



  1. 我当前的版本是SouceInsight4.0
  2. 查找工具栏上的Option选项
  3. 在Option选项中Key Assignment选项
  4. 在弹出的对话框中,选择List按钮,就会列出所有当前系统的快捷键啦
  5. 我当前系统的快捷方式,基本上是默认的,如下:
    Commands                                  :  Key Assignments
    Application: About Source Insight...      :  
    Application: Check for Updates...         :  
    Application: Create Bookmarks from Relat  :  
    Application: Deactivate License...        :  
    Application: Exit                         :  Alt+F4
    Application: Exit and Suspend             :  
    Application: Exit Windows                 :  
    Application: Lock Context Window          :  
    Application: Lock File Compare Window     :  
    Application: Lock Relation Window         :  
    Application: Manage License...            :  
    Application: Mono Font View               :  Alt+F12
    Application: Ordering Information...      :  
    Application: Print Relation Window...     :  
    Application: Redraw Screen                :  Ctrl+Alt+Space
    Application: Refresh Relation Window      :  
    Application: Restart Windows              :  
    Application: Run Macro                    :  
    Application: Setup Common Projects...     :  
    Application: Show in Relation Window      :  
    Application: Source Insight Website       :  
    Application: Touch All Files in Relation  :  
    Application: Unimplemented Command        :  
    Build: Build Project                      :  
    Build: Clean Build                        :  
    Build: Compile File                       :  
    Build: Run Project                        :  
    Custom Cmd: Build Project                 :  
    Custom Cmd: Check In                      :  
    Custom Cmd: Check Out                     :  
    Custom Cmd: Clean Build                   :  
    Custom Cmd: Command Shell                 :  
    Custom Cmd: Compile File                  :  
    Custom Cmd: Explore Project Folder        :  
    Custom Cmd: Preview in Web Browser        :  
    Custom Cmd: Run Project                   :  
    Custom Cmd: Search In Folder              :  
    Custom Cmd: Sort File                     :  
    Custom Cmd: Sort Selection                :  
    Custom Cmd: Sync File to Source Control   :  
    Custom Cmd: Sync to Source Control Proje  :  
    Custom Cmd: Undo Check Out                :  
    Custom Cmd: Windows Explorer              :  
    Edit: Back Tab                            :  Shift+Tab
    Edit: Backspace                           :  BackSpace, Shift+BackSpace
    Edit: Browser Mode                        :  
    Edit: Calculate                           :  
    Edit: Clip Window Options...              :  
    Edit: Comment Lines                       :  
    Edit: Complete Snippet                    :  Ctrl+E
    Edit: Complete Symbol                     :  Ctrl+8
    Edit: Copy                                :  Ctrl+C, L+R Click
    Edit: Copy Line                           :  Ctrl+K
    Edit: Copy Line Right                     :  Ctrl+Shift+K
    Edit: Copy To Clip...                     :  Ctrl+Del
    Edit: Cut                                 :  Ctrl+X, Shift+Del
    Edit: Cut Line                            :  Ctrl+U
    Edit: Cut Line Left                       :  
    Edit: Cut Line Right                      :  Ctrl+;
    Edit: Cut Selection or Paste              :  
    Edit: Cut To Clip...                      :  Ctrl+Shift+X
    Edit: Cut Word                            :  Ctrl+,
    Edit: Cut Word Left                       :  
    Edit: Delete All Clips                    :  
    Edit: Delete Character                    :  Del, (KeyPad) Del
    Edit: Delete Line                         :  
    Edit: Drag Line Down                      :  Ctrl+Down
    Edit: Drag Line Down More                 :  
    Edit: Drag Line Up                        :  Ctrl+Up
    Edit: Drag Line Up More                   :  
    Edit: Duplicate                           :  
    Edit: Enter                               :  Enter, Enter, (KeyPad) Enter
    Edit: Expand Text Variables               :  
    Edit: Indent Left                         :  F9
    Edit: Indent Right                        :  F10
    Edit: Insert ASCII...                     :  
    Edit: Insert Class Function Prototypes    :  
    Edit: Insert File...                      :  
    Edit: Insert GUID                         :  
    Edit: Insert Line                         :  Ctrl+I
    Edit: Insert Line Before Next             :  Ctrl+Space
    Edit: Insert New Line                     :  
    Edit: Join Lines                          :  Ctrl+J
    Edit: Lowercase                           :  
