public interface IFailureDetector
* Failure Detector's knowledge of whether a node is up or
* down.
* @param ep endpoint in question.
* @return true if UP and false if DOWN.
public boolean isAlive(InetAddress ep);
* This method is invoked by any entity wanting to interrogate the status of an endpoint.
* In our case it would be the Gossiper. The Failure Detector will then calculate Phi and
* deem an endpoint as suspicious or alive as explained in the Hayashibara paper.
* param ep endpoint for which we interpret the inter arrival times.
public void interpret(InetAddress ep);
* This method is invoked by the receiver of the heartbeat. In our case it would be
* the Gossiper. Gossiper inform the Failure Detector on receipt of a heartbeat. The
* FailureDetector will then sample the arrival time as explained in the paper.
* param ep endpoint being reported.
public void report(InetAddress ep);
* remove endpoint from failure detector
public void remove(InetAddress ep);
* force conviction of endpoint in the failure detector
public void forceConviction(InetAddress ep);
* Register interest for Failure Detector events.
* @param listener implementation of an application provided IFailureDetectionEventListener
public void registerFailureDetectionEventListener(IFailureDetectionEventListener listener);
* Un-register interest for Failure Detector events.
* @param listener implementation of an application provided IFailureDetectionEventListener
public void unregisterFailureDetectionEventListener(IFailureDetectionEventListener listener);
- IFailureDetector接口定义了isAlive、interpret、report、forceConviction、registerFailureDetectionEventListener、unregisterFailureDetectionEventListener方法
* This FailureDetector is an implementation of the paper titled
* "The Phi Accrual Failure Detector" by Hayashibara.
* Check the paper and the <i>IFailureDetector</i> interface for details.
public class FailureDetector implements IFailureDetector, FailureDetectorMBean
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FailureDetector.class);
public static final String MBEAN_NAME = "org.apache.cassandra.net:type=FailureDetector";
private static final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 1000;
protected static final long INITIAL_VALUE_NANOS = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(getInitialValue(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private static final int DEBUG_PERCENTAGE = 80; // if the phi is larger than this percentage of the max, log a debug message
private static final long DEFAULT_MAX_PAUSE = 5000L * 1000000L; // 5 seconds
private static final long MAX_LOCAL_PAUSE_IN_NANOS = getMaxLocalPause();
private long lastInterpret = Clock.instance.nanoTime();
private long lastPause = 0L;
private static long getMaxLocalPause()
if (System.getProperty("cassandra.max_local_pause_in_ms") != null)
long pause = Long.parseLong(System.getProperty("cassandra.max_local_pause_in_ms"));
logger.warn("Overriding max local pause time to {}ms", pause);
return pause * 1000000L;
public static final IFailureDetector instance = new FailureDetector();
// this is useless except to provide backwards compatibility in phi_convict_threshold,
// because everyone seems pretty accustomed to the default of 8, and users who have
// already tuned their phi_convict_threshold for their own environments won't need to
// change.
private final double PHI_FACTOR = 1.0 / Math.log(10.0); // 0.434...
private final ConcurrentHashMap<InetAddress, ArrivalWindow> arrivalSamples = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final List<IFailureDetectionEventListener> fdEvntListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
public boolean isAlive(InetAddress ep)
if (ep.equals(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress()))
return true;
EndpointState epState = Gossiper.instance.getEndpointStateForEndpoint(ep);
// we could assert not-null, but having isAlive fail screws a node over so badly that
// it's worth being defensive here so minor bugs don't cause disproportionate
// badness. (See CASSANDRA-1463 for an example).
