
# Forked from http://jsbin.com/IDIgUL/8
c = document.getElementById('c')
ctx = c.getContext('2d')

# full screen
c.height = window.innerHeight
c.width = window.innerWidth

letters = "♥".split("")

font_size = 20
columns = c.width/font_size

drops = (1 for x in [0..columns])

# drawing the characters
draw = ->
  # black BG for the canvas
  ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(214,0, 0, 0.0520)"

  ctx.fillStyle = "pink"
  ctx.font = "20pt Android"

  # looping over drops
  for i in  [0..drops.length]
    letter = letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * letters.length)]
    ctx.fillText(letter, i * font_size, drops[i] * font_size)
    if (drops[i] * font_size > c.height and Math.random() > 0.99)
        drops[i] = 0
    drops[i] = drops[i] + 1

setInterval(draw, 100/2.14)

预览: http://jsbin.com/bijag

24.6k 声望844 粉丝

a vigorously lazy deadbeat with matured immaturity