    Edit: New Clip...                         :  
    Edit: Paste                               :  Ctrl+V, Shift+Ins
    Edit: Paste From Clip...                  :  Ctrl+Ins
    Edit: Paste Line                          :  Ctrl+P
    Edit: Play Recording                      :  Ctrl+F3
    Edit: Redo                                :  Ctrl+Y
    Edit: Redo All                            :  
    Edit: Reform Paragraph                    :  
    Edit: Rename or Move...                   :  
    Edit: Renumber...                         :  Ctrl+R
    Edit: Repeat Typing                       :  Ctrl+\
    Edit: Replace...                          :  Ctrl+H
    Edit: Restore Lines                       :  Alt+D
    Edit: Simple Tab                          :  Ctrl+Alt+Tab
    Edit: Slide In Text...                    :  
    Edit: Smart Rename...                     :  Ctrl+'
    Edit: Smart Tab                           :  
    Edit: Spaces To Tabs                      :  
    Edit: Start Recording                     :  Ctrl+F1
    Edit: Stop Recording                      :  Ctrl+F2
    Edit: Tab                                 :  Tab
    Edit: Tabs To Spaces                      :  
    Edit: Toggle Case                         :  
    Edit: Toggle Insert Mode                  :  Ins
    Edit: Trim Whitespace                     :  
    Edit: Un-Comment Lines                    :  
    Edit: Undo                                :  Ctrl+Z, Alt+BackSpace
    Edit: Undo All                            :  
    Edit: Uppercase                           :  
    File: Browse Files...                     :  
    File: Checkpoint                          :  
    File: Checkpoint All                      :  
    File: Close                               :  Ctrl+W
    File: Close All                           :  Ctrl+Shift+W
    File: Close Other Windows                 :  
    File: Copy File Path                      :  
    File: Delete File...                      :  
    File: Export File As HTML...              :  
    File: Load File...                        :  
    File: Load Workspace...                   :  
    File: New                                 :  Ctrl+N
    File: Next File...                        :  Ctrl+Shift+N
    File: Open As Encoding...                 :  
    File: Open Backup File...                 :  
    File: Open Last                           :  
    File: Open...                             :  Ctrl+O
    File: Print...                            :  
    File: Reload As Encoding...               :  
    File: Reload File                         :  Ctrl+Shift+O
    File: Reload Modified Files               :  
    File: Restore File                        :  
    File: Save                                :  Ctrl+S
    File: Save A Copy...                      :  
    File: Save All                            :  Ctrl+Alt+A
    File: Save All Quietly                    :  
    File: Save As Encoding...                 :  
    File: Save As...                          :  Ctrl+Shift+S
    File: Save New Backup File                :  
    File: Save Selection...                   :  
    File: Save Workspace...                   :  
    File: Show File in Explorer...            :  
    File: Show File Status                    :  Shift+F10
    FTP: FTP Browser Options                  :  
    Help: Help Mode                           :  
    Help: Help...                             :  F1
    Help: HTML Help...                        :  
    Help: SDK Help...                         :  Alt+F1
    Help: Setup HTML Help                     :  
    Help: Setup WinHelp File                  :  
    Internal Test                             :  
    Macro: AddPromblemNo                      :  
    Macro: AutoExpand                         :  Ctrl+Enter
    Macro: AutoInsertTraceInfoInBuf           :  
    Macro: AutoInsertTraceInfoInPrj           :  
    Macro: BlockCommandProc                   :  
    Macro: ClearPrombleNo                     :  
    Macro: ComentCPPtoC                       :  
    Macro: ComentLine                         :  
    Macro: ConfigureSystem                    :  
    Macro: CreateNewHeaderFile                :  
    Macro: DelCompoundStatement               :  
    Macro: ExpandBraceLarge                   :  
    Macro: ExpandBraceLittle                  :  
    Macro: ExpandBraceMid                     :  
    Macro: FileHeaderCreate                   :  
    Macro: FormatLine                         :  
    Macro: FunctionHeaderCreate               :  
    Macro: GetProgramInfo                     :  
    Macro: GetVersion                         :  
