小草博客地址: [链接] =>回家的路 The artile is about php cache and mysql speed. (Today's all code is here [链接]) Tool: Apache Benchmark And Siege (about 'ab' and 'siege' model: insert、select、update x100loop x100get insert x200loop x200get select x200loop x200get update x200loop x200get Ox01....
mongosion [链接] An easy session module, writed by python base on pymongo using for tornado.py or web.py! 公司要我写个内部share平台,那就写吧,那就写了。(泪流满面 T_T) 平台基于python.tornado,以mongodb为数据库。 初次接触tornado,感觉比较陌生,T_T, 坑是有的,很多模块没有,session,log等。 那就写...