GEN automatically generates GORM model structure files and usage examples


GEN is a GORM-based secure ORM framework, jointly developed by ByteDance Wuheng Lab and GORM authors. The main function is to help generate model files corresponding to data tables and execute SQL more safely and conveniently.

Direct use of GORM vs. GEN tools:

Use GORM directly Use GEN
You need to manually create a structure that corresponds to each column of the data table After specifying the table name, automatically read and generate the corresponding structure
Need to manually implement specific go code query logic Just describe the SQL query logic, and the tool will automatically convert it into safe and stable code
The query interface is very flexible, but it cannot keep the query SQL without syntax errors.
The normal operation of some scenarios can only be guaranteed through testing
The query interface uses type safety, the compilation can be passed, and the query logic is normal and reasonable
Manual evaluation experience is required to ensure that there is no security problem in the business.
Once errors are often discovered before going online, it will affect the online process.
The provided safe and reliable query API is safe to use during development

Objective of this paper

The functions provided by GEN are powerful and rich. This article is quite a start-up guide. Only some common operations are selected for example:

  • Regardless of the size and sign of the integer type of the table field, int64 is uniformly used in the structure (in order to simplify the operation in subsequent use).
  • The json serialization of individual structure fields is converted from numeric type to string type, such as: balance field balance is DECIMAL type in the table, int64 in the structure, and the json field type required by the business is string .
  • Use non-default field names for automatic updates, creation timestamps, and soft deletes.
  • model association

Example environment:

  • go 1.18
  • gen v0.3.16 Note: The latest version of the current GEN is 0, that is, the API may have major changes in the future. Be sure to pay attention to the version change when using it
  • MySQL 8.0

目标表有3个, useraddress hobbyuseraddress是一对Multiple relationships, as follows:

    `id` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID',
    `name` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户名',
    `age` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '年龄',
    `balance` decimal(11,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '余额',
    `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
    `created_at` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
    `deleted_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '删除时间',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

    `id` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `uid` int unsigned NOT NULL,
    `province` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `city` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `update_time` int unsigned NOT NULL,
    `create_time` int unsigned NOT NULL,
    `delete_time` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    KEY `uid` (`uid`)

    `id` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `name` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `updated_at` int unsigned NOT NULL,
    `created_at` int unsigned NOT NULL,
    `deleted_at` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

Configure GEN and generate model structure

Create and initialize the project, and then import the GEN package

 mkdir gormgendemo && cd gormgendemo
go mod init
go get -u gorm.io/gen@v0.3.16

Go ahead and create the ---faa028a434f064af416d4a3c5b723103--- file for generating the model files and the ./cmd/generate/main.go ./main.go for executing the SQL example, in the following directory:

 ├── cmd
│   └── generate
│       └── main.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go

./cmd/generate/main.go Code:

 package main

import (


const MySQLDSN = "root:123456@(localhost:3306)/gormgendemo?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"

func main() {

    // 连接数据库
    db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(MySQLDSN))
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot establish db connection: %w", err))

    // 生成实例
    g := gen.NewGenerator(gen.Config{
        // 相对执行`go run`时的路径, 会自动创建目录
        OutPath: "dal/query",

        // WithDefaultQuery 生成默认查询结构体(作为全局变量使用), 即`Q`结构体和其字段(各表模型)
        // WithoutContext 生成没有context调用限制的代码供查询
        // WithQueryInterface 生成interface形式的查询代码(可导出), 如`Where()`方法返回的就是一个可导出的接口类型
        Mode: gen.WithDefaultQuery | gen.WithQueryInterface,

        // 表字段可为 null 值时, 对应结体字段使用指针类型
        FieldNullable: true, // generate pointer when field is nullable

        // 表字段默认值与模型结构体字段零值不一致的字段, 在插入数据时需要赋值该字段值为零值的, 结构体字段须是指针类型才能成功, 即`FieldCoverable:true`配置下生成的结构体字段.
        // 因为在插入时遇到字段为零值的会被GORM赋予默认值. 如字段`age`表默认值为10, 即使你显式设置为0最后也会被GORM设为10提交.
        // 如果该字段没有上面提到的插入时赋零值的特殊需要, 则字段为非指针类型使用起来会比较方便.
        FieldCoverable: false, // generate pointer when field has default value, to fix problem zero value cannot be assign: https://gorm.io/docs/create.html#Default-Values

        // 模型结构体字段的数字类型的符号表示是否与表字段的一致, `false`指示都用有符号类型
        FieldSignable: false, // detect integer field's unsigned type, adjust generated data type
        // 生成 gorm 标签的字段索引属性
        FieldWithIndexTag: false, // generate with gorm index tag
        // 生成 gorm 标签的字段类型属性
        FieldWithTypeTag: true, // generate with gorm column type tag
    // 设置目标 db

