layout: post
Drill源码阅读(1) : 环境准备和查看日志
<logger name="org.apache.drill" additivity="false">
<level value="debug" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
<logger name="query.logger" additivity="false">
<level value="debug" />
<appender-ref ref="QUERY" />
<level value="debug" />
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
使用单机模式,而不是集群模式. 启动drill-embedded
除了在上面的drill-embedded观察输出, 还要观察log目录下的sqlline.log文件
2015-07-10 11:11:41,636 [main] DEBUG o.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit - Construction started.
2015-07-10 11:11:42,481 [main] INFO o.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit - Construction completed (845 ms).
2015-07-10 11:11:42,481 [main] DEBUG o.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit - Startup begun.
2015-07-10 11:11:42,481 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.e.c.l.LocalClusterCoordinator - Local Cluster Coordinator started.
2015-07-10 11:11:42,607 [main] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserServer - Server of type UserServer started on port 31010.
2015-07-10 11:11:42,650 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.rpc.control.ControlServer - Server of type ControlServer started on port 31011.
2015-07-10 11:11:42,688 [main] DEBUG - Server of type DataServer started on port 31012.
2015-07-10 11:11:42,924 [main] DEBUG o.a.drill.common.util.PathScanner - Classpath scanning took 60ms
2015-07-10 11:11:42,924 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.base.PhysicalOperatorUtil - Adding Physical Operator sub types: .................
2015-07-10 11:11:43,047 [main] DEBUG org.apache.drill.common.JSONOptions - Creating Deserializer.
2015-07-10 11:11:43,146 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.i.OperatorCreatorRegistry - Adding Operator Creator map:..............
2015-07-10 11:11:43,385 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.e.e.f.FunctionImplementationRegistry - Generating function registry.
2015-07-10 11:11:48,643 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.e.s.h.HBaseStoragePluginConfig - Initializing HBase StoragePlugin configuration with zookeeper quorum 'localhost', port '2181'.
2015-07-10 11:11:48,977 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.e.c.l.LocalClusterCoordinator - Endpoint registered address: "localhost"
user_port: 31010
control_port: 31011
data_port: 31012
2015-07-10 11:11:51,700 [main] INFO o.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit - Startup completed (9218 ms).
2015-07-10 11:11:51,741 [main] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.client.DrillClient - Connecting to server localhost:31010
可以看到命令行执行drill-embedded, 会连接到本地的Drill Server上.
在sqlline上执行一条SQL命令, 可以看到最终调用的是FragmentExecutor线程的run方法:
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> select count(*) from cp.`employee.json`;
11:22:02.300 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG - PrivilegedAction as:zhengqh (auth:SIMPLE) from:org.apache.drill.exec.util.ImpersonationUtil.createFileSystem(
11:22:02.390 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG - PrivilegedAction as:zhengqh (auth:SIMPLE)
| EXPR$0 |
| 1155 |
1 row selected (0.221 seconds)
首先注册查询语句, 即在sqlline输入的sql语句, 会分配一个query-id. 访问http://localhost:8047/profiles可以找到这个Query Job.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,257 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.j.impl.DrillStatementRegistry - Adding to open-statements registry: org.apache.drill.jdbc.impl.DrillStatementImpl@4eb2bb3d
2015-07-10 11:22:02,258 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.j.i.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener - [#3] Query listener created.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,259 [UserServer-1] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserServer - Received query to run. Returning query handle.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,273 [UserServer-1] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.memory.TopLevelAllocator - New child allocator with initial reservation 1048576
2015-07-10 11:22:02,274 [UserServer-1] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserServer - Sending response with Sender 575856913
2015-07-10 11:22:02,275 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.d.j.i.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener - [#3] Received query ID: 2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,276 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.d.e.rpc.user.QueryResultHandler - Received QueryId 2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a successfully. Adding results listener org.apache.drill.jdbc.impl.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener@6f3634b1.
