
这里收集了遇见的laravel 或则 lumen 错误 和解决方法。


1. not found

 Class '\App\UserController' not found

执行 composer dump-autoload 解决.

2. User模型默认在App下,迁移到Models下之后命名空间出了问题。

Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalThrowableError (E_ERROR)
Class '\App\User' not found


use App\Models\User;


$user = App\Models\User::find(1);


'providers' => [
    'users' => [
        'driver' => 'eloquent',
        'model' => App\Model\User::class,


Unsupported driver [mongodb]。


 Unsupported driver [mongodb]。


$app->withFacades();   //这句移到$app->register下方,可解决

laravel Redis 队列错误

发现异步有些不会处理,https://laracasts.com/discuss... 同问这个问题,目前没有解决。

redis-climonitor 监控

1527832745.339231 [0 lua] "zrangebyscore" "queues:wechat_xcx:delayed" "-inf" "1527832745"
1527832745.339382 [0] "EVAL" "-- Get all of the jobs with an expired \"score\"...\nlocal val = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[1])\n\n-- If we have values in the array, we will remove them from the first queue\n-- and add them onto the destination queue in chunks of 100, which moves\n-- all of the appropriate jobs onto the destination queue very safely.\nif(next(val) ~= nil) then\n    redis.call('zremrangebyrank', KEYS[1], 0, #val - 1)\n\n    for i = 1, #val, 100 do\n        redis.call('rpush', KEYS[2], unpack(val, i, math.min(i+99, #val)))\n    end\nend\n\nreturn val" "2" "queues:wechat_xcx:reserved" "queues:wechat_xcx" "1527832745"
1527832745.339440 [0 lua] "zrangebyscore" "queues:wechat_xcx:reserved" "-inf" "1527832745"
1527832745.339452 [1] "EVAL" "-- Get all of the jobs with an expired \"score\"...\nlocal val = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[1])\n\n-- If we have values in the array, we will remove them from the first queue\n-- and add them onto the destination queue in chunks of 100, which moves\n-- all of the appropriate jobs onto the destination queue very safely.\nif(next(val) ~= nil) then\n    redis.call('zremrangebyrank', KEYS[1], 0, #val - 1)\n\n    for i = 1, #val, 100 do\n        redis.call('rpush', KEYS[2], unpack(val, i, math.min(i+99, #val)))\n    end\nend\n\nreturn val" "2" "queues:default:reserved" "queues:default" "1527832745"
1527832745.339503 [1 lua] "zrangebyscore" "queues:default:reserved" "-inf" "1527832745"
1527832745.339648 [0] "EVAL" "-- Pop the first job off of the queue...\nlocal job = redis.call('lpop', KEYS[1])\nlocal reserved = false\n\nif(job ~= false) then\n    -- Increment the attempt count and place job on the reserved queue...\n    reserved = cjson.decode(job)\n    reserved['attempts'] = reserved['attempts'] + 1\n    reserved = cjson.encode(reserved)\n    redis.call('zadd', KEYS[2], ARGV[1], reserved)\nend\n\nreturn {job, reserved}" "2" "queues:wechat_xcx" "queues:wechat_xcx:reserved" "1527832745"
1527832745.339694 [0 lua] "lpop" "queues:wechat_xcx"
1527832745.339722 [1] "EVAL" "-- Pop the first job off of the queue...\nlocal job = redis.call('lpop', KEYS[1])\nlocal reserved = false\n\nif(job ~= false) then\n    -- Increment the attempt count and place job on the reserved queue...\n    reserved = cjson.decode(job)\n    reserved['attempts'] = reserved['attempts'] + 1\n    reserved = cjson.encode(reserved)\n    redis.call('zadd', KEYS[2], ARGV[1], reserved)\nend\n\nreturn {job, reserved}" "2" "queues:default" "queues:default:reserved" "1527832805"
1527832745.339763 [1 lua] "lpop" "queues:default"
1527832745.807436 [1] "GET" "laravel:illuminate:queue:restart"
1527832745.807651 [1] "EVAL" "-- Get all of the jobs with an expired \"score\"...\nlocal val = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[1])\n\n-- If we have values in the array, we will remove them from the first queue\n-- and add them onto the destination queue in chunks of 100, which moves\n-- all of the appropriate jobs onto the destination queue very safely.\nif(next(val) ~= nil) then\n    redis.call('zremrangebyrank', KEYS[1], 0, #val - 1)\n\n    for i = 1, #val, 100 do\n        redis.call('rpush', KEYS[2], unpack(val, i, math.min(i+99, #val)))\n    end\nend\n\nreturn val" "2" "queues:default:delayed" "queues:default" "1527832745"
1527832745.807738 [1 lua] "zrangebyscore" "queues:default:delayed" "-inf" "1527832745"
1527832745.807863 [1] "EVAL" "-- Get all of the jobs with an expired \"score\"...\nlocal val = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[1])\n\n-- If we have values in the array, we will remove them from the first queue\n-- and add them onto the destination queue in chunks of 100, which moves\n-- all of the appropriate jobs onto the destination queue very safely.\nif(next(val) ~= nil) then\n    redis.call('zremrangebyrank', KEYS[1], 0, #val - 1)\n\n    for i = 1, #val, 100 do\n        redis.call('rpush', KEYS[2], unpack(val, i, math.min(i+99, #val)))\n    end\nend\n\nreturn val" "2" "queues:default:reserved" "queues:default" "1527832745"
1527832745.807930 [1 lua] "zrangebyscore" "queues:default:reserved" "-inf" "1527832745"
1527832745.808092 [1] "EVAL" "-- Pop the first job off of the queue...\nlocal job = redis.call('lpop', KEYS[1])\nlocal reserved = false\n\nif(job ~= false) then\n    -- Increment the attempt count and place job on the reserved queue...\n    reserved = cjson.decode(job)\n    reserved['attempts'] = reserved['attempts'] + 1\n    reserved = cjson.encode(reserved)\n    redis.call('zadd', KEYS[2], ARGV[1], reserved)\nend\n\nreturn {job, reserved}" "2" "queues:default" "queues:default:reserved" "1527832805"
1527832745.808146 [1 lua] "lpop" "queues:default"


Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

APP_key 问题:

php artisan key:generate

在 Heroku 环境中也会有遇到,需要设置 heroku 的 key 和 项目一致:

heroku config:set APP_KEY=Your_app_key

318 声望22 粉丝

编程是技能 (Skill),不是知识 (Knowledge),技能只有在不断练习下才会有进步。