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In the two years that I have been working on the front end, I have also been in touch with the back end field, such as PHP Node , and have used them to do some things demo and 私活 ,
From the perspective of career development, it is good to understand the back-end. You can be proficient in the development process before and after. After the whole link is down, it is very clear. If you understand the back-end, it is good for you to start a business or take over private work in the future. Web后台领域, Java , ---0107660006b1310249d11dd4c7bface0 Spring天下, Java Now, from the front end to the full stack

This is what I spent a week reviewing recently Java 面向对象 summary, I hope it can help you.

Guide to reading

重学Java 面向对象1.png

learning route

This learning route is summarized by me following the main video of an up, and it is very comprehensive.
Java 后端开发学习路线.png

Relearn Java

1. Object-oriented OOP

1. 1 The difference between super and this


  1. super call the constructor of the parent class, it must be the first in the constructor of the subclass
  2. super must only appear in subclass methods or constructors
  3. super and this cannot both appear in a call to a constructor


The objects represented are different:

  1. this : The object of its own caller
  2. super : represents the application of the parent class object

1.2 Polymorphism

The same method can behave in many different ways depending on the object being sent.

The actual type of an object is determined, but there are many types of references that can point to an object.

Polymorphism Existence Condition

  1. have an inheritance relationship
  2. Subclass override superclass method
  3. The parent class reference points to the child class object


  1. If the subclass overrides the parent class method, the parent class object is the rewritten method of the called subclass

type conversion

Purpose of type conversion: convenient method call, downgrade, upgrade, reduce code duplication, but also have disadvantages, loss of precision

  1. Upward transformation (child to parent) Low to high can be directly transferred
  2. Downcast (parent rotor) High to low requires a cast

    After high to low, and then forced conversion,

    子类型 子对象 = (子类型) 父对象

 Person per = new Student()
    Student student = (Student) per   //  ((Student) per).方法/属性

1.3 static

1.3.1 static Use

Call methods and properties (static) without creating an object.

static can be used to modify the member methods of the class and the member variables of the class, and can also write static code blocks to optimize program performance.

1.3.2 static static method

  1. static Methods are generally called static methods. Static methods can be accessed without relying on any objects. Therefore, for static methods, there is no this.
  2. Non-static member variables and non-static member methods of the class cannot be accessed in static methods, because non-static member methods/variables must depend on specific objects to be called.
  3. Static member methods/variables can be accessed in non-static methods.

1.3.3 static Static variables

The difference between static variable and non-static variable is

  1. Static variables are shared by all objects and have only one copy in memory, which is initialized if and only when the class is first loaded.
  2. Non-static variables are owned by the object and are initialized when the object is created. There are multiple copies, and the copies owned by each object do not affect each other.

The initialization order of static member variables is initialized in the order in which they are defined.

1.3.4 static code block

static keywords to form static code blocks to optimize program performance,.

static blocks can be placed anywhere in a class, and a class can have multiple static blocks. When the class is first loaded, each ---ac20e6a43fd0e03b7a657e7114bd9431 static block is executed in the order of the static block, and only once.

You can put the constants in the method into the static block, so that it will not be recreated every time it is called, causing a waste of space.

 public class Test {
    private  static Date date ;
    private  static SimpleDateFormat formatter;
    static {
         formatter= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd 'at' HH:mm:ss z");
         date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    public static void  getTime(){

The above example is used to get the current time. When calling the getTime static method, it will not be created repeatedly Date SimpleDateFormat

Execution order : over constructors

1.3.5 static NOTE

  1. static关键字不能会改变类中成员的访问权限, 能改变访问权限只有privatepublicprotected .
  2. By this can access static methods and static members in non-static methods

     public class Test {
        private  static Date date ;
        private  static SimpleDateFormat formatter;
        private  static String name = "前端自学社区";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
             Test test = new Test();
        public static void func(){
        public  void getStatic(){

    In the example, in the non-static method, you can directly access the static methods and static members through this , and then through the class instantiation, the object can be obtained through the non-static method to obtain the static method. Static properties and methods.