if (epState == null)
logger.error("Unknown endpoint: " + ep, new IllegalArgumentException(""));
return epState != null && epState.isAlive();
public void interpret(InetAddress ep)
ArrivalWindow hbWnd = arrivalSamples.get(ep);
if (hbWnd == null)
long now = Clock.instance.nanoTime();
long diff = now - lastInterpret;
lastInterpret = now;
logger.warn("Not marking nodes down due to local pause of {} > {}", diff, MAX_LOCAL_PAUSE_IN_NANOS);
lastPause = now;
if (Clock.instance.nanoTime() - lastPause < MAX_LOCAL_PAUSE_IN_NANOS)
logger.debug("Still not marking nodes down due to local pause");
double phi = hbWnd.phi(now);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("PHI for {} : {}", ep, phi);
if (PHI_FACTOR * phi > getPhiConvictThreshold())
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Node {} phi {} > {}; intervals: {} mean: {}", new Object[]{ep, PHI_FACTOR * phi, getPhiConvictThreshold(), hbWnd, hbWnd.mean()});
for (IFailureDetectionEventListener listener : fdEvntListeners)
listener.convict(ep, phi);
else if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && (PHI_FACTOR * phi * DEBUG_PERCENTAGE / 100.0 > getPhiConvictThreshold()))
logger.debug("PHI for {} : {}", ep, phi);
else if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("PHI for {} : {}", ep, phi);
logger.trace("mean for {} : {}", ep, hbWnd.mean());
- FailureDetector实现了IFailureDetector, FailureDetectorMBean接口
- 这里定义的PHI_FACTOR为1.0 / Math.log(10.0),而phiConvictThreshold默认为8;这里维护了arrivalSamples,即InetAddress及其ArrivalWindow的映射
- 其isAlive方法取的epState.isAlive()的值;其interpret方法调用ArrivalWindow.phi计算now值的phi,然后乘以PHI_FACTOR,如果大于phiConvictThreshold则会回调IFailureDetectionEventListener的convict方法
public class EndpointState
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EndpointState.class);
public final static IVersionedSerializer<EndpointState> serializer = new EndpointStateSerializer();
private volatile HeartBeatState hbState;
private final AtomicReference<Map<ApplicationState, VersionedValue>> applicationState;
/* fields below do not get serialized */
private volatile long updateTimestamp;
private volatile boolean isAlive;
public boolean isAlive()
return isAlive;
void markAlive()
isAlive = true;
void markDead()
isAlive = false;
- EndpointState的isAlive返回的是isAlive值,则markDead方法则会标记该值为false
class ArrivalWindow
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArrivalWindow.class);
private long tLast = 0L;
private final ArrayBackedBoundedStats arrivalIntervals;
private double lastReportedPhi = Double.MIN_VALUE;
// in the event of a long partition, never record an interval longer than the rpc timeout,
// since if a host is regularly experiencing connectivity problems lasting this long we'd
// rather mark it down quickly instead of adapting
// this value defaults to the same initial value the FD is seeded with
private final long MAX_INTERVAL_IN_NANO = getMaxInterval();
ArrivalWindow(int size)
arrivalIntervals = new ArrayBackedBoundedStats(size);
private static long getMaxInterval()
String newvalue = System.getProperty("cassandra.fd_max_interval_ms");
if (newvalue == null)
return FailureDetector.INITIAL_VALUE_NANOS;
logger.info("Overriding FD MAX_INTERVAL to {}ms", newvalue);
return TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(Integer.parseInt(newvalue), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
synchronized void add(long value, InetAddress ep)
assert tLast >= 0;
if (tLast > 0L)
long interArrivalTime = (value - tLast);
if (interArrivalTime <= MAX_INTERVAL_IN_NANO)
logger.trace("Reporting interval time of {} for {}", interArrivalTime, ep);
logger.trace("Ignoring interval time of {} for {}", interArrivalTime, ep);
// We use a very large initial interval since the "right" average depends on the cluster size
// and it's better to err high (false negatives, which will be corrected by waiting a bit longer)
// than low (false positives, which cause "flapping").
tLast = value;
double mean()
return arrivalIntervals.mean();
// see CASSANDRA-2597 for an explanation of the math at work here.
double phi(long tnow)
assert arrivalIntervals.mean() > 0 && tLast > 0; // should not be called before any samples arrive
long t = tnow - tLast;
lastReportedPhi = t / mean();
return lastReportedPhi;
double getLastReportedPhi()
return lastReportedPhi;
public String toString()
return Arrays.toString(arrivalIntervals.getArrivalIntervals());
- ArrivalWindow使用ArrayBackedBoundedStats来存储arrivalIntervals值
- 其add方法是一个synchronized方法,它在tLast大于0且interArrivalTime小于等于MAX_INTERVAL_IN_NANO的时候才会执行arrivalIntervals.add(interArrivalTime),如果tLast小于等于0则执行arrivalIntervals.add(FailureDetector.INITIAL_VALUE_NANOS)
- phi值采用了exponential distribution appropriate,即通过t / mean()来近似计算P(x <= t)
Although the original paper suggests that the distribution is approximated by the Gaussian distribution we found the Exponential Distribution to be a better approximation, because of the nature of the gossip channel and its impact on latency
Regular message transmissions experiencing typical random jitter will follow a normal distribution, but since gossip messages from endpoint A to endpoint B are sent at random intervals, they likely make up a Poisson process, making the exponential distribution appropriate.
public class Gossiper implements IFailureDetectionEventListener, GossiperMBean
* This method is part of IFailureDetectionEventListener interface. This is invoked
* by the Failure Detector when it convicts an end point.