使用了Optiq生成Logical逻辑计划, 查看SQL语句对应的逻辑计划/物理计划是从下到上的, 比如下面的TableScan->Project->Aggregate
, 实际上逻辑计划的顺序是:
FROM TABLE(TableScan扫描) -> SELECT COLUMN(Project映射) -> COUNT(Aggregate聚合计算)
2015-07-10 11:22:02,315 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.s.h.DefaultSqlHandler - Optiq Logical :
LogicalAggregate(group=[{}], EXPR$0=[COUNT()]): rowcount = 10.0, cumulative cost = {211.25 rows, 201.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 211
LogicalProject($f0=[0]): rowcount = 100.0, cumulative cost = {200.0 rows, 201.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 209
EnumerableTableScan(table=[[cp, employee.json]]): rowcount = 100.0, cumulative cost = {100.0 rows, 101.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 205
Optiq的逻辑计划最终会形成Drill的逻辑计划,再到Drill的物理计划: Drill Logial -> Drill Physical的过程
2015-07-10 11:22:02,320 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.s.schedule.BlockMapBuilder - Took 0 ms to build endpoint map
2015-07-10 11:22:02,323 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.s.schedule.BlockMapBuilder - FileWork group (classpath:/employee.json,0) max bytes 474631
2015-07-10 11:22:02,323 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.s.schedule.BlockMapBuilder - Took 2 ms to set endpoint bytes
2015-07-10 11:22:02,323 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] INFO o.a.d.e.s.schedule.BlockMapBuilder - Get block maps: Executed 1 out of 1 using 1 threads. Time: 2ms total, 2.240000ms avg, 2ms max.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,323 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] INFO o.a.d.e.s.schedule.BlockMapBuilder - Get block maps: Executed 1 out of 1 using 1 threads. Earliest start: 1.000000 μs, Latest start: 1.000000 μs, Average start: 1.000000 μs .
2015-07-10 11:22:02,324 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.s.schedule.AffinityCreator - Work: [File: classpath:/employee.json start: 0 length: 474630] Endpoint: localhost Bytes: 474630
2015-07-10 11:22:02,324 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.s.schedule.AffinityCreator - Endpoint localhost has affinity 1.0
2015-07-10 11:22:02,324 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.s.schedule.AffinityCreator - Took 0 ms to get operator affinity
2015-07-10 11:22:02,329 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.s.h.DefaultSqlHandler - VolCalciteRel :
2015-07-10 11:22:02,331 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.s.h.DefaultSqlHandler - HepCalciteRel :
2015-07-10 11:22:02,333 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.s.h.DefaultSqlHandler - Drill Logical :
DrillScreenRel: rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {927.1 rows, 1853.1 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 239
DrillAggregateRel(group=[{}], EXPR$0=[COUNT()]): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {927.0 rows, 1853.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 236
DrillProjectRel($f0=[0]): rowcount = 463.0, cumulative cost = {926.0 rows, 1852.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 234
DrillScanRel(table=[[cp, employee.json]], groupscan=[EasyGroupScan [selectionRoot=classpath:/employee.json, numFiles=1, columns=[`*`], files=[classpath:/employee.json]]]): rowcount = 463.0, cumulative cost = {463.0 rows, 0.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 222
2015-07-10 11:22:02,368 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.s.h.DefaultSqlHandler - Drill Physical :
00-00 Screen : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT EXPR$0): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {1389.1 rows, 7408.1 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 317
00-01 StreamAgg(group=[{}], EXPR$0=[COUNT()]) : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT EXPR$0): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {1389.0 rows, 7408.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 316
00-02 Project($f0=[0]) : rowType = RecordType(INTEGER $f0): rowcount = 463.0, cumulative cost = {926.0 rows, 1852.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 315
00-03 Scan(groupscan=[EasyGroupScan [selectionRoot=classpath:/employee.json, numFiles=1, columns=[`*`], files=[classpath:/employee.json]]]) : rowType = RecordType(): rowcount = 463.0, cumulative cost = {463.0 rows, 0.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 314
可以看到物理计划从下到上的顺序是: Scan->Project->StreamAgg. 因为物理计划实际上是从逻辑计划计算出来的.
