* Writes a DataStream to the standard output stream (stdout).
* <p>For each element of the DataStream the result of {@link Object#toString()} is written.
* <p>NOTE: This will print to stdout on the machine where the code is executed, i.e. the Flink
* worker.
* @return The closed DataStream.
public DataStreamSink<T> print() {
PrintSinkFunction<T> printFunction = new PrintSinkFunction<>();
return addSink(printFunction).name("Print to Std. Out");
* Writes a DataStream to the standard output stream (stderr).
* <p>For each element of the DataStream the result of {@link Object#toString()} is written.
* <p>NOTE: This will print to stderr on the machine where the code is executed, i.e. the Flink
* worker.
* @return The closed DataStream.
public DataStreamSink<T> printToErr() {
PrintSinkFunction<T> printFunction = new PrintSinkFunction<>(true);
return addSink(printFunction).name("Print to Std. Err");
* Writes a DataStream to the standard output stream (stdout).
* <p>For each element of the DataStream the result of {@link Object#toString()} is written.
* <p>NOTE: This will print to stdout on the machine where the code is executed, i.e. the Flink
* worker.
* @param sinkIdentifier The string to prefix the output with.
* @return The closed DataStream.
public DataStreamSink<T> print(String sinkIdentifier) {
PrintSinkFunction<T> printFunction = new PrintSinkFunction<>(sinkIdentifier, false);
return addSink(printFunction).name("Print to Std. Out");
* Writes a DataStream to the standard output stream (stderr).
* <p>For each element of the DataStream the result of {@link Object#toString()} is written.
* <p>NOTE: This will print to stderr on the machine where the code is executed, i.e. the Flink
* worker.
* @param sinkIdentifier The string to prefix the output with.
* @return The closed DataStream.
public DataStreamSink<T> printToErr(String sinkIdentifier) {
PrintSinkFunction<T> printFunction = new PrintSinkFunction<>(sinkIdentifier, true);
return addSink(printFunction).name("Print to Std. Err");
* Adds the given sink to this DataStream. Only streams with sinks added
* will be executed once the {@link StreamExecutionEnvironment#execute()}
* method is called.
* @param sinkFunction
* The object containing the sink's invoke function.
* @return The closed DataStream.
public DataStreamSink<T> addSink(SinkFunction<T> sinkFunction) {
// read the output type of the input Transform to coax out errors about MissingTypeInfo
// configure the type if needed
if (sinkFunction instanceof InputTypeConfigurable) {
((InputTypeConfigurable) sinkFunction).setInputType(getType(), getExecutionConfig());
StreamSink<T> sinkOperator = new StreamSink<>(clean(sinkFunction));
DataStreamSink<T> sink = new DataStreamSink<>(this, sinkOperator);
return sink;
- DataStream提供了几个print开头的方法,内部是创建了PrintSinkFunction,通过调用addSink操作把该PrintSinkFunction添加进去
- addSink方法的注释表明带有sinks的streams,会在StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute()调用的时候被执行
- SinkFunction先是被StreamSink包装,然后被DataStreamSink包装,最后通过DataStreamSink.getTransformation作为operator添加到ExecutionEnvironment
* Interface for implementing user defined sink functionality.
* @param <IN> Input type parameter.
public interface SinkFunction<IN> extends Function, Serializable {
* @deprecated Use {@link #invoke(Object, Context)}.
default void invoke(IN value) throws Exception {}
* Writes the given value to the sink. This function is called for every record.
* <p>You have to override this method when implementing a {@code SinkFunction}, this is a
* {@code default} method for backward compatibility with the old-style method only.
* @param value The input record.
* @param context Additional context about the input record.
* @throws Exception This method may throw exceptions. Throwing an exception will cause the operation
* to fail and may trigger recovery.
default void invoke(IN value, Context context) throws Exception {
* Context that {@link SinkFunction SinkFunctions } can use for getting additional data about
* an input record.
* <p>The context is only valid for the duration of a
* {@link SinkFunction#invoke(Object, Context)} call. Do not store the context and use
* afterwards!
* @param <T> The type of elements accepted by the sink.
@Public // Interface might be extended in the future with additional methods.
interface Context<T> {
/** Returns the current processing time. */
long currentProcessingTime();
/** Returns the current event-time watermark. */
long currentWatermark();
* Returns the timestamp of the current input record or {@code null} if the element does not
* have an assigned timestamp.
