Introduction: On August 25th, Alibaba Cloud Computing Nest Software Free Trial Center was officially launched, providing customers with automated delivery of ISV software trial products, including NebulaGraph, PingCAP, GitLab, EMQ, Shuyun, UFIDA, TDengine, etc. 1 month free trial available.

Compute Nest is a service management PaaS platform that Alibaba Cloud opens to enterprise application service providers and their customers. Software service providers can publish privatized deployment services on Alibaba Cloud Computing Nest, providing their customers with the ability to deploy software on the cloud with one click; at the same time, they also support services in a fully managed mode, enabling software service providers to host their customer resources.

Compute Nest actively helps software service providers create 6S-level enterprise services, helps software delivery efficiency increase by 10 times, and achieves low-cost large-scale delivery; by building a unified large intranet, it helps software service providers and customers build secure cloud Internet; at the same time , to provide active operation and maintenance mode to ensure the stability of software operation.  title=

At present, more and more enterprises are starting to go to the cloud, including the cloudification of enterprise software, hoping to accelerate business innovation through cloud computing technology. However, today's enterprises typically encounter the following three problems when conducting software trials on the cloud:

  1. The deployment process is complicated: the deployment of traditional software cannot be the same as that of SaaS services, and it can be used only by opening an account;
  2. The trial review process is inefficient : the trial application process covers the application submission, voucher issuance, connection between the two parties, business verification and reporting, and financial approval. Each link requires manual follow-up and connection. The trial period becomes longer.
  3. The voucher model lacks universality and accuracy : During the trial of software on the cloud, the cost of cloud resources required for the deployment environment will be involved. The traditional solution is to provide vouchers to cover the problem of cloud resource coverage during the trial period. . The vouchers issued by software service providers cannot be completely accurate. If the vouchers cannot cover the entire trial period, the user's trial experience will be affected.

The free trial center of ComputeNest software released this time can solve the pain points of the traditional software trial process of long and high trial and error cost, and provide a new experience of fast and out-of-the-box cloud applications. In the Computation Nest Software Free Trial Center, users can directly find the software that needs to be tried, click on the free trial and submit the application to enter the review process. After the review is passed, the software can be tried directly, saving weeks of approval and docking time, and the trial experience Huge improvements.


As one of the first service providers to open a free trial, NebulaGraph helps customers quickly build a graph database cluster on the cloud through Alibaba Cloud Computing Nest service. Qiao Lei, cloud native R&D engineer of NebulaGraph , spoke highly of the value of the Computation Nest Software Free Trial Center to cloud customers, he said: "A large number of users have used the Computation Nest Software Free Trial Center to further understand and try out the functional details of NebulaGraph. Users can create a graph database instance within 5 minutes through Compute Nest, and the whole trial process is pleasant and smooth for both us and users, and the trial efficiency is greatly improved.”

At present, hundreds of ISV partners have settled in Compute Nest, and will gradually support the free trial of the software. ComputeNest will continue to explore with ISV partners in various fields, taking the free trial center as the entry point to provide users with simpler, safer and more stable cloud-native applications, provide users with greater value, and accelerate the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises .

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