Introduction: The first Alibaba Cloud Observable Technology Summit, organized by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology as the guiding unit, jointly organized by Alibaba Cloud and Grafana Labs, and hosted by the cloud native application platform and Tianchi platform, focuses on the theme of "observability and open source". F6 enterprise front-line leaders, Grafana, Prometheus project leaders, presented rich and practical reference to the audience with wonderful sharing and discussions.
With the implementation of enterprise digital transformation, business growth and IT infrastructure are more and more closely related. Cloud native not only reshapes enterprise IT architecture, but also changes operation and maintenance systems and processes. The concept of "observable" came into being and became an important standard for measuring the level of enterprise IT governance. From problem location and risk identification to cost management, business continuity governance and even business growth, observable technologies and data are relied upon. It can be said that observability plays an important role in the era of digital transformation and cloud native.
The first Alibaba Cloud Observable Technology Summit organized by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology as the guiding unit, jointly organized by Alibaba Cloud and Grafana Labs, hosted by the cloud native application platform and Tianchi platform, focused on the theme of "observability and open source", and invited AIA, AIFLU F6 enterprises Front-line leaders, Grafana, and Prometheus project leaders present rich and practical reference for the audience with wonderful sharing and discussions.
1. "Alibaba Cloud Observable Technology Summit Speech Record Collection" released
In order to help more operation and maintenance engineers, architects, CTO/CIO, better understand observable trends and obtain observable best practice experience. Alibaba Cloud sorted out the speech records of nearly 10 industry experts and technical leaders at the Alibaba Cloud Observable Technology Summit. The total text content exceeds 50,000 words, which can be said to be full of dry goods. The content covers mainstream open source projects such as Opentelemetry and Prometheus, as well as different industries such as finance and insurance, international events, and enterprise services, helping enterprises to better analyze the challenges and application values in the process of implementing observables.
2. A first look at the wonderful viewpoints
(1) Based on its own practice, Alibaba Cloud's judgment on observable trends
As one of the first pioneers in China to practice microservice architecture and DevOps on a large scale, Alibaba Cloud believes that as an important part of connecting infrastructure downwards and carrying services upwards, applications are the best observation perspective in the cloud-native era, and have the following trends :
Observability becomes a prerequisite for the release of cloud-native dividends
Enterprises' requirements for operation and maintenance are no longer limited to passively discovering problems, but more timely, active and accurate discovery of problems and insight into the causes, providing decision-making basis for pre-event prevention, in-process processing, and post-event review. At the same time, the types of observable data related to applications are constantly enriched, and indicators, logs, events, and links are connected to each other, and the business value behind them is continuously released.
The trend of fragmented observation has become a reality, and excellent open source projects have become the standard
With the popularity of application orchestration technology with Kubernetes as the core, observable scenarios and technologies are flourishing, decentralized observation, and fragmented observation have become a trend. Among them, excellent open source observable standards and implementations such as Prometheus, Grafana, and OpenTelemetry have become mainstream.
Observability is the core element to ensure safe production and business continuity
More than just big promotion guarantees and daily rotation, how to build observable capabilities that meet business needs around their actual business needs and ensure business continuity has become a business challenge for many SRE teams.
(2) Let the observable data truly be more than observation
As a leader in the domestic observable field, Alibaba Cloud does not try to solve all problems with one-stop products or solutions. Alibaba Cloud actively embraces the open source ecosystem and provides Prometheus monitoring services, Grafana services, and link tracking services compatible with mainstream open source protocols such as OpenTelemetry and Skywalking. Together, they form a new generation of Alibaba Cloud observability suites. Use standardized technology to connect inventory and fragment observable data downwards, and help customers to form their own unique observable solutions without vendor lock-in, and form observables for indicator storage analysis, link storage analysis, and heterogeneous data source integration. The data layer, through standard PromQL and SQL, provides data display, alarm and data exploration capabilities. Give data value to different scenarios such as IT cost management, enterprise risk management, intelligent operation and maintenance, and business continuity assurance, so that observable data can truly be more than just observation.
In the era where everything is a cloud, observability makes cloud computing easier and more efficient, and it also maximizes the business value of observable data. "Observation" has become an essential core competency for every IT person. More than just observations, observables help companies analyze, gain insights, and enable high-quality decision-making and business innovation. Alibaba Cloud will continue to promote the evolution and implementation of observable technologies to help enterprises truly achieve high-quality digital transformation and innovation.
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