多维数据库的一种重要的查询类型 -- skyline.
the skyline S is the set of all points p such that there is no other point q which dominates p
q is said to dominate p if q is better than p in at least one dimension and not worse than p in all other dimensions.
ADS 验证数据结构
MR-tree 在 VLDB “Authenticated indexing for outsourced spatial databases” 首次提出。综合了MB-tree 和 R* tree.
Node Structure
叶子节点:一个叶子节点包含若干关键字(这里一个关键字是一个points或者data objects)。 叶子节点的摘要由节点里的所有关键字的摘要取串联。
中间节点:一个中间节点的包含若干项,每一项(pi, MBRi, Hi)
, pi
是minimum bounding rectangle, Hi
是第i个孩子的摘要。The digest summarizes child nodes’ MBRs(MBR1-MBRf ), in addition to their digests (H1−Hf).
Query Processing in MRtree
Example of MR-tree
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