Given a positive 32-bit integer n, you need to find the smallest 32-bit integer which has exactly the same digits existing in the integer n and is greater in value than n. If no such positive 32-bit integer exists, you need to return -1.
Example 1:
Input: 12
Output: 21
Example 2:
Input: 21
Output: -1
Example 3:
Input: 123987
Output: 127389
class Solution {
public int nextGreaterElement(int n) {
char[] num = (n+"").toCharArray();
int i;
for (i = num.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
if (num[i-1] < num[i]) break;
//when all digits are in decreasing order, no greater num
if (i == 0) return -1;
//otherwise we get the last increasing digit: num[i-1]
//and loop to the end finding the smallest greater digit than num[i-1]
int smallestGreaterIndex = i;
int lastIncreasing = num[i-1];
for (int j = i+1; j < num.length; j++) {
if (num[j] > lastIncreasing && num[j] <= num[smallestGreaterIndex]) {
smallestGreaterIndex = j;
//123987 -> lastIncreasing = 3, smallestGreaterIndex = 5
//swap 3 and 7 -> 127983
char temp = num[i-1];
num[i-1] = num[smallestGreaterIndex];
num[smallestGreaterIndex] = temp;
//reorder 983 to 389 -> 127389
Arrays.sort(num, i, num.length);
//parse to long to avoid overflow
long val = Long.parseLong(new String(num));
return val > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : (int) val;
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