    Macro: HeaderFileCreate                   :  
    Macro: IfdefBogus                         :  
    Macro: IfdefNever                         :  
    Macro: IfdefReview                        :  
    Macro: InsertCase                         :  
    Macro: InsertCPlusPlus                    :  
    Macro: InsertDo                           :  
    Macro: InsertElse                         :  
    Macro: InsertFileHeader                   :  
    Macro: InsertFor                          :  
    Macro: InsertFuncName                     :  
    Macro: InsertHeader                       :  
    Macro: InsertIf                           :  
    Macro: InsertIfdef                        :  
    Macro: InsertPredefIf                     :  
    Macro: InsertReviseAdd                    :  
    Macro: InsertReviseDel                    :  
    Macro: InsertReviseMod                    :  
    Macro: InsertSwitch                       :  
    Macro: InsertTraceInfo                    :  
    Macro: InsertWhile                        :  
    Macro: InsIfdef                           :  
    Macro: InsIfndef                          :  
    Macro: JumpAnywhere                       :  
    Macro: KillLine                           :  
    Macro: MergeString                        :  
    Macro: OutputSiblingSymbols               :  
    Macro: PasteKillLine                      :  
    Macro: RemoveCurBufTraceInfo              :  
    Macro: RemovePrjTraceInfo                 :  
    Macro: RemoveTraceInfo                    :  
    Macro: ReplaceBufTab                      :  
    Macro: ReplaceTabInProj                   :  
    Macro: ReturnTrueOrFalse                  :  
    Macro: SearchBackward                     :  
    Macro: SearchForward                      :  
    Macro: UpdateFunctionList                 :  
    Menu: Activate Context Menu               :  
    Menu: Activate Edit Menu                  :  Alt+E
    Menu: Activate File Menu                  :  Alt+F
    Menu: Activate Help Menu                  :  Alt+H
    Menu: Activate Menu Bar                   :  
    Menu: Activate Options Menu               :  Alt+O
    Menu: Activate Project Menu               :  Alt+P
    Menu: Activate Search Menu                :  Alt+S
    Menu: Activate System Doc Menu            :  Alt+-
    Menu: Activate System Menu                :  Alt+Space
    Menu: Activate Tools Menu                 :  Alt+T
    Menu: Activate View Menu                  :  Alt+V
    Menu: Activate Window Menu                :  Alt+W
    Menu: Activate Work Menu                  :  Alt+K
    Menu: Arrange Windows                     :  
    Menu: File Type and Language              :  
    Menu: Insert Snippet                      :  
    Menu: Outlining                           :  
    Menu: Panels                              :  
    Menu: Recent Files                        :  
    Menu: Special Edit                        :  
    Menu: Toolbars                            :  
    Menu: Visual Theme                        :  
    Navigation: Activate Bookmark Window      :  
    Navigation: Beginning Of Line             :  Home
    Navigation: Beginning Of Selection        :  Ctrl+Alt+[
    Navigation: Blank Line Down               :  
    Navigation: Blank Line Up                 :  
    Navigation: Block Down                    :  Ctrl+Shift+]
    Navigation: Block Up                      :  Ctrl+Shift+[
    Navigation: Bookmark...                   :  Ctrl+M
    Navigation: Bottom Of File                :  Ctrl+End, Ctrl+(KeyPad) End
    Navigation: Bottom Of Window              :  (KeyPad) End
    Navigation: Cursor Down                   :  Down, (KeyPad) Down
    Navigation: Cursor Left                   :  Left, (KeyPad) Left
    Navigation: Cursor Right                  :  Right, (KeyPad) Right
    Navigation: Cursor Up                     :  Up, (KeyPad) Up
    Navigation: End Of Line                   :  End
    Navigation: End Of Selection              :  Ctrl+Alt+]
    Navigation: Function Down                 :  (KeyPad) +
    Navigation: Function Up                   :  (KeyPad) -
    Navigation: Go Back                       :  Alt+,, Thumb 1 Click
    Navigation: Go Back Toggle                :  Alt+M
    Navigation: Go Forward                    :  Alt+., Thumb 2 Click
    Navigation: Go To First Link              :  Ctrl+Shift+L
    Navigation: Go To Line...                 :  F5, Ctrl+G
    Navigation: Go To Next Change             :  Alt+(KeyPad) +
    Navigation: Go To Next Link               :  Shift+F9
    Navigation: Go To Next Reference Highlig  :  
    Navigation: Go To Previous Change         :  Alt+(KeyPad) -