然后会输出详细的json格式的计划. graph有几个字段pop代表操作类型,@id是编号,child是VisualizedPlan树从上到下第几层.
graph域的fs-scan代表扫描文件系统,扫描所有列*; project映射字段,$f0实际上就是columns中的第一个字段;
streaming-aggregate的计算表达式count(1), 最后通过screen输出
我们先看一下Web页面的可视化计划数, 先来个比较直观的映象
以Scan 00-03为例,00是major id,03是fs-scan的@id=3
下面不同的pop,对应的metadata也不一样, 比如project映射需要表达式,因为选择一个列,是可以在列上做计算的
2015-07-10 11:22:02,370 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.s.h.DefaultSqlHandler - Drill Plan :
"head" : {
"version" : 1,
"generator" : {
"type" : "DefaultSqlHandler",
"info" : ""
"options" : [ ],
"queue" : 0,
"resultMode" : "EXEC"
"graph" : [ {
"pop" : "fs-scan",
"@id" : 3,
"userName" : "zhengqh",
"files" : [ "classpath:/employee.json" ],
"columns" : [ "`*`" ],
"selectionRoot" : "classpath:/employee.json",
}, {
"pop" : "project",
"@id" : 2,
"exprs" : [ {
"ref" : "`$f0`",
"expr" : "0"
} ],
"child" : 3
}, {
"pop" : "streaming-aggregate",
"@id" : 1,
"child" : 2,
"keys" : [ ],
"exprs" : [ {
"ref" : "`EXPR$0`",
"expr" : "count(1) "
} ]
}, {
"pop" : "screen",
"@id" : 0,
"child" : 1
} ]
Drill的执行引擎会将逻辑计划组成一个Fragment树. 下面是Root Fragment.
对照WebUI, 这个Query在本地测试时,只生成了一个Fragment.
Root Fragment的major和minor id都是0. 下面的fragment_json和上面graph不同的是它是嵌套的.
为什么可视化的Plan对应的graph是扁平的,而Root Fragment是嵌套的?
可以这么理解: 如果图的结构是嵌套的,那么就要在Screen这个组件里画上streaming-aggregate
而树如果是扁平的,则只能像上面的图一样一直下去,没有分支. 使用嵌套,就有了分支的概念了.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,372 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.s.schedule.AssignmentCreator - Took 0 ms to assign 1 work units to 1 fragments
2015-07-10 11:22:02,378 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.f.SimpleParallelizer - Root fragment:
handle {
query_id {
part1: 3053657859282349058
part2: -8863752500417580646
major_fragment_id: 0
minor_fragment_id: 0
fragment_json: "{
"pop" : "screen",
"@id" : 0,
"child" : {
"pop" : "streaming-aggregate",
"@id" : 1,
"child" : {
"pop" : "project",
"@id" : 2,
"exprs" : [ {
"ref" : "`$f0`",
"expr" : "0"
} ],
"child" : {
"pop" : "fs-sub-scan",
"@id" : 3,
"userName" : "zhengqh",
"files" : [ {
"start" : 0,
"length" : 474630,
"path" : "classpath:/employee.json"
} ],
"columns" : [ "`*`" ],
"selectionRoot" : "classpath:/employee.json"
"initialAllocation" : 1000000,
"maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
"cost" : 463.0
"keys" : [ ],
"exprs" : [ {
"ref" : "`EXPR$0`",
"expr" : "count(1) "
} ]
leaf_fragment: true
assignment {
address: "localhost"
user_port: 31010
control_port: 31011
data_port: 31012
foreman {
address: "localhost"
user_port: 31010
control_port: 31011
data_port: 31012
mem_initial: 3000000
mem_max: 30000000000
credentials {
user_name: "anonymous"
options_json: "[ ]"
context {
query_start_time: 1436498522273
time_zone: 299
default_schema_name: ""
上面和fragment_json同级的还有foreman,表示接受客户端查询作业的节点, 因为是本地模式,所以是localhost.
Fragment提交到Foreman后, 查询开始运行, Foreman的状态从PENDING到RUNNING, FragmentExecutor从AWAITING_ALLOCATION到RUNNING.
这里有个比较重要的概念是通过ImplCreator创建的RecordBatch Tree.
上面我们已经有了Root Fragment形成的Tree的概念. 这里批记录还有树.
什么是RecordBatch,顾名思义是批记录. 那为什么又有树的概念?