Long timestamp();
- SinkFunction接口定义了invoke方法,用来触发sink逻辑;invoke方法里头传递了一个Context,该接口定义了currentProcessingTime、currentWatermark、timestamp三个方法
* A {@link org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.RichFunction} version of {@link SinkFunction}.
public abstract class RichSinkFunction<IN> extends AbstractRichFunction implements SinkFunction<IN> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- RichSinkFunction抽象类继承了AbstractRichFunction类,同时也声明实现SinkFunction接口;大部分内置的sink function都继承了RichSinkFunction;AbstractRichFunction主要是提供了RuntimeContext属性,可以用来获取function运行时的上下文
* Implementation of the SinkFunction writing every tuple to the standard
* output or standard error stream.
* <p>
* Four possible format options:
* {@code sinkIdentifier}:taskId> output <- {@code sinkIdentifier} provided, parallelism > 1
* {@code sinkIdentifier}> output <- {@code sinkIdentifier} provided, parallelism == 1
* taskId> output <- no {@code sinkIdentifier} provided, parallelism > 1
* output <- no {@code sinkIdentifier} provided, parallelism == 1
* </p>
* @param <IN> Input record type
public class PrintSinkFunction<IN> extends RichSinkFunction<IN> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final PrintSinkOutputWriter<IN> writer;
* Instantiates a print sink function that prints to standard out.
public PrintSinkFunction() {
writer = new PrintSinkOutputWriter<>(false);
* Instantiates a print sink function that prints to standard out.
* @param stdErr True, if the format should print to standard error instead of standard out.
public PrintSinkFunction(final boolean stdErr) {
writer = new PrintSinkOutputWriter<>(stdErr);
* Instantiates a print sink function that prints to standard out and gives a sink identifier.
* @param stdErr True, if the format should print to standard error instead of standard out.
* @param sinkIdentifier Message that identify sink and is prefixed to the output of the value
public PrintSinkFunction(final String sinkIdentifier, final boolean stdErr) {
writer = new PrintSinkOutputWriter<>(sinkIdentifier, stdErr);
public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception {
StreamingRuntimeContext context = (StreamingRuntimeContext) getRuntimeContext();
writer.open(context.getIndexOfThisSubtask(), context.getNumberOfParallelSubtasks());
public void invoke(IN record) {
public String toString() {
return writer.toString();
- PrintSinkFunction继承了RichSinkFunction,它主要是使用了PrintSinkOutputWriter,在invoke的时候调用PrintSinkOutputWriter的write方法来执行输出
* Print sink output writer for DataStream and DataSet print API.
public class PrintSinkOutputWriter<IN> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final boolean STD_OUT = false;
private static final boolean STD_ERR = true;
private final boolean target;
private transient PrintStream stream;
private final String sinkIdentifier;
private transient String completedPrefix;
public PrintSinkOutputWriter() {
this("", STD_OUT);
public PrintSinkOutputWriter(final boolean stdErr) {
this("", stdErr);
public PrintSinkOutputWriter(final String sinkIdentifier, final boolean stdErr) {
this.target = stdErr;
this.sinkIdentifier = (sinkIdentifier == null ? "" : sinkIdentifier);
public void open(int subtaskIndex, int numParallelSubtasks) {
// get the target stream
stream = target == STD_OUT ? System.out : System.err;
completedPrefix = sinkIdentifier;
if (numParallelSubtasks > 1) {
if (!completedPrefix.isEmpty()) {
completedPrefix += ":";
completedPrefix += (subtaskIndex + 1);
if (!completedPrefix.isEmpty()) {
completedPrefix += "> ";
public void write(IN record) {
stream.println(completedPrefix + record.toString());
public String toString() {
return "Print to " + (target == STD_OUT ? "System.out" : "System.err");
- PrintSinkOutputWriter的构造器最多可以接收两个参数,分别是sinkIdentifier以及stdErr;sinkIdentifier即为输出的前缀,stdErr用于表示是否输出到System.err
- open方法主要用于做一些准备工作,它在PrintSinkFunction的open方法里头会被调用,PrintSinkFunction的open方法会从AbstractRichFunction定义的RuntimeContext里头获取subtaskIndex及numParallelSubtasks传递过来;这里的open方法根据sinkIdentifier以及subtaskIndex、numParallelSubtasks信息构建completedPrefix
- write方法就是调用System.out或者System.err的println方法,带上completedPrefix及record的信息
- DataStream的几个print开头的方法内部创建的是PrintSinkFunction,然后调用addSink方法添加到ExecutionEnvironment中(
) - SinkFunction是sink function的基础接口,它主要定义了invoke方法,该方法里头传递了一个Context;而内置的一些sink function大多是继承的RichSinkFunction,RichSinkFunction主要是继承了AbstractRichFunction,可以提供funtion运行时的RuntimeContext信息
- PrintSinkFunction继承了RichSinkFunction,它主要是使用了PrintSinkOutputWriter,在invoke的时候调用PrintSinkOutputWriter的write方法来执行输出
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