    Navigation: Go To Previous Link           :  Shift+F8
    Navigation: Go To Previous Reference Hig  :  
    Navigation: Highlight References          :  
    Navigation: Jump To Link                  :  Ctrl+L
    Navigation: Jump To Match                 :  Alt+]
    Navigation: Make Column Selection         :  Alt+L Click
    Navigation: Page Down                     :  PgDn, (KeyPad) PgDn
    Navigation: Page Up                       :  PgUp, (KeyPad) PgUp
    Navigation: Paren Left                    :  Ctrl+9
    Navigation: Paren Right                   :  Ctrl+0
    Navigation: Parse Source Links...         :  
    Navigation: Scroll Half Page Down         :  Ctrl+PgDn, Ctrl+(KeyPad) PgDn, (KeyPad) *
    Navigation: Scroll Half Page Up           :  Ctrl+PgUp, Ctrl+(KeyPad) PgUp, (KeyPad) /
    Navigation: Scroll Left                   :  Alt+Left
    Navigation: Scroll Line Down              :  Alt+Down
    Navigation: Scroll Line Up                :  Alt+Up
    Navigation: Scroll Right                  :  Alt+Right
    Navigation: Select All                    :  Ctrl+A
    Navigation: Select Block                  :  Ctrl+-
    Navigation: Select Char Left              :  Shift+Left
    Navigation: Select Char Right             :  Shift+Right
    Navigation: Select Function or Symbol     :  
    Navigation: Select Line                   :  Shift+F6
    Navigation: Select Line Down              :  Shift+Down
    Navigation: Select Line Up                :  Shift+Up
    Navigation: Select Match                  :  Alt+=
    Navigation: Select Next Snippet Placehol  :  Ctrl+Shift+;
    Navigation: Select Page Down              :  Shift+PgDn, Shift+(KeyPad) PgDn
    Navigation: Select Page Up                :  Shift+PgUp, Shift+(KeyPad) PgUp
    Navigation: Select Paragraph              :  
    Navigation: Select Sentence               :  Shift+F7, Ctrl+.
    Navigation: Select To                     :  Shift+L Click
    Navigation: Select To End Of File         :  Ctrl+Shift+End
    Navigation: Select To End Of Line         :  Shift+End
    Navigation: Select To Start Of Line       :  Shift+Home
    Navigation: Select To Top Of File         :  Ctrl+Shift+Home
    Navigation: Select Word                   :  Shift+F5
    Navigation: Select Word Left              :  Ctrl+Shift+Left
    Navigation: Select Word Right             :  Ctrl+Shift+Right
    Navigation: Selection History...          :  Ctrl+Shift+M
    Navigation: Smart Beginning Of Line       :  
    Navigation: Smart End Of Line             :  
    Navigation: Toggle Extend Mode            :  
    Navigation: Top Of File                   :  Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+(KeyPad) Home
    Navigation: Top Of Window                 :  (KeyPad) Home
    Navigation: Word Fragment Left            :  
    Navigation: Word Fragment Right           :  
    Navigation: Word Left                     :  Ctrl+Left
    Navigation: Word Right                    :  Ctrl+Right
    Options: Advanced Options...              :  
    Options: Color Options...                 :  
    Options: Context Window Options...        :  
    Options: Create Command List              :  
    Options: Create Key List                  :  
    Options: Directory Compare Options        :  
    Options: Display Options...               :  
    Options: Edit Condition...                :  
    Options: Enable Event Handlers            :  
    Options: File Compare Window Options...   :  
    Options: File Options...                  :  
    Options: File Type Options...             :  Alt+Y
    Options: Folder Options...                :  
    Options: General Options...               :  
    Options: Key Assignments...               :  
    Options: Language Options...              :  
    Options: Language Properties...           :  
    Options: Load Configuration...            :  
    Options: Manage Visual Themes...          :  
    Options: Menu Assignments...              :  
    Options: New Relation Window              :  
    Options: Next Relation Window View        :  
    Options: Outlining Options...             :  
    Options: Page Setup...                    :  
    Options: Preferences...                   :  
    Options: Project File List Options...     :  
    Options: Project File Type Window Option  :  
    Options: Project Folder Browser Options.  :  
    Options: Project Settings...              :  
    Options: Project Symbol Category Window   :  
    Options: Project Symbol List Options...   :  
    Options: Relation Window Graph Options..  :  
    Options: Relation Window Options...       :  