* @param endpoint end point that is convicted.
public void convict(InetAddress endpoint, double phi)
EndpointState epState = endpointStateMap.get(endpoint);
if (epState == null)
if (!epState.isAlive())
logger.debug("Convicting {} with status {} - alive {}", endpoint, getGossipStatus(epState), epState.isAlive());
if (isShutdown(endpoint))
markDead(endpoint, epState);
* This method is used to mark a node as shutdown; that is it gracefully exited on its own and told us about it
* @param endpoint endpoint that has shut itself down
protected void markAsShutdown(InetAddress endpoint)
EndpointState epState = endpointStateMap.get(endpoint);
if (epState == null)
epState.addApplicationState(ApplicationState.STATUS, StorageService.instance.valueFactory.shutdown(true));
epState.addApplicationState(ApplicationState.RPC_READY, StorageService.instance.valueFactory.rpcReady(false));
markDead(endpoint, epState);
public void markDead(InetAddress addr, EndpointState localState)
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("marking as down {}", addr);
unreachableEndpoints.put(addr, System.nanoTime());
logger.info("InetAddress {} is now DOWN", addr);
for (IEndpointStateChangeSubscriber subscriber : subscribers)
subscriber.onDead(addr, localState);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Notified {}", subscribers);
- Gossiper实现了IFailureDetectionEventListener接口,其convict方法会获取endpointState,如果已经shutdown则执行markAsShutdown方法,否则执行markDead方法
- markAsShutdown方法会调用markDead方法,然后再调用FailureDetector.instance.forceConviction(endpoint)方法
- markDead方法则直接调用endpointState.markDead()方法,然后回调IEndpointStateChangeSubscriber的onDead方法
public class Gossiper implements IFailureDetectionEventListener, GossiperMBean
public void start(int generationNumber)
start(generationNumber, new EnumMap<ApplicationState, VersionedValue>(ApplicationState.class));
* Start the gossiper with the generation number, preloading the map of application states before starting
public void start(int generationNbr, Map<ApplicationState, VersionedValue> preloadLocalStates)
/* initialize the heartbeat state for this localEndpoint */
EndpointState localState = endpointStateMap.get(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress());
//notify snitches that Gossiper is about to start
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("gossip started with generation {}", localState.getHeartBeatState().getGeneration());
scheduledGossipTask = executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new GossipTask(),
private class GossipTask implements Runnable
public void run()
//wait on messaging service to start listening
/* Update the local heartbeat counter. */
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("My heartbeat is now {}", endpointStateMap.get(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress()).getHeartBeatState().getHeartBeatVersion());
final List<GossipDigest> gDigests = new ArrayList<GossipDigest>();
if (gDigests.size() > 0)
GossipDigestSyn digestSynMessage = new GossipDigestSyn(DatabaseDescriptor.getClusterName(),
MessageOut<GossipDigestSyn> message = new MessageOut<GossipDigestSyn>(MessagingService.Verb.GOSSIP_DIGEST_SYN,
/* Gossip to some random live member */
boolean gossipedToSeed = doGossipToLiveMember(message);
/* Gossip to some unreachable member with some probability to check if he is back up */
/* Gossip to a seed if we did not do so above, or we have seen less nodes
than there are seeds. This prevents partitions where each group of nodes
is only gossiping to a subset of the seeds.
The most straightforward check would be to check that all the seeds have been
verified either as live or unreachable. To avoid that computation each round,
we reason that:
either all the live nodes are seeds, in which case non-seeds that come online
will introduce themselves to a member of the ring by definition,
or there is at least one non-seed node in the list, in which case eventually
someone will gossip to it, and then do a gossip to a random seed from the
gossipedToSeed check.
