原文地址: https://www.quora.com/Despite-getting-very-high-marks-in-prog...
Despite getting very high marks in programming (85 - 100), my professor told me that programming is not for me. He has even commented that I am a great coder. Why would he say this if I have done so well?
I’m gonna be up front and honest here, because this is the biggest problem I see with beginners/students coming into software development these days.
It’s very likely that while you might be very good at writing code, your professor spotted traits in your performance that would have meant you where no good at the soft skills.
A good software developer needs way more than just the ability to write good code. Here are some examples, of the skills you’ll need, in no particular order:
- The ability to disassemble a given problem domain down into it’s individual parts.
- The ability to communicate very technical subjects, in simple English like terminology to non technical people.
- The ability to think in an insanely and focused logical way.
- The ability to look at any given scenario for a 1000ft view point and understand a bigger picture as a whole.
- The ability to understand communications principles, not just digital ones but human ones too.
- The ability to think in parallel while still keeping track on a given single solution point.
- The ability to look at the many tools (Not just code) you have and decide what’s better to use to build a solution.
- An innate ability to problem solve, on your feet, and in a very short space of time.
- The ability to judge how long it will take to reach a conclusion, based on any given premise.
- The ability to use multiple tools, in multiple places, along side each other, and in teams with multiple people.
- 将问题分解,分而治之的能力;
- 以浅显易懂的方式,同非专业人士讨论技术话题的能力;
- 以常人所不能的、极端专注的逻辑思维方式进行思考的能力;
- 总揽全局、全盘思考、站在 1000 英尺高度理解问题的能力;
- 不但知道如何跟机器打交道,也要了解如何跟人打交道的能力;
- 在保持跟进单个解决方案的同时,时刻保持发散思维的能力;
- 审视众多可用的工具(不仅仅是代码)、并得出更好的解决方案的能力;
- 像有天赋一般的,立刻、快速的解决问题的能力;
- 在任何前提下都能判断、花多长时间能达成结论的能力;
- 在不同的地方、使用多种工具、同多个人一起,在团队中彼此协作的能力。
I could go on for another 10. Heck, I could go on for another 50 if I needed to.
The point is, a software developers life is about far more than just slinging out some code.
Many beginners fail to realize this.
Software development is a very hard career, and you never truly stop learning.
What you’ve learned so far, is ONLY the BEGINNING.
You’ll spend the rest of your life, learning on the job, making new discoveries as you go along.
You’ll have very, very long periods where you have to concentrate and focus on what your doing, so hard that it almost hurts.
Burnout from this intense study & concentration is an all too real problem with beginners, and many don’t make it more than a couple of years before they give up.
A good professor knows ALL OF THIS, especially if he’s been in the industry and on the front lines himself.
He’ll know what makes a good developer, and what doesn’t.
I routinely have to dish out similar advises to the students I teach, but I don’t do it with Malice, I do it because they need to hear the truth, and know what there going to walk into.
What you NEED TO DO, is ask your professor why he thinks you won’t make a good software developer, ask him to be 100% honest.
What he tells you might hurt, but the only way your going to know where you need to spend time improving is if he tells you.
I see amazing coders all the time, but a great many of them simply do not have the mental discipline to sit for 18 hours and chew through solving a problem presented to them, from start to finish.
I see loads of silly students, who come to do “computers” cause they think it’s a laugh, many of them couldn’t code to save their life, but give them something that interests them, and let them get stuck in, and their ability to hammer down on the task and see it through, is incredible.
No one is trying to belittle you or destroy your self confidence, their just trying to prepare you for what’s about to come, and mark my words, when you get out there into the real world, it’ll hit you head on, like a 20 ton truck!!!
我见过不少很棒的开发者,但是他们当中太多人也没有足够的毅力坐着花 18 个小时,把遇到的问题从头到尾嚼烂吃透。
没人贬低你或伤你的自尊,他们是帮你为面对将来的困难做准备。记住我的话:当你完成学业真正进入软件行业时,这些困难会像 20 吨的卡车一样砸在你头上!!!
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