    Options: Remote Options...                :  
    Options: Reset Scaling                    :  
    Options: Save Configuration...            :  
    Options: Scroll Bar Options...            :  
    Options: Searching Options...             :  
    Options: Sort Symbol Window               :  Alt+F7
    Options: Sort Symbols By Line             :  
    Options: Sort Symbols By Name             :  
    Options: Sort Symbols By Type             :  
    Options: Style Properties...              :  
    Options: Symbol Lookup Options...         :  
    Options: Symbol Window Options...         :  
    Options: Syntax Color...                  :  
    Options: Syntax Decorations...            :  
    Options: Syntax Formatting...             :  
    Options: Syntax Keyword List...           :  
    Options: Typing Options...                :  
    Options: Window List Options...           :  
    Options: Window Options...                :  
    Options: Window Tab Options...            :  
    Outline: Collapse                         :  
    Outline: Collapse All                     :  
    Outline: Expand                           :  
    Outline: Expand All                       :  
    Outline: Show Outlining                   :  
    Outline: Toggle Expansions                :  
    Project: Add and Remove Project Files...  :  
    Project: Add File List...                 :  
    Project: Add File...                      :  Alt+Shift+A
    Project: Close Project                    :  Alt+Shift+W
    Project: Copy Project...                  :  
    Project: Export Project File List...      :  
    Project: Export Project to HTML...        :  
    Project: New Project...                   :  Alt+Shift+N
    Project: Open Project Master File List..  :  
    Project: Open Project...                  :  Alt+Shift+P
    Project: Project Report...                :  
    Project: Rebuild Project...               :  
    Project: Remove File...                   :  Alt+Shift+R
    Project: Remove Project...                :  
    Project: Rename Project...                :  
    Project: Synchronize Files...             :  Alt+Shift+S
    Search: Incremental Search Backward...    :  
    Search: Incremental Search...             :  F12, Ctrl+,
    Search: Load Search String                :  
    Search: Replace Files...                  :  Ctrl+Shift+H
    Search: Search Backward                   :  F3
    Search: Search Backward for Selection     :  Shift+F3
    Search: Search Engines...                 :  
    Search: Search Files...                   :  Ctrl+Shift+F
    Search: Search Forward                    :  F4
    Search: Search Forward for Selection      :  Shift+F4
    Search: Search Project...                 :  
    Search: Search Results Options...         :  
    Search: Search Web...                     :  Ctrl+Alt+W
    Search: Search...                         :  Ctrl+F
    Source Control: Check In                  :  
    Source Control: Check Out                 :  
    Source Control: Sync File to Source Cont  :  
    Source Control: Sync to Source Control P  :  
    Source Control: Undo Check Out            :  
    Symbol: Browse Local File Symbols...      :  
    Symbol: Browse Project Symbols...         :  
    Symbol: Generate Call Tree...             :  
    Symbol: Import External Symbols for Curr  :  
    Symbol: Import External Symbols...        :  
    Symbol: Jump To Base Type                 :  Alt+0
    Symbol: Jump To Caller                    :  Ctrl+Alt+C
    Symbol: Jump To Definition                :  Ctrl+=
    Symbol: Jump To Prototype...              :  Alt+-
    Symbol: Lookup References...              :  Ctrl+/
    Symbol: Parse File Now                    :  
    Symbol: Project Symbols Dialog...         :  
    Symbol: Symbol Info...                    :  Alt+/, Ctrl+R Click (select)
    Toolbar: Arrangement Toolbar              :  
    Toolbar: Browse Toolbar                   :  
    Toolbar: Build Toolbar                    :  
    Toolbar: Edit Toolbar                     :  
    Toolbar: File Toolbar                     :  
    Toolbar: Help Toolbar                     :  
    Toolbar: Layout Toolbar                   :  
    Toolbar: Main Toolbar                     :  
    Toolbar: Navigation Toolbar               :  
    Toolbar: Outline Toolbar                  :  
    Toolbar: Search Toolbar                   :  
    Toolbar: Source Control Toolbar           :  
    Toolbar: Symbols Toolbar                  :  
    Toolbar: View Toolbar                     :  
    Tools: Compare Files...                   :  
    Tools: Compare with Backup File...        :  
