最近遇到这么一个问题,两个表通过user_id关联 {代码...} 且两个表中user_id均加了索引 {代码...} 但实际查询很慢, 约3605ms。为什么这么慢呢? 通过explain extended命令可知未走索引 id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE b ALL 3533678 1 SIMPLE a ref user_id user_id 162...
For cross-domain requests, setting the content type to anything other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain will trigger the browser to send a preflight OPTIONS request to the server. so if server does not allow it will throw errors.
However, in the case where an inner transaction scope sets the rollback-only marker, the outer transaction has not decided on the rollback itself, and so the rollback (silently triggered by the inner transaction scope) is unexpected. A corresponding UnexpectedRollbackException is thrown at that p...