See CASSANDRA-150 for more exposition. */
if (!gossipedToSeed || liveEndpoints.size() < seeds.size())
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Gossip error", e);
private void doStatusCheck()
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Performing status check ...");
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long nowNano = System.nanoTime();
long pending = ((JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor) StageManager.getStage(Stage.GOSSIP)).metrics.pendingTasks.getValue();
if (pending > 0 && lastProcessedMessageAt < now - 1000)
// if some new messages just arrived, give the executor some time to work on them
Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// still behind? something's broke
if (lastProcessedMessageAt < now - 1000)
logger.warn("Gossip stage has {} pending tasks; skipping status check (no nodes will be marked down)", pending);
Set<InetAddress> eps = endpointStateMap.keySet();
for (InetAddress endpoint : eps)
if (endpoint.equals(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress()))
EndpointState epState = endpointStateMap.get(endpoint);
if (epState != null)
// check if this is a fat client. fat clients are removed automatically from
// gossip after FatClientTimeout. Do not remove dead states here.
if (isGossipOnlyMember(endpoint)
&& !justRemovedEndpoints.containsKey(endpoint)
&& TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(nowNano - epState.getUpdateTimestamp()) > fatClientTimeout)
logger.info("FatClient {} has been silent for {}ms, removing from gossip", endpoint, fatClientTimeout);
removeEndpoint(endpoint); // will put it in justRemovedEndpoints to respect quarantine delay
evictFromMembership(endpoint); // can get rid of the state immediately
// check for dead state removal
long expireTime = getExpireTimeForEndpoint(endpoint);
if (!epState.isAlive() && (now > expireTime)
&& (!StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata().isMember(endpoint)))
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("time is expiring for endpoint : {} ({})", endpoint, expireTime);
if (!justRemovedEndpoints.isEmpty())
for (Entry<InetAddress, Long> entry : justRemovedEndpoints.entrySet())
if ((now - entry.getValue()) > QUARANTINE_DELAY)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("{} elapsed, {} gossip quarantine over", QUARANTINE_DELAY, entry.getKey());
- Gossiper定义了start方法,该方法通过executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay创建了GossipTask的调度任务
- GossipTask的run方法会执行doGossipToLiveMember、maybeGossipToUnreachableMember,最后执行doStatusCheck方法
- doStatusCheck方法会遍历endpointStateMap中的InetAddress,对其执行FailureDetector.instance.interpret(endpoint)
- IFailureDetector接口定义了isAlive、interpret、report、forceConviction、registerFailureDetectionEventListener、unregisterFailureDetectionEventListener方法
- FailureDetector实现了IFailureDetector, FailureDetectorMBean接口;其isAlive方法取的epState.isAlive()的值,EndpointState的isAlive返回的是isAlive值,则markDead方法则会标记该值为false;其interpret方法调用ArrivalWindow.phi计算now值的phi,然后乘以PHI_FACTOR,如果大于phiConvictThreshold则会回调IFailureDetectionEventListener的convict方法
- ArrivalWindow使用ArrayBackedBoundedStats来存储arrivalIntervals值;其add方法是一个synchronized方法,它在tLast大于0且interArrivalTime小于等于MAX_INTERVAL_IN_NANO的时候才会执行arrivalIntervals.add(interArrivalTime),如果tLast小于等于0则执行arrivalIntervals.add(FailureDetector.INITIAL_VALUE_NANOS);phi值采用了exponential distribution appropriate,即通过t / mean()来近似计算P(x <= t)
- Gossiper实现了IFailureDetectionEventListener接口,其convict方法会获取endpointState,如果已经shutdown则执行markAsShutdown方法,否则执行markDead方法;markAsShutdown方法会调用markDead方法,然后再调用FailureDetector.instance.forceConviction(endpoint)方法;markDead方法则直接调用endpointState.markDead()方法,然后回调IEndpointStateChangeSubscriber的onDead方法
- Gossiper定义了start方法,该方法通过executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay创建了GossipTask的调度任务;GossipTask的run方法会执行doGossipToLiveMember、maybeGossipToUnreachableMember,最后执行doStatusCheck方法;doStatusCheck方法会遍历endpointStateMap中的InetAddress,对其执行FailureDetector.instance.interpret(endpoint)
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