Recently, the sheep has become very popular, so that the author bought two suites in Guangdong a few days after the listing. As a non-game fan, I am really puzzled by this situation. , why is it so hot? Perhaps this is the charm of mini games, just like the previous QQ Farm and FlyBird. I heard that many people were planted in the second pass. As a programmer, I also want to use this wave of heat to give everyone a "sheep and sheep" customs clearance assistant.



This project uses Vue2 + Node.js to achieve a quick customs clearance, only for learning and use, please do not use this program to maliciously cause continuous pressure on the game server, and all consequences are at your own risk! ! !

Packet capture tools used:

  • Fiddler/HTTPDebugger/Charles[PC]
  • HttpCarry【Android】
  • Stream【iphone】

Supported Features:

  • Support online filling in packet capture parameters
  • Support random generation time and custom time
  • Supports a maximum of 10 customs clearances, which can be changed according to your needs

start running

 # 拷贝代码
git clone https://github.com/hu-snail/vue-sheep.git
# 进入项目
cd vue-sheep
# 安装依赖
yarn # or npm i
# 运行
yarn serve

Tip: Since the project uses Vue2, an error may be reported when running. Common errors and solutions are as follows:
Error 1

 Invalid options in vue.config.js: "css.modules" is not allowed

Solution: Delete the modules:false of the css node.

Error 2

 ERROR in [eslint] ESLint is not a constructor
ERROR in Error: Child compilation failed:
[eslint] ESLint is not a constructor

This is because the eslint check is turned on, and this error may be reported due to inconsistent versions.

Solution: Turn off eslint and add: lintOnSave: false in the vue.config.js file.

run screenshot


Project source code: https://github.com/hu-snail/vue-sheep

5.9k 声望15.3k 粉丝

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