
At present, there are 3 core directions of operation and maintenance. Do you want to be an expert like me? Share your experience with you?

The current three hot directions of operation and maintenance: k8s, monitoring, cicd

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  • Whether or not to directly maintain and develop these three categories of tools, we must be required to be familiar with them

Why are k8s-related jobs hot now and give more money?

-Because the emergence of k8s saves the company money

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  • Significantly reduce the company's machine costs and development efficiency costs
  • Therefore, the demand for k8s talents in the market is huge

Here we can draw a conclusion that

  • For operation and maintenance, k8s is already a must-have skill rather than a bonus item
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Simultaneous monitoring and cicd can be used as a subsidiary project of k8s

So as an operation and maintenance, how do we advance to these three core directions?

  • Listen to me plan a complete learning path for you

k8s must first get started and will operate and maintain operations

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Introductory Course Links

It roughly includes the following parts

  • 01 Cluster installation and understanding of cluster components
  • 02 Install the necessary console/monitoring/log components
  • 03 kubectl common operations
  • 04 Container-related operations such as exec to view logs, etc.
  • 05 Operation of common controllers (dep/ds/sts/job)
  • 06 k8s storage object source code interpretation
  • 07 k8s network related services and ingress

Then at this time, the boss asks you to help the business to go to the cloud and k8s, so you need to learn how to do cicd, how to write dockerFile, and how to deploy to the k8s cluster

cicd combat

learning direction Analyze Advanced Videos Remark
01_tekton full assembly line actual combat and pipeline operation principle source code interpretation address
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After maintaining the k8s cluster for a period of time, I found that the foundation of prometheus monitoring is not reliable

  • Need to learn prometheus from basic to advanced

Prometheus monitoring from entry to expert

learning direction Analyze Advanced Videos Remark
01_Prometheus zero-based entry, grafana basic operation, mainstream exporter collection configuration address
02_prometheus configuration and use of all components, analysis of underlying principles, and high availability address
03_kube-prometheus and prometheus-operator actual combat and principle introduction address
04_prometheus-thanos use and source code interpretation address
05_prometheus source code explanation and secondary development address

Then I found that the lack of understanding of the k8s source code made it impossible to troubleshoot complex problems: so we must make up for the knowledge of the go language

Golang operation and maintenance development from 0 foundation to operation and maintenance platform

learning direction Analyze Advanced Videos Remark
01_golang basic course address
02_golang operation and maintenance platform actual combat, service tree, log monitoring, task execution, distributed detection address
03_golang operation and maintenance development practical course k8s inspection platform address

After you have the go foundation, you can freely read the k8s source code

k8s from zero-based entry to expert to operation and maintenance master

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learning direction Analyze Advanced Videos Remark
01_k8s zero-based entry combat address
02_k8s pure source code interpretation course to help you become a k8s expert address
03_k8s The essence of the underlying principle and source code explanation address
04_k8s underlying principles and source code explanation of advanced articles address
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With the foundation of the k8s source code, you are now gearing up to do some k8s development work.

k8s development articles

learning direction Analyze Advanced Videos Remark
01_k8s operation and maintenance master course address
02_k8s-operator and crd combat development help you become a k8s expert address
02_k8s Secondary development of scheduler based on real load address
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If all the learning is completed, you will find that you can read many go open source projects around k8s without barriers.

And you can modify the source code for secondary development, or learn from the logic and free development components.

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