
    阅读 44 分钟

    2. pandas

    2.1 数据构造与加载

    2.1.1 构造dataframe

    • 空dataframe
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=['c1', 'c2'], index=[1, 2])
    # output:
        c1    c2
    1    NaN    NaN
    2    NaN    NaN
    • 字典构造dataframe
    dict_v = {'c1': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
                  'c2': [1, 2, 3]}
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict_v)
    # output:
    c1    c2
    0    a    1
    1    b    2
    2    c    3

    2.1.1 describe()


    • 参数

      percentiles输出结果中将要统计的分位数list,0到1之间,比如percentiles=[0,0.2,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.8][.25, .5, .75]
    • 输出

    # df_bak2
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    count    10    10.00000    10.000000    10.00000    10    10.000000
    unique    4    NaN    NaN    NaN    4    NaN
    top    CorpbondAAA    NaN    NaN    NaN    2020-06-30    NaN
    freq    3    NaN    NaN    NaN    4    NaN
    mean    NaN    5.50000    6.900000    0.04035    NaN    23.700000
    std    NaN    3.02765    4.201851    0.00686    NaN    11.916841
    min    NaN    1.00000    1.000000    0.03150    NaN    8.000000
    25%    NaN    3.25000    5.000000    0.03575    NaN    18.250000
    50%    NaN    5.50000    5.000000    0.03900    NaN    20.000000
    75%    NaN    7.75000    10.000000    0.04625    NaN    30.000000
    max    NaN    10.00000    15.000000    0.05100    NaN    50.000000
    # output:
    asset_id    bond_period    rate    amount
    count    10.00000    10.000000    10.00000    10.000000
    mean    5.50000    6.900000    0.04035    23.700000
    std    3.02765    4.201851    0.00686    11.916841
    min    1.00000    1.000000    0.03150    8.000000
    25%    3.25000    5.000000    0.03575    18.250000
    50%    5.50000    5.000000    0.03900    20.000000
    75%    7.75000    10.000000    0.04625    30.000000
    max    10.00000    15.000000    0.05100    50.000000
    # output:
        asset_name    buying_time
    count    10    10
    unique    4    4
    top    CorpbondAAA    2020-06-30
    freq    3    4

    2.2 操作文件

    2.2.1 to_excel()


    2.2.2 to_csv()


    2.2.3 read_csv()


    df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=file_name, header=None, names=['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'])

    2.3 数据检测与过滤


    data_dict = {'asset_name': ['Govtbond','Govtbond','Govtbond','Finbond','Finbond','CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAA','CorpbondAA'],
    'asset_id': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
    'bond_period': [5,10,15,5,10,3,5,10,1,5],
    'rate':[0.0315,0.0355,0.041,0.033,0.0365,0.038, 0.04, 0.049,0.048, 0.051]}
    time_amount = pd.DataFrame(data={'asset_name': ['Govtbond','Govtbond','Govtbond','Finbond','Finbond','CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAAA', 'CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAA','CorpbondAA'],
    'asset_id': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
    'buying_time':['2019-12-31', '2018-06-30', '2015-09-30','2019-12-31', '2018-06-30', np.nan,'2020-06-30','2020-06-30',np.nan, np.nan],
    'amount': [30, np.nan, 50, 18, 21, 30, 8, 19, np.nan,12]})
    print(f"df_base=\n {df_base},\n time_amount=\n {time_amount}")
    df = df_base.merge(time_amount, how='left', on=['asset_name', 'asset_id'])

    2.3.1 dropna()


    DataFrame.dropna(axis=0, how='any', thresh=None, subset=None, inplace=False)
    • 参数

      axis决定删除NaN值时的轴,0:按行删除,1:按列删除0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’0
      how控制删除方式,any:行(或列)有NaN值则删除该行(或列),all:行(或列)的全部值为NaN时删除该行(或列)‘any’, ‘all’‘any’
        asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    NaN
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    NaN    30.0
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    NaN    NaN
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    NaN    12.0
    # thresh参数
    df_bak.dropna(thresh=5) # 除去NaN值,剩余数值的数量大于等于5时显示该行
    # output:
    # 索引为8的行被删除
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    NaN
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    NaN    30.0
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    NaN    12.0
    # subset参数
    df_bak.dropna(axis=0, subset=['amount']) # 根据'amount'列是否有空值来判断是否删除删除行数据
    # output:
    # amount列为NaN的行被删除
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    NaN    30.0
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    NaN    12.0

    2.3.2 notnull()


    2.4 填充缺失数据

    2.4.1 fillna()