    Tools: Custom Commands...                 :  
    Tools: Reformat Source Code               :  
    Tools: Reformat Source Code Options...    :  
    Tools: Save Declaration File              :  
    View: Activate Clip Window                :  
    View: Activate FTP Browser                :  
    View: Activate Project File List          :  
    View: Activate Project Search Bar         :  Alt+Shift+P
    View: Activate Project Symbol List        :  F7, Alt+G
    View: Activate Project Window             :  
    View: Activate Relation Window            :  
    View: Activate Search Bar                 :  Alt+Shift+F
    View: Activate Search Results             :  
    View: Activate Snippet Window             :  Ctrl+Alt+S
    View: Activate Symbol Window              :  Alt+L
    View: Activate Window List                :  
    View: Bookmark Window                     :  
    View: Clear Highlights                    :  
    View: Clip Window                         :  
    View: Context Window                      :  
    View: Directory Compare                   :  
    View: File Compare                        :  
    View: File Search Bar                     :  
    View: FTP Browser                         :  
    View: Full Screen                         :  F11
    View: Highlight Word                      :  F8
    View: Horizontal Scroll Bar               :  
    View: Line Numbers                        :  
    View: Load Layout A                       :  Ctrl+Shift+F1
    View: Load Layout B                       :  Ctrl+Shift+F2
    View: Load Layout C                       :  Ctrl+Shift+F3
    View: Load Layout D                       :  Ctrl+Shift+F4
    View: Load Layout...                      :  
    View: Overview                            :  
    View: Overview                            :  
    View: Overview                            :  
    View: Overview Options...                 :  
    View: Project File List                   :  
    View: Project File Types                  :  
    View: Project Folder Browser              :  
    View: Project Search Bar                  :  
    View: Project Symbol Categories           :  
    View: Project Symbol List                 :  
    View: Project Window                      :  
    View: Relation Window                     :  
    View: Reset Layout...                     :  
    View: Save Layout...                      :  
    View: Show Nesting Lines                  :  
    View: Show Relations                      :  
    View: Snippet Window                      :  
    View: Status Bar                          :  
    View: Symbol Window                       :  Alt+F8
    View: Tab Tray                            :  
    View: Vertical Enhanced Scroll Bar        :  
    View: Vertical Scroll Bar                 :  
    View: Vertical Scroll Bar                 :  
    View: View Relation Horizontal Graph      :  
    View: View Relation Outline               :  
    View: View Relation Vertical Graph        :  
    View: Visible Spaces                      :  
    View: Visible Tabs                        :  
    View: Visible Tabs and Spaces             :  
    View: Window List                         :  
    View: Window Tabs                         :  
    Windows: Cascade Windows                  :  
    Windows: Close Window                     :  Alt+F6, Ctrl+F4
    Windows: Last Window                      :  Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab
    Windows: Link All Windows                 :  
    Windows: Link Window...                   :  
    Windows: New Window                       :  Alt+F5
    Windows: Pick Window...                   :  
    Windows: Remove Special Window Color      :  
    Windows: Select Next Window               :  F2, Shift+F2, Ctrl+F6
    Windows: Select Previous Window           :  Shift+F1
    Windows: Show Clipboard                   :  
    Windows: Special Window Color...          :  
    Windows: Split Window                     :  
    Windows: Sync File Windows                :  
    Windows: Tile Horizontal                  :  
    Windows: Tile One Window                  :  
    Windows: Tile Two Windows                 :  F6
    Windows: Tile Vertical                    :  
    Windows: Zoom Window                      :  Alt+F10, Ctrl+F10


  1. 同样在Key Assignment对话框中,在左侧选中你要编辑的命令
  2. 选中命令后,点击Assign New Key,此时软件会等待你输入一个快捷方式,包括鼠标、键盘的任何操作,当你操作完成后,软件会记录下你操作的按键,将此按键记录为快捷方式。
  3. 需要注意的是,如果存在冲突的情况下,系统会提示你冲突。在执行之前最好先备份一下List显示的文件
  4. 如果确认冲突继续执行原来对应按键的快捷方式就会替换成你当前的设置了。

59 声望9 粉丝

coder is coding code snippet,coder change the world!