" minCon="50" primary="true"  usingDecrypt="true"></dbInstance>
    <dbGroup name="dbGroup2" rwSplitMode="0" delayThreshold="-1">
        <heartbeat>select 1</heartbeat>
        <dbInstance name="host_2" url="" user="sgy" password="d+rG/82+4h21ARS8D6Gu5MIFQ2UBC0h+ZS0EI7bvWAtTJUBsKuFY8+AVZtW1pZk+qtISoI2WpVt29Z9eqMRP5A==" maxCon="2000" minCon="50" primary="true"  usingDecrypt="true"></dbInstance>

(2) sharding.xml

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
<dble:sharding xmlns:dble="" >
    <schema name="dm_meta" sqlMaxLimit="-1">
        <singleTable name="mysql_sync_to_dble_loader_checkpoint" shardingNode="dm_meta" />
        <singleTable name="mysql_sync_to_dble_syncer_checkpoint" shardingNode="dm_meta" />
    <schema name="sbtest" sqlMaxLimit="-1">
        <shardingTable name="sbtest1" shardingNode="dn1,dn2,dn3,dn4" sqlMaxLimit="-1" shardingColumn="id" function="pro_func_jumpHash"></shardingTable>
        <shardingTable name="sbtest2" shardingNode="dn1,dn2,dn3,dn4" sqlMaxLimit="-1" shardingColumn="id" function="pro_func_jumpHash"></shardingTable>
        <shardingTable name="t1" shardingNode="dn1,dn2,dn3,dn4" sqlMaxLimit="-1" shardingColumn="c1" function="pro_func_jumpHash"></shardingTable>
        <shardingTable name="t2" shardingNode="dn1,dn2,dn3,dn4" sqlMaxLimit="-1" shardingColumn="c1" function="pro_func_jumpHash"></shardingTable>

    <shardingNode name="dn1" dbGroup="dbGroup1" database="dh_dn1"></shardingNode>
    <shardingNode name="dn2" dbGroup="dbGroup1" database="dh_dn2"></shardingNode>
     <shardingNode name="dn3" dbGroup="dbGroup2" database="dh_dn3"></shardingNode>
    <shardingNode name="dn4" dbGroup="dbGroup2" database="dh_dn4"></shardingNode>
    <shardingNode name="dm_meta" dbGroup="dbGroup1" database="dm_meta"/>
    <function name="pro_func_jumpHash" class="jumpStringHash">
        <property name="partitionCount">4</property>
        <property name="hashSlice">0:0</property>

dm同步任务名 + _loader_checkpoint 即表mysql_sync_to_dble_loader_checkpoint
dm同步任务名 + _syncer_checkpoint 即表mysql_sync_to_dble_syncer_checkpoint

(3) user.xml

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
<dble:user xmlns:dble="">
    <managerUser name="root" password="RYQdYYnzbcZlDuhV4LhJxFTM8kbU3d0y183LU+FgRWzNscvvvFPcdmeEKMdswMyzIaA+kObcozliHEYAlT0AjA==" usingDecrypt="true"></managerUser>
    <shardingUser name="sz" schemas="sbtest,dm_meta" password="jyaXmGFU+mdTGbUZIVbdEcVwItLPI+Yjxdq4wkOzhAYRB29WGZJd0/PkTJh3ky/v4E2yYoqgUzJXPzPRPiQF0Q==" usingDecrypt="true" readOnly="false" maxCon="1000"></shardingUser>

(4) Log in to the DBLE management terminal to execute the create physical database command

 shell> /data/mysql/base/5.7.36/bin/mysql -uroot -padmin -h -P 9066
dble> create database @@shardingNode = 'dn$1-4';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

dble> create database @@shardingNode = 'dm_meta';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

5. Create test data on the source MySQL stress test

 /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_insert.lua --mysql-db=sbtest --mysql-host= --mysql-port=4490  --mysql-user=sgy --mysql-password=admin  --tables=2 --table-size=1000000 --threads=16 --time=60 --report-interval=1 --max-requests=0 --percentile=95 --mysql-ignore-errors=1062   prepare
sysbench 1.0.17 (using system LuaJIT 2.0.4)

Initializing worker threads...

