1. Introduction
svelte-ui is a desktop UI component library based on svelte3.x architecture. It has now been upgraded to version 2.0 ( 30+ components). 15+ components have been added and optimized on the original basis.
SvelteUI includes commonly used functions such as buttons, text boxes, drop-down boxes, tables, forms, and message prompts.
Second, the introduction of components
Quickly introduce components as follows.
import {
} from 'svelte-ui'
3. Quick use example
- Form form rule rule validation
let ruleFormDom
let formRules = {
name: '',
region: '',
delivery: false,
type: [],
resource: '',
summary: '',
let rules = {
name: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入活动名称', trigger: 'blur' },
{ min: 3, max: 5, message: '长度在 3 到 5 个字符', trigger: 'change' }
region: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择活动区域', trigger: 'change' }
type: [
{ type: 'array', required: true, message: '请至少选择一个活动性质', trigger: 'change' }
resource: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择活动资源', trigger: 'change' }
// summary: [
// { required: true, message: '请填写活动详情', trigger: 'blur' }
// ]
function onSubmitRules() {
ruleFormDom.validate((valid) => {
if(valid) {
}else {
console.log('error submit!')
return false
function onResetRules() {
formRules = {
name: '',
region: '',
delivery: false,
type: [],
resource: '',
summary: '',
<Form bind:model={formRules} rules={rules} bind:this={ruleFormDom}>
<FormItem label="活动名称" prop="name">
<Input bind:value={formRules.name} />
<FormItem label="活动区域" prop="region">
<Select bind:value={formRules.region} clearable>
<Option label="区域1" value="beijing" />
<Option label="区域2" value="shanghai" />
<FormItem label="即时配送" prop="delivery" required message="请勾选即时配送" trigger="change">
<Switch bind:checked={formRules.delivery} />
<FormItem label="活动性质" prop="type">
<CheckboxGroup bind:checked={formRules.type}>
<Checkbox label="美食/餐厅线上活动" />
<Checkbox label="亲子主题" />
<Checkbox label="品牌推广" />
<FormItem label="特殊资源" prop="resource">
<RadioGroup bind:checked={formRules.resource}>
<Radio label="线上品牌商赞助" />
<Radio label="线下场地免费" />
<FormItem label="活动详情" prop="summary" rules={[{ required: true, message: '请填写活动详情', trigger: 'blur' }]}>
<Input bind:value={formRules.summary} type="textarea" rows={3} />
<Button type="primary" on:click={onSubmitRules}>立即创建</Button>
<Button on:click={onResetRules}>重置</Button>
Table comprehensive table supports fixed header/column, single/multiple selection and content beyond scroll bar display.
let tableData3 = Mock.mock({ total: 100, page: 1, pagesize: 5, 'list|10': [ { id: '@id()', author: '@cname()', title: '@ctitle(10, 20)', image: 'https://picsum.photos/400/400?random=' + '@guid()', switch: '@boolean()', 'tags|1': ['admin', 'test', 'dev'], progress: '@integer(30, 90)', date: '@datetime()' } ] }) let tableColumns3 = [ {type: 'selection', align: 'center', width: 50, fixed: true}, // 多选 {type: 'index', align: 'center', width: 80}, // 索引序号 {prop: 'author', label: '作者', align: 'center', width: 120}, {prop: 'title', label: '标题', align: 'left', width: 350}, {slot: 'image', label: '图片', align: 'center', width: 120}, {slot: 'switch', label: '推荐', align: 'center', width: 100}, {slot: 'tags', label: '标签', align: 'center', width: 100}, {slot: 'progress', label: '热度', align: 'center', width: 150}, {prop: 'date', label: '发布时间', align: 'left', width: 300}, // 时间 {slot: 'btns', label: '操作', align: 'center', width: 150, fixed: 'right'}, // 操作 ] let tableEl let selectionData = [] let headerData = [] function handleSelectRow(rowIndex) { tableEl.setCurrent(rowIndex) } function handleClearSelect() { tableEl.setCurrent() } function handleSelectionChange(e) { console.log('selection change选中行数据>>:', e.detail) selectionData = e.detail } function handleHeaderClick(e) { console.log('header click选中表头数据>>:', e.detail) headerData = e.detail } <Button type="primary" size="small" on:click={()=>handleSelectRow(0)}>选择第一行</Button> <Button type="primary" size="small" on:click={()=>handleSelectRow([1,2])}>切换第二、第三行的选中状态</Button> <Button type="primary" size="small" on:click={handleClearSelect}>取消选择</Button> <Table dataSource={tableData3.list} columns={tableColumns3} stripe border highlightCurrentRow let:row let:col let:index on:selectionChange={handleSelectionChange} on:headerClick={handleHeaderClick} style="height: 300px;" bind:this={tableEl} > {#if col.slot == 'image'} <img src={row.image} style="height: 50px; width: 50px;" alt="" /> {:else if col.slot == 'switch'} <Switch checked={row.switch} /> {:else if col.slot == 'tags'} <Tag type="warning" effect="dark" size="mini">{row.tags}</Tag> {:else if col.slot == 'progress'} <Progress percent={row.progress} color="#1fb925" showtext="false" strokeWidth={6} style="width: 100px;" /> {:else if col.slot == 'btns'} <Button type="text">编辑</Button> <Button type="text">删除</Button> {/if} </Table>
Message message prompt
Message('这是一条默认提示信息') Message.success('恭喜你,这是一条成功消息', 10) // 10s后关闭 Message({ type: 'warning', title: '警告哦,这是一条警告消息' }) Message({ type: 'danger', title: '错了哦,这是一条错误消息', description: '这是一段描述性文字提示', effect: 'dark' }) Message.info('这是一条消息提示')
The above is an introduction to the usage examples of some components. Does it feel very similar to element-ui? Yes, I used its ideas for reference at the beginning of the design.
Well, let's share it here today. In the future, I will share some other functional examples with you.
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