    // 自定义字段的数据类型
    // 统一数字类型为int64,兼容protobuf
    dataMap := map[string]func(detailType string) (dataType string){
        "tinyint":   func(detailType string) (dataType string) { return "int64" },
        "smallint":  func(detailType string) (dataType string) { return "int64" },
        "mediumint": func(detailType string) (dataType string) { return "int64" },
        "bigint":    func(detailType string) (dataType string) { return "int64" },
        "int":       func(detailType string) (dataType string) { return "int64" },
    // 要先于`ApplyBasic`执行

    // 自定义模型结体字段的标签
    // 将特定字段名的 json 标签加上`string`属性,即 MarshalJSON 时该字段由数字类型转成字符串类型
    jsonField := gen.FieldJSONTagWithNS(func(columnName string) (tagContent string) {
        toStringField := `balance, `
        if strings.Contains(toStringField, columnName) {
            return columnName + ",string"
        return columnName
    // 将非默认字段名的字段定义为自动时间戳和软删除字段;
    // 自动时间戳默认字段名为:`updated_at`、`created_at, 表字段数据类型为: INT 或 DATETIME
    // 软删除默认字段名为:`deleted_at`, 表字段数据类型为: DATETIME
    autoUpdateTimeField := gen.FieldGORMTag("update_time", "column:update_time;type:int unsigned;autoUpdateTime")
    autoCreateTimeField := gen.FieldGORMTag("create_time", "column:create_time;type:int unsigned;autoCreateTime")
    softDeleteField := gen.FieldType("delete_time", "soft_delete.DeletedAt")
    // 模型自定义选项组
    fieldOpts := []gen.ModelOpt{jsonField, autoCreateTimeField, autoUpdateTimeField, softDeleteField}

    // 创建模型的结构体,生成文件在 model 目录; 先创建的结果会被后面创建的覆盖
    // 这里创建个别模型仅仅是为了拿到`*generate.QueryStructMeta`类型对象用于后面的模型关联操作中
    Address := g.GenerateModel("address")
    // 创建全部模型文件, 并覆盖前面创建的同名模型
    allModel := g.GenerateAllTable(fieldOpts...)

    // 创建有关联关系的模型文件
    User := g.GenerateModel("user",
            // user 一对多 address 关联, 外键`uid`在 address 表中
            gen.FieldRelate(field.HasMany, "Address", Address, &field.RelateConfig{GORMTag: "foreignKey:UID"}),
    Address = g.GenerateModel("address",
            gen.FieldRelate(field.BelongsTo, "User", User, &field.RelateConfig{GORMTag: "foreignKey:UID"}),

    // 创建模型的方法,生成文件在 query 目录; 先创建结果不会被后创建的覆盖
    g.ApplyBasic(User, Address)


Execute the build program:

 go mod tidy
go run ./cmd/generate/main.go

Result directory:

├── cmd
│   └── generate
│       └── main.go
├── dal
│   ├── model
│   │   ├── address.gen.go
│   │   ├── hobby.gen.go
│   │   └── user.gen.go
│   └── query
│       ├── address.gen.go
│       ├── gen.go
│       ├── hobby.gen.go
│       └── user.gen.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go

Generated model structure:

 // User mapped from table <user>
type User struct {
    ID        int64          `gorm:"column:id;type:int unsigned;primaryKey;autoIncrement:true" json:"id"`                    // ID
    Name      string         `gorm:"column:name;type:varchar(20);not null" json:"name"`                                      // 用户名
    Age       int64          `gorm:"column:age;type:tinyint unsigned;not null" json:"age"`                                   // 年龄
    Balance   float64        `gorm:"column:balance;type:decimal(11,2) unsigned;not null;default:0.00" json:"balance,string"` // 余额
    UpdatedAt time.Time      `gorm:"column:updated_at;type:datetime;not null" json:"updated_at"`                             // 更新时间
    CreatedAt time.Time      `gorm:"column:created_at;type:datetime;not null" json:"created_at"`                             // 创建时间
    DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"column:deleted_at;type:datetime" json:"deleted_at"`                                      // 删除时间
    Address   []Address      `gorm:"foreignKey:UID" json:"address"`

// Address mapped from table <address>
type Address struct {
    ID         int64                 `gorm:"column:id;type:int unsigned;primaryKey;autoIncrement:true" json:"id"`
    UID        int64                 `gorm:"column:uid;type:int unsigned;not null" json:"uid"`
    Province   string                `gorm:"column:province;type:varchar(20);not null" json:"province"`
    City       string                `gorm:"column:city;type:varchar(20);not null" json:"city"`
    UpdateTime int64                 `gorm:"column:update_time;type:int unsigned;autoUpdateTime" json:"update_time"`
    CreateTime int64                 `gorm:"column:create_time;type:int unsigned;autoCreateTime" json:"create_time"`
    DeleteTime soft_delete.DeletedAt `gorm:"column:delete_time;type:int unsigned;not null" json:"delete_time"`
    User       User                  `gorm:"foreignKey:UID" json:"user"`

// Hobby mapped from table <hobby>
type Hobby struct {
    ID        int64  `gorm:"column:id;type:int unsigned;primaryKey;autoIncrement:true" json:"id"`
    Name      string `gorm:"column:name;type:varchar(20);not null" json:"name"`
    UpdatedAt int64  `gorm:"column:updated_at;type:int unsigned;not null" json:"updated_at"`
    CreatedAt int64  `gorm:"column:created_at;type:int unsigned;not null" json:"created_at"`
    DeletedAt int64  `gorm:"column:deleted_at;type:int unsigned;not null" json:"deleted_at"`

The above three models all implement the automatic timestamp function of updating and creating fields, the first two implement the soft delete function, and the integer types of the table fields are all represented by int64.