Creating table 'sbtest1'...
Creating table 'sbtest2'...
Inserting 1000000 records into 'sbtest2'
Inserting 1000000 records into 'sbtest1'
Creating a secondary index on 'sbtest2'...
Creating a secondary index on 'sbtest1'...

shell> /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua --mysql-db=sbtest --mysql-host= --mysql-port=4490  --mysql-user=sgy --mysql-password=admin  --tables=2 --table-size=2000000 --threads=16 --time=6000 --report-interval=1 --max-requests=0 --percentile=95 --mysql-ignore-errors=1062   run
sysbench 1.0.17 (using system LuaJIT 2.0.4)

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 16
Report intermediate results every 1 second(s)
Initializing random number generator from current time

Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

[ 1s ] thds: 16 tps: 585.44 qps: 11916.49 (r/w/o: 8360.33/1282.63/2273.53) lat (ms,95%): 55.82 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
[ 2s ] thds: 16 tps: 744.18 qps: 14819.02 (r/w/o: 10379.16/1609.36/2830.50) lat (ms,95%): 41.85 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
[ 3s ] thds: 16 tps: 605.11 qps: 12144.20 (r/w/o: 8500.54/1321.24/2322.42) lat (ms,95%): 47.47 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
[ 4s ] thds: 16 tps: 773.91 qps: 15558.16 (r/w/o: 10881.71/1737.79/2938.65) lat (ms,95%): 41.10 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00

6. Start the data synchronization task

(1) Configure the data source

shell> tiup dmctl encrypt 'admin'

shell> cat mysql_source_14_4490.yaml
source-id: "mysql_source_14_4490"
  host: ""
  port: 4490
  user: "sgy"
  password: "dmXgktpuF18RP1mDN/B2UkA6pDN9PQ=="
shell> tiup dmctl --master-addr  operate-source create ./mysql_source_14_4490.yaml
Starting component `dmctl`: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/dmctl/v2.0.7/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr operate-source create ./mysql_source_14_4490.yaml
    "result": true,
    "msg": "",
    "sources": [
            "result": true,
            "msg": "",
            "source": "mysql_source_14_4490",
            "worker": "dm-"

shell> tiup dmctl --master-addr  operate-source show
    "result": true,
    "msg": "",
    "sources": [
            "result": true,
            "msg": "",
            "source": "mysql_source_14_4490",
            "worker": "dm-"

(2) Configure synchronization tasks

shell> cat mysql_sync_to_dble.yaml
name: "mysql_sync_to_dble"      #同步任务名
task-mode: "all"                #全量 + Binlog 实时同步
clean-dump-file: true
timezone: "Asia/Shanghai"
ignore-checking-items: ["auto_increment_ID"]
  host: ""           #DBLE主机IP地址
  port: 8066                    #DBLE流量端口
  user: "sz"                    #连接DBLE的用户
  password: "KRfSNtdxe63tehpnCYoCz0ABdUGivg=="    #连接DBLE用户密码,用tiup dmctl encrypt 'password'生成

  source-id: "mysql_source_14_4490"
  block-allow-list: "global"
  mydumper-config-name: "global"
  loader-config-name:   "global"
  syncer-config-name: "global"

    do-dbs: ["sbtest"]            #只迁移sbtest库

    extra-args: "-B sbtest"      #只dump sbtest库

    pool-size: 8

    worker-count: 8


shell> tiup dmctl:v2.0.7 --master-addr=  check-task ./mysql_sync_to_dble.yaml
Starting component `dmctl`: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/dmctl/v2.0.7/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr= check-task ./mysql_sync_to_dble.yaml
    "result": true,
    "msg": "check pass!!!"

shell> tiup dmctl:v2.0.7 --master-addr=  start-task ./mysql_sync_to_dble.yaml
Starting component `dmctl`: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/dmctl/v2.0.7/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr= start-task ./mysql_sync_to_dble.yaml
    "result": true,
    "msg": "",
    "sources": [
            "result": true,
            "msg": "",
            "source": "mysql_source_14_4490",
            "worker": "dm-"

shell> ls -lh /home/tidb/dm/deploy/dm-worker-8262/dumped_data.mysql_sync_to_dble
total 384M
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 187 Aug  5 14:04 metadata
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 48M Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest1.0000000000000.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 48M Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest1.0000000010000.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 48M Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest1.0000000020000.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 48M Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest1.0000000030000.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 369 Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest1-schema.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 48M Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest2.0000000000000.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 48M Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest2.0000000010000.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 48M Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest2.0000000020000.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 48M Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest2.0000000030000.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 369 Aug  5 14:04 sbtest.sbtest2-schema.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 tidb tidb 152 Aug  5 14:04 sbtest-schema-create.sql

shell> head /home/tidb/dm/deploy/dm-worker-8262/dumped_data.mysql_sync_to_dble/sbtest-schema-create.sql
/*!40101 SET NAMES binary*/;
CREATE DATABASE `sbtest` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin */ /*!80016 DEFAULT ENCRYPTION='N' */;

shell> head /home/tidb/dm/deploy/dm-worker-8262/dumped_data.mysql_sync_to_dble/sbtest.sbtest1-schema.sql
/*!40101 SET NAMES binary*/;
CREATE TABLE `sbtest1` (
  `k` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `c` char(120) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `pad` char(60) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `k_1` (`k`)

shell> head /home/tidb/dm/deploy/dm-worker-8262/dumped_data.mysql_sync_to_dble/sbtest.sbtest1.0000000000000.sql
/*!40101 SET NAMES binary*/;
INSERT INTO `sbtest1` (`id`,`k`,`c`,`pad`) VALUES