2015-07-10 11:22:02,378 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.rpc.control.WorkEventBus - Adding fragment status listener for queryId 2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,378 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG - Submitting fragments to run.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,378 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.ops.FragmentContext - Getting initial memory allocation of 3000000
2015-07-10 11:22:02,378 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.ops.FragmentContext - Fragment max allocation: 30000000000
2015-07-10 11:22:02,378 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.memory.TopLevelAllocator - New child allocator with initial reservation 3000000
2015-07-10 11:22:02,379 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG - Came up with a list of 0 required fragments. Fragments {}
2015-07-10 11:22:02,380 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] INFO - State change requested. PENDING --> RUNNING
2015-07-10 11:22:02,381 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:foreman] DEBUG - Fragments running.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,381 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.memory.BufferAllocator - New child allocator with initial reservation 1000000
2015-07-10 11:22:02,387 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.memory.BufferAllocator - New child allocator with initial reservation 1000000
2015-07-10 11:22:02,387 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.memory.BufferAllocator - New child allocator with initial reservation 1000000
2015-07-10 11:22:02,388 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.memory.BufferAllocator - New child allocator with initial reservation 1000000
2015-07-10 11:22:02,388 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.physical.impl.ImplCreator - Took 7 ms to create RecordBatch tree
2015-07-10 11:22:02,388 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] INFO o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - 2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:0:0: State change requested from AWAITING_ALLOCATION --> RUNNING for
2015-07-10 11:22:02,388 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] INFO o.a.d.e.w.f.AbstractStatusReporter - State changed for 2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:0:0. New state: RUNNING
Fragment的状态会被QueryManager管理, 其中operator_profile是操作算子的选项, 包括了一些字段input_profile, 操作算子id, 操作类型等等.
什么是profile, 其实WEB页面http://localhost:8047/profiles就是Drill查询作业运行时的profile收集页面.
包括了Query Profile, Fragment Profiles,Operator Profiles,Full JSON Profile.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,389 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.w.f.NonRootStatusReporter - Sending status change message message to remote node: profile {
state: RUNNING
minor_fragment_id: 0
operator_profile {
input_profile {
records: 0
batches: 0
schemas: 0
operator_id: 3
operator_type: 29
setup_nanos: 0
process_nanos: 4651000
peak_local_memory_allocated: 0
wait_nanos: 3000
2015-07-10 11:22:02,390 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - Starting fragment 0:0 on localhost:31010
2015-07-10 11:22:02,392 [BitServer-4] DEBUG - New fragment status was provided to QueryManager of profile {
上面提到的RecordBatch在下面有几个实现类: ProjectRecordBatch, StreamingAggBatch.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,392 [BitServer-4] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.rpc.control.ControlServer - Sending response with Sender 762133699
2015-07-10 11:22:02,408 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.i.p.ProjectRecordBatch - Added eval for project expression.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,410 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.i.a.StreamingAggBatch - Creating new aggregator.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,413 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.i.a.StreamingAggBatch - Next outcome of OK_NEW_SCHEMA
2015-07-10 11:22:02,413 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.i.a.StreamingAggBatch - Creating new aggregator.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,414 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.d.e.rpc.user.QueryResultHandler - batchArrived: queryId = part1: 3053657859282349058 part2: -8863752500417580646
2015-07-10 11:22:02,415 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.d.j.i.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener - [#3] Received query data batch #1: QueryResultBatch [header=query_id {
2015-07-10 11:22:02,415 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserClient - Sending response with Sender 955795882
2015-07-10 11:22:02,416 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.j.i.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener - [#3] Dequeued query data batch #1: QueryResultBatch [header=query_id {
上面的batchArrived表示批记录到来, 那么接下去就是处理到来的数据了:
对于batch, 总是先Received query data batch
, 然后Sending response with Sender
最后Dequeued query data batch
. 很显然query data batch会在队列中进进出出.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,419 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.i.a.StreamingAggBatch - Aggregator response RETURN_OUTCOME, records 1
2015-07-10 11:22:02,419 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.p.i.a.StreamingAggBatch - Aggregator response CLEANUP_AND_RETURN, records 1
2015-07-10 11:22:02,421 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.d.e.rpc.user.QueryResultHandler - batchArrived: queryId = part1: 3053657859282349058 part2: -8863752500417580646
2015-07-10 11:22:02,421 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.d.j.i.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener - [#3] Received query data batch #2: QueryResultBatch [header=query_id {
2015-07-10 11:22:02,421 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserClient - Sending response with Sender 1000578767
2015-07-10 11:22:02,422 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.j.i.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener - [#3] Dequeued query data batch #2: QueryResultBatch [header=query_id {
计算完成, 关闭上下文, FragmentExecutor的状态从RUNNING到FINISHED. 同样也会打印profile.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,423 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.ops.OperatorContextImpl - Closing context for
2015-07-10 11:22:02,423 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.ops.OperatorContextImpl - Closing context for org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.Project
2015-07-10 11:22:02,423 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.ops.OperatorContextImpl - Closing context for org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.StreamingAggregate
2015-07-10 11:22:02,423 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.ops.OperatorContextImpl - Closing context for org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.Screen
2015-07-10 11:22:02,423 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.apache.drill.exec.memory.Accountor - Fragment 0:0 accountor being closed
2015-07-10 11:22:02,423 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] INFO o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - 2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:0:0: State change requested from RUNNING --> FINISHED for
2015-07-10 11:22:02,423 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] INFO o.a.d.e.w.f.AbstractStatusReporter - State changed for 2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:0:0. New state: FINISHED
2015-07-10 11:22:02,424 [2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a:frag:0:0] DEBUG o.a.d.e.w.f.NonRootStatusReporter - Sending status change message message to remote node: profile {
minor_fragment_id: 0
operator_profile {
input_profile {
records: 1155
batches: 1
schemas: 1
operator_id: 3
operator_type: 29
setup_nanos: 0
process_nanos: 22301000
peak_local_memory_allocated: 4608
wait_nanos: 133000
最后Forman也会关闭, Foreman的状态从RUNNING到COMPLETED. 打印resultArrived的时候其实结果已经在sqlline上输出了.
