认证(Authentication)是证明用户身份的过程,是为了解决 "Who are you?" 的问题,即在应用中谁能证明他就是他本人。使用特定系统时,身份验证是必不可少的机制。没有正确的身份验证就很难识别用户。在认证过程中,一般需要认证者提供与他们身份信息相关的一些标识信息来表明他就是他本人,如提供身份证,用户名/密码来...
Snowflake is a service used to generate unique IDs for objects within Twitter (Tweets, Direct Messages, Users, Collections, Lists etc.). These IDs are unique 64-bit unsigned integers, which are based on time, instead of being sequential. The full ID is composed of a timestamp, a worker number, an...