(3) View synchronization task status

 shell> tiup dmctl:v2.0.7 --master-addr=  query-status ./mysql_sync_to_dble.yaml
Starting component `dmctl`: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/dmctl/v2.0.7/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr= query-status ./mysql_sync_to_dble.yaml
    "result": true,
    "msg": "",
    "sources": [
            "result": true,
            "msg": "",
            "sourceStatus": {
                "source": "mysql_source_14_4490",
                "worker": "dm-",
                "result": null,
                "relayStatus": null
            "subTaskStatus": [
                    "name": "mysql_sync_to_dble",
                    "stage": "Running",
                    "unit": "Sync",
                    "result": null,
                    "unresolvedDDLLockID": "",
                    "sync": {
                        "totalEvents": "425355",
                        "totalTps": "1203",
                        "recentTps": "2386",
                        "masterBinlog": "(mysql-bin.000027, 76114275)",
                        "masterBinlogGtid": "c7827165-bf89-11ec-92e6-02000aba410e:1-5091258",
                        "syncerBinlog": "(mysql-bin.000026, 229462770)",
                        "syncerBinlogGtid": "",
                        "blockingDDLs": [
                        "unresolvedGroups": [
                        "synced": false,
                        "binlogType": "remote",
                        "secondsBehindMaster": "38"

7. Verify data

mysql> select count(*) from sbtest.sbtest1;
| count(*) |
|  1116471 |
1 row in set (0.68 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from sbtest.sbtest2;
| count(*) |
|  1117020 |
1 row in set (0.54 sec)

dble> select count(*) from sbtest.sbtest1;
| count(*) |
|  1116471 |
1 row in set (1.04 sec)

dble> select count(*) from sbtest.sbtest2;
| count(*) |
|  1117020 |
1 row in set (1.58 sec)

mysql> update sbtest.sbtest1 set c=uuid() where id=20;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from sbtest.sbtest1 where id=20;
| id | k      | c                                    | pad                                                         |
| 20 | 501448 | 24649f0f-14d1-11ed-b4f2-02000aba410e | 91052688950-96415657187-00012408429-12357288330-41295735957 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

dble> select * from sbtest.sbtest1 where id=20;
| id | k      | c                                    | pad                                                         |
| 20 | 501448 | 24649f0f-14d1-11ed-b4f2-02000aba410e | 91052688950-96415657187-00012408429-12357288330-41295735957 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Eight, matters needing attention

(1) TiDB DM version requirements: TiDB DM v2.0.7

(2) When importing data volume, you need to close the DBLE slow query log

shell> mysql --prompt='dble>' -uroot -p -h -P 9066
dble> show @@slow_query_log;   
| @@slow_query_log |
| 1                |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
dble> disable @@slow_query_log;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
disable slow_query_log success
dble> enable @@slow_query_log;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
enable slow_query_log success

(3) Check whether there is a program similar to pt-kill running on the source MySQL instance

[ERROR] [subtask.go:311] ["unit process error"] [subtask=oms-sync-receiver] [unit=Dump] ["error information"="{\"ErrCode\":32001,\"ErrClass\":\"dump-unit\",\"ErrScope\":\"internal\",\"ErrLevel\":\"high\",\"Message\":\"mydumper/dumpling runs with error, with output (may empty): \",\"RawCause\":\"invalid connection\"}"]


(4) If you need to modify the structure of the target table during migration, if the source table has a partition and the target table does not need to create a partition or modify the table character set (utf8mb4 is recommended) after the target table is fragmented, you can first change the table structure from Export the source library, import it into DBLE after modification, or modify the table structure after importing DBLE, and finally open the DM synchronization task.

(5) The field order of the source and target tables must be consistent, otherwise data inconsistency may result. When the two fields are both varchar and the lengths are not equal, the synchronization task will not report an error, but the value written to the target table may be truncated. As shown below:

When the DM task starts and connects to the target, the session level sql_mode will be set to the following values:

426 声望207 粉丝

成立于 2017 年,以开源高质量的运维工具、日常分享技术干货内容、持续的全国性的社区活动为社区己任;目前开源的产品有:SQL审核工具 SQLE,分布式中间件 DBLE、数据传输组件DTLE。