剩下就是一些资源移除,注销之类的工作了. 其实和最开始的资源申请,注册是对应的.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,427 [BitServer-4] INFO - State change requested. RUNNING --> COMPLETED
2015-07-10 11:22:02,427 [BitServer-4] INFO - foreman cleaning up.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,429 [BitServer-4] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.rpc.control.WorkEventBus - Removing fragment status listener for queryId 2a60c5a4-e01a-ac02-84fd-a01023a1319a.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,430 [BitServer-4] DEBUG o.apache.drill.exec.memory.Accountor - Fragment 0:0 accountor being closed
2015-07-10 11:22:02,446 [BitServer-4] DEBUG o.a.d.exec.rpc.control.ControlServer - Sending response with Sender 739019148
2015-07-10 11:22:02,447 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.d.e.rpc.user.QueryResultHandler - resultArrived: queryState: COMPLETED, queryId = part1: 3053657859282349058
part2: -8863752500417580646
2015-07-10 11:22:02,448 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.d.j.i.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener - [#3] Received query completion: COMPLETED.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,448 [Client-1] DEBUG o.a.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserClient - Sending response with Sender 264929084
2015-07-10 11:22:02,479 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.j.i.DrillResultSetImpl$ResultsListener - [#3] Query listener closing.
2015-07-10 11:22:02,479 [main] DEBUG o.a.d.j.impl.DrillStatementRegistry - Removing from open-statements registry: org.apache.drill.jdbc.impl.DrillStatementImpl@4eb2bb3d
Logical Plan逻辑计划
总的来说过程就是: 查询语句--解析器--逻辑计划--优化器--物理计划--执行引擎
以Logical Plan Operators的Scan为例
The Scan operator outputs a stream of records. The "storageengine" argument must refer by name to a storage engine defined in the engines clause of the logical plan. The "selection" argument accepts a JSON object that is used by the data source itself to limit the amount of data actually retrieved. The format and content of this object is specific to the actual input source being used. Examples might include an HBase table name, a MongoDB collection, an HDFS path or a partition of a Hive table. Data sources will use the the selection argument in an implementation-specific way. The provided “ref” argument ensures that all records within the scanned source are held in the provided namespace.
{ @id†: < opref >, op: “scan”,
storageengine: < string >,
selection*: < json >,
ref: < name >
Scan操作算子会输出记录流. 参数storageengine必须引用逻辑计划中定义的engine声明.
Talk is cheap, Show me the Code.
