Original address: Everything about null in JavaScript

Original author: Dmitri Pavlutin

Translator: Gopal

JavaScript There are two types: primitive ( strings, booleans, numbers, symbols ) and object

An object is a complex data structure. The simplest JavaScript objects are ordinary objects -- collections of keys and associated values

 let myObject = {
  name: 'Eric Cartman'

But in many cases an object cannot be created. In this case, JavaScript provides a special value null indicating that the object is missing

 let myObject = null;

In this article, you will learn everything about JavaScript in null : what it means, how to detect it, null and undefined The difference between undefined , and why a lot of use null will make code maintenance difficult, etc.

1. The concept of null

JavaScript Described in the specification null

null is a primitive type that intentionally does not contain any object value

If you see null (assigned to a variable or returned by a function), there should have been an object at that location, but for some reason an object was not created

For example, the function greetObject() creates an object, but can also return null if the object cannot be created:

 function greetObject(who) {
  if (!who) {
    return null;
  return { message: `Hello, ${who}!` };

greetObject('Eric'); // => { message: 'Hello, Eric!' }
greetObject();       // => null

When a string parameter is passed in the above function, as expected, the function returns an object { message: 'Hello, Eric!' }

However, when no parameter is passed in the function, the function returns null . Returning null is reasonable because the who parameter has no value, resulting in the greeting object cannot be created

1.1 A more apt metaphor for null

Consider a more apt analogy about null where you can think of a variable as a box. Just like variables can hold objects, boxes can hold items like teapots etc.

But once you receive a box, open it, there is nothing! Someone made a mistake and gave you an empty box. The box contains nothing, or in other words, it contains a null value

2. How to detect null

Check null good way is to use strict equality operator

 const missingObject = null;
const existingObject = { message: 'Hello!' };

missingObject  === null; // => true
existingObject === null; // => false

The result of ---c705fac15278c48a22a49ebb01fe17af missingObject === null is true because the missingObject variable contains a null value. If the variable contains a non-null value, such as an object, the expression existingObject === null results in false

2.1 null is a false value

nullfalse 、0、"、 undefinedNaN假值。如果在条件语句中遇到它们,那么JavaScript will force them to false

 Boolean(null); // => false

if (null) {
  console.log('null is truthy');
} else {
  console.log('null is falsy'); // logs 'null is falsy'

2.2 typeofnull

typeof value The type operator can determine the type of a value. For example, a type of 15 is number , typeof { prop: 'Value' } is equal to object .

Interestingly, what is the result of null value type

 typeof null; // => 'object'

How can a missing object type be judged as object ? It turns out typoef null as object is a bug in the early JavaScript implementation of ---0146cebf4895589c08

Do not use the typeof operator detection null value. Use the strict equality operator myVar === null as mentioned before

If you want to use typeof to check if a variable is an object, you must exclude the case of null

 function isObject(object) {
  return typeof object === 'object' && object !== null;

isObject({ prop: 'Value' }); // => true
isObject(15);                // => false
isObject(null);              // => false

3. The Null Trap

null usually occurs unexpectedly when you expect to use an object. Then, if you try to extract properties from null , JavaScript will throw an error

Let's use the greetObject() function again and try to access the message property from the returned object

 let who = '';

// throws "TypeError: greetObject() is null"

Because the who variable is an empty string, the function returns null . When accessing the message property from null , a TypeError error is thrown

You can handle this by using the optional chaining operator null

 let who = '';

greetObject(who)?.message ?? 'Hello, Stranger!';  
// => 'Hello, Stranger!'

Or use the two options described in the next section.

4. Alternatives to null

It's easy to return null when you can't construct an object. But this approach also has disadvantages

Once null appears in the execution stack, you always have to check it

We try to avoid returning null :

  • Return the default object instead of null
  • throw an error instead of returning null

Let's recall greetObject() function returns greeting object

A default object can be returned instead of null when arguments are missing

 function greetObject(who) {
  if (!who) {
    who = 'Stranger';
  return { message: `Hello, ${who}!` };

greetObject('Eric'); // => { message: 'Hello, Eric!' }
greetObject();       // => { message: 'Hello, Stranger!' }

or throw an error

 function greetObject(who) {
  if (!who) {
    throw new Error('"who" argument is missing');
  return { message: `Hello, ${who}!` };

greetObject('Eric'); // => { message: 'Hello, Eric!' }
greetObject();       // => throws an error

These practices will allow you to avoid dealing entirely null

5. null vs undefined

undefined is the value of an uninitialized variable or object property

For example, if a variable is declared without an initial value, the result of accessing the variable is undefined

 let myVariable;

myVariable; // => undefined

The main difference between null and undefined is that null undefined

The strict equality operator === distinguishes between null and undefined

 null === undefined; // => false

The loose equality operator == considers null and undefined equal

 null == undefined; // => true

I use the loose equality operator to check if the variable is null or undefined

 function isEmpty(value) {
  return value == null;

isEmpty(42);                // => false
isEmpty({ prop: 'Value' }); // => false
isEmpty(null);              // => true
isEmpty(undefined);         // => true

6. Summary

null is a special value in JavaScript representing the missing object

The strict equality operator determines whether a variable is empty: variable === null .

typoef operator is used to determine the type of the variable ( number, string, boolean ). However, typeof is misleading in the case of null b77bfd616cf48084037670ed2f25be71---: typeof null results in object

null and undefined are equivalent to some extent, but null means a missing object, while undefined state

Avoid returning null as much as possible or set the variable to null . Because this practice will lead to the expansion of the null value and the need to verify the null . Instead, it would be better practice to try to use an object with default properties, or even throw an error

What method would you use to check null ?

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