1.4 Abstract class abstract

Let's start with an abstract method. An abstract method is a special kind of method: it only has a declaration, but no concrete implementation .

The declaration format of an abstract method is:

 abstract int getNum();

1.4.1 What is an abstract class?

A class modified by the abstract keyword is an abstract class, which contains attributes and abstract methods.

Abstract classes contain methods that have no concrete implementation, so you cannot use abstract classes to create objects.

When a subclass inherits an abstract class, it must implement the abstract methods of the abstract class, and the instantiated objects of the subclass have the attributes of the abstract class .

 public abstract class Animal {
    abstract String name;
    abstract void eat();

1.4.2 What is the role of abstract class?

Abstract classes are mainly used to extract the commonality of things, extract attributes and methods, and subclasses inherit abstract classes to improve code efficiency.

1.4.3 Difference between abstract class and ordinary class

  1. The abstract method must be public or protected (because if it is private, it cannot be inherited by subclasses, and subclasses cannot implement the method), and the default is public by default.
  2. Abstract classes cannot be used to create objects;
  3. If a class inherits from an abstract class, the subclass must implement the abstract method of the superclass . If the subclass does not implement the abstract method of the superclass, the subclass must also be defined as an abstract class.

1.5 Interface interface

1.5.1 What is an interface?

It is an abstraction of behavior, and interfaces are usually declared with interface . A class inherits the abstract methods of the interface by inheriting the interface.

When a class needs to use these abstract behaviors, it needs to implement the interface implements , and it must implement the methods in the interface.

 public interface person {
    void study(){}  

1.5.2 Interface Features

  1. Each method in the interface is also implicitly abstract, and the method in the interface will be implicitly specified as public abstract (only public abstract , other modifiers will report an error). You can also not write it, the default is public abstract .

     public interface Aniaml{
        public abstract void eat(); // 抽象方法 == 等同于  void eat();
  1. The interface can contain variables, but the variables in the interface will be implicitly specified as public static final variables (and can only be public, and a compilation error will be reported when modified with private).
  2. The methods in the interface cannot be implemented in the interface, only the class that implements the interface can implement the methods in the interface.

1.5.4 The role of the interface

  1. Using an interface allows you to inherit from more than one source, which allows you to combine different inheritance hierarchies for different needs.
  2. An interface specifies the methods and properties that the implementing class must implement.

1.6 Interfaces and Abstract Classes

In Java, the abstraction of ---a872aca5b224be1b737d2138354cf9e5 OOP can be represented in two forms: 接口 and 抽象类 , which have many similarities.

1.6.1 Difference between interface and abstraction

  1. Abstract classes can provide the implementation details of member methods, while only public abstract methods exist in interfaces;
  2. Member variables in abstract classes can be of various types, while member variables in interfaces can only be of type public static final ;
  3. Interfaces cannot contain static code blocks and static methods, while abstract classes can have static code blocks and static methods;
  4. A class can only inherit from one abstract class, but a class can implement multiple interfaces.
  5. interface Interface is to abstract the behavior [methods] of things, and abstract classes are to abstract the behavior and properties of things in common.

1.6.2 Examples

interface interface

 public interface PeopleInterface {
    void eat();
    void study();
    void play();

abstract class

 public abstract class People {
   String name = "人类";
    abstract void watch();


 public class Test extends People implements PeopleInterface {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test test = new Test(); // 子类拥有抽象类的属性

    public void eat() {

    public void study() {

    public void play() {

    void watch() {


The above example talks about the relationship between the class and the interface abstract class. First Test class inherits People abstract class, and then implements PeopleInterface interface.

When a subclass inherits an abstract class, it must implement the abstract methods of the abstract class. When a subclass is instantiated, it has the attributes of the abstract class.

When a subclass implements an interface, it must implement all the interface behaviors in the interface.


The above is a summary and sharing of Java 面向对象 , I hope it can inspire you, and comments are welcome!

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