public class Scan extends SourceOperator {
private final String storageEngine;
private final JSONOptions selection;
public Scan(@JsonProperty("storageengine") String storageEngine, @JsonProperty("selection") JSONOptions selection) {
this.storageEngine = storageEngine;
this.selection = selection;
public String getStorageEngine() { return storageEngine; }
public JSONOptions getSelection() { return selection; }
public <T, X, E extends Throwable> T accept(LogicalVisitor<T, X, E> logicalVisitor, X value) throws E {
return logicalVisitor.visitScan(this, value);
是逻辑(操作符)的访问器. Visitor class designed to traversal of a operator tree. 遍历一颗操作符树
Basis for a number of operator manipulations including fragmentation and materialization. 对算子的维护包括分片,序列化
Scan操作比较简单, 它继承的是SourceOperator:An operator that produces data without any parents. (zero input operator)
0:可以产生不依赖其他operator的数据,类似于源数据. 比如Scan,
1:该operator可以处理一个单独input source, 比如Project,Order,Limit等
M:可以处理多个input source数据
我们知道Project包括字段和表达式, 比如count(), 其中是ref引用,count是expr表达式
public class Project extends SingleInputOperator {
private final NamedExpression[] selections;
@JsonPropertyOrder({"ref", "expr"})
public class NamedExpression {
private final LogicalExpression expr;
private final FieldReference ref;
public class PlanProperties {
public PlanType type;
public int version;
public Generator generator;
public ResultMode resultMode;
public JSONOptions options;
public int queue;
public static class Generator {
public String type;
public String info;
public static enum ResultMode {
private Generator(@JsonProperty("type") String type, @JsonProperty("info") String info) {
this.type = type; = info;
对应了前面的Drill Plan中head部分的输出(虽然前面我们看到的Drill Plan应该是物理计划,而不是逻辑计划,但是head部分是一样的)
"head" : {
"version" : 1,
"generator" : {
"type" : "DefaultSqlHandler",
"info" : ""
"options" : [ ],
"queue" : 0,
"resultMode" : "EXEC"
逻辑计划LogicalPlan包含了三个部分: head,storage,query.
The query node is the actual query that we want to execute on Drill. The query itself is a collection of operations on the data.
@JsonPropertyOrder({ "head", "storage", "query" })
public class LogicalPlan {
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogicalPlan.class);
private final PlanProperties properties;
private final Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> storageEngineMap;
private final Graph<LogicalOperator, SinkOperator, SourceOperator> graph;
public LogicalPlan(@JsonProperty("head") PlanProperties head,
@JsonProperty("storage") Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> storageEngineMap,
@JsonProperty("query") List<LogicalOperator> operators) {
this.storageEngineMap = storageEngineMap != null ? storageEngineMap : new HashMap<String, StoragePluginConfig>(); = head;
this.graph = Graph.newGraph(operators, SinkOperator.class, SourceOperator.class);
query是逻辑操作符集合, 它们和Sink,Source操作符一起构成了一张逻辑计划数据流的执行图graph.
LogicalPlan的构建器的build()会创建LogicalPlan对象. 这个Builder对象提供了逻辑计划的编程接口.
public class LogicalPlanBuilder {
private PlanProperties planProperties;
private ImmutableMap.Builder<String, StoragePluginConfig> storageEngines = ImmutableMap.builder();
private ImmutableList.Builder<LogicalOperator> operators = ImmutableList.builder();
public LogicalPlanBuilder addLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator operator) {
return this;
public LogicalPlan build() {
return new LogicalPlan(this.planProperties,,;
怎么知道前面日志中打印的Drill Plan是物理计划,而不是逻辑计划, 首先可以从调用的类DefaultSqlHandler,搜索Drill Plan
public PhysicalPlan getPlan(SqlNode sqlNode) {
final ConvertedRelNode convertedRelNode = validateAndConvert(sqlNode);
final RelDataType validatedRowType = convertedRelNode.getValidatedRowType();
final RelNode queryRelNode = convertedRelNode.getConvertedNode();
log("Optiq Logical", queryRelNode, logger);
DrillRel drel = convertToDrel(queryRelNode, validatedRowType);
log("Drill Logical", drel, logger);
Prel prel = convertToPrel(drel);
log("Drill Physical", prel, logger);
PhysicalOperator pop = convertToPop(prel);
PhysicalPlan plan = convertToPlan(pop);
log("Drill Plan", plan, logger);
return plan;
1.可以看到在上面的getPlan方法中, 依次生成的计划是: Optiq逻辑计划-->Drill逻辑计划-->Drill物理计划
2.物理计划和逻辑计划一样也有很多operator, 都在org.apache.drill.exec.physical
3.Optiq现在变成Apache的Calcite, 入门教程:
private void runSQL(final String sql) throws ExecutionSetupException {
final DrillSqlWorker sqlWorker = new DrillSqlWorker(queryContext);
final Pointer<String> textPlan = new Pointer<>();
final PhysicalPlan plan = sqlWorker.getPlan(sql, textPlan);
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