Database operations with GEN

./main.go Code:

 package main

import (



const MySQLDSN = "root:123456@(localhost:3306)/gormgendemo?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"

func main() {

    // 连接数据库
    db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(MySQLDSN))
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot establish db connection: %w", err))

    q := query.Q
    ctx := context.Background()
    //qc := q.WithContext(ctx)

    // 增
    insert(ctx, q)
    // 删
    del(ctx, q)
    // 改
    update(ctx, q)
    // 查
    find(ctx, q)


func insert(ctx context.Context, q *query.Query) {
    qc := q.WithContext(ctx)

    // 插入数据
    users := []*model.User{
            Name: "张三",
            Age:  30,
            Address: []model.Address{
                {Province: "广东", City: "广州"},
                {Province: "广东", City: "深圳"},
            Name: "李四",
            Age:  40,
            Address: []model.Address{
                {Province: "广东", City: "广州"},
                {Province: "广东", City: "深圳"},
            Name: "王五",
            Age:  50,
    hobby := []*model.Hobby{
        {Name: "看电影"}, {Name: "看书"}, {Name: "跑步"},

    err := qc.User.Create(users...)
    if err != nil {
    err = qc.Hobby.Create(hobby...)
    if err != nil {

func del(ctx context.Context, q *query.Query) {
    qc := q.WithContext(ctx)

    qc.User.Where(q.User.Name.Eq("张三")).Delete()       // 软删
    qc.Address.Where(q.Address.City.Eq("深圳")).Delete() // 软删
    qc.Hobby.Where(q.Hobby.Name.Eq("看电影")).Delete()    // 非软删

func update(ctx context.Context, q *query.Query) {
    qc := q.WithContext(ctx)


func find(ctx context.Context, q *query.Query) {
    qc := q.WithContext(ctx)

    // First、Take、Last 方法, 如果没有找到记录则返回错误 ErrRecordNotFound。

    _, err := qc.User.Preload(q.User.Address).Where(q.User.Name.Eq("张三")).First()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("%+v \n", err)
        //record not found
    user, err := qc.User.Preload(q.User.Address).Where(q.User.Name.Eq("李四")).First()
    if err == nil {
        fmt.Printf("%+v \n", *user)
        //{ID:2 Name:李四 Age:41 Balance:0 UpdatedAt:2022-09-16 15:13:39 +0800 CST CreatedAt:2022-09-16 15:13:39 +0800 CST
        //DeletedAt:{Time:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Valid:false}
        //Address:[{ID:3 UID:2rovince:广东 City:广州 UpdateTime:1663312418 CreateTime:1663312418 DeleteTime:0
        //User:{ID:0 Name: Age:0 Balance:0 UpdatedAt:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC CreatedAt:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
        //CreatedAt:{Time:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Valid:false} Address:[]}}]}

    addr, err := qc.Address.Preload(q.Address.User).Offset(1).First()
    if err == nil {
        fmt.Printf("%+v \n", *addr)
        //{ID:3 UID:2 Province:广东 City:广州 UpdateTime:1663312418 CreateTime:1663312418 DeleteTime:0
        //User:{ID:2 Name:李四 Age:41 Balance:0 UpdatedAt:2022-09-16 15:13:39 +0800 CST CreatedAt:2022-09-16 39 +0800 CST
        //DeletedAt:{Time:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Valid:false} Address:[]}}

    _, err = qc.Hobby.Where(q.Hobby.Name.Eq("看电影")).First()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("%+v \n", err)
        //record not found
    hb, err := qc.Hobby.Where(q.Hobby.Name.Eq("看书")).First()
    if err == nil {
        fmt.Printf("%+v \n", *hb)
        //{ID:2 Name:看书 UpdatedAt:1663312418 CreatedAt:1663312418 DeletedAt:0}


Execute the program to see the effect

 go run main.go


The relevant code of the example has been uploaded to the github repository , and you can pick it up if you need it. If there are any mistakes or improvements in the article, please leave a message to me.

The above examples are only for the purpose of attracting others. For more usage methods, please refer to the official documentation and source code.

Finally, I would like to express my thanks to the developers of GORM and GEN for bringing us such a useful tool!

refer to

GORM/GEN Chinese Documentation
Wuheng Lab and GORM launch a safe and easy-to-use ORM framework-GEN

214 声望10 粉丝