    DataFrame.fillna(value=None, method=None, axis=None, inplace=False, limit=None, downcast=None)
    • 参数

      value将填充的值,如果不是标量,则会根据键或行列来填充scalar, dict, Series, or DataFrame无默认值
      method控制填充方式,pad/ffill:由前一个值填充其后的NaN值,backfill/bfill:用NaN值后面的值向前填充‘backfill’, ‘bfill’, ‘pad’, ‘ffill’, NoneNone
      axis决定填充值时的轴,0:按行填充,1:按列填充0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’0
    # axis参数
    df_bak.fillna(method='ffill',axis=1) # 按行 由前向后 填充,
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    2018-06-30
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.041    2015-09-30    50
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.033    2019-12-31    18
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.038    0.038    30
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.04    2020-06-30    8
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.049    2020-06-30    19
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.048    0.048    0.048
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.051    0.051    12
    # limit参数
    df_bak.fillna(method='ffill',axis=1, limit=1) # 按行由前向后填充,且行连续的NaN值超过limit时,只填充前limit个NaN值
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    2018-06-30
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.041    2015-09-30    50
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.033    2019-12-31    18
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.038    0.038    30
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.04    2020-06-30    8
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.049    2020-06-30    19
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.048    0.048    NaN
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.051    0.051    12

    2.4.2 dataframe缺数据时怎么补齐?


    2.5 数据去重

    asset_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'asset_name':['Govtbond','Govtbond','Govtbond','Finbond','Finbond','Finbond','CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAAA','CorpbondAA','CorpbondAA'],'asset_id': [1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,8,9,10]})
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id
    0    Govtbond    1
    1    Govtbond    2
    2    Govtbond    3
    3    Finbond    4
    4    Finbond    5
    5    Finbond    5
    6    CorpbondAAA    6
    7    CorpbondAAA    7
    8    CorpbondAAA    8
    9    CorpbondAAA    8
    10    CorpbondAA    9
    11    CorpbondAA    10

    2.5.1 duplicated()


    • 参数

      keep决定重复值的标记方式,‘first’:将重复值的第一个标记为True,其余标记为False; ‘last’:将重复值的最后一个标记为True,其余标记为False;False:将所有重复值标记为False}‘first’, ‘last’, False‘first’
    # keep参数
    asset_df.duplicated(keep=False) # 将重复值的所有行都标记为True
    # output:
    0     False
    1     False
    2     False
    3     False
    4      True
    5      True
    6     False
    7     False
    8      True
    9      True
    10    False
    11    False
    dtype: bool

    2.5.2 drop_duplicates()


    • 参数

      keep决定重复值的标记方式,‘first’:将重复值的第一个标记为True,其余标记为False; ‘last’:将重复值的最后一个标记为True,其余标记为False;False:将所有重复值标记为False}‘first’, ‘last’, False‘first’
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id
    0    Govtbond    1
    1    Govtbond    2
    2    Govtbond    3
    3    Finbond    4
    4    Finbond    5
    6    CorpbondAAA    6
    7    CorpbondAAA    7
    8    CorpbondAAA    8
    10    CorpbondAA    9
    11    CorpbondAA    10

    2.6 数据修改

    2.6.1 upper()&lower()


    asset_df['asset_name'] = asset_df['asset_name'].str.upper() # 将asset_name列的值全部转换为大写
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id
    0    GOVTBOND    1
    1    GOVTBOND    2
    2    GOVTBOND    3
    3    FINBOND    4
    4    FINBOND    5
    5    FINBOND    5
    6    CORPBONDAAA    6
    7    CORPBONDAAA    7
    8    CORPBONDAAA    8
    9    CORPBONDAAA    8
    10    CORPBONDAA    9
    11    CORPBONDAA    10



    map_dict = {
    asset_df['asset_name'] = asset_df['asset_name'].map(map_dict)
    # output:
        asset_name    asset_id
    0    bond1    1
    1    bond1    2
    2    bond1    3
    3    bond2    4
    4    bond2    5
    5    bond2    5
    6    bond3    6
    7    bond3    7
    8    bond3    8
    9    bond3    8
    10    bond4    9
    11    bond4    10

    2.6.3 map()与lambda结合


    asset_df['asset_name'] = asset_df['asset_name'].map(lambda x: map_dict[x])
    # output:
        asset_name    asset_id
    0    bond1    1
    1    bond1    2
    2    bond1    3
    3    bond2    4
    4    bond2    5
    5    bond2    5
    6    bond3    6
    7    bond3    7
    8    bond3    8
    9    bond3    8
    10    bond4    9
    11    bond4    10

    2.6.4 replace()

      replace() 函数用于替换dataframe中的元素为其他值。

    DataFrame.replace(to_replace=None, value=NoDefault.no_default, inplace=False, limit=None, regex=False, method=NoDefault.no_default)
    • 参数

      to_replace找到将被替换的值的方法str,regex(正则表达式),list,dict,Series,int,float,or None
      method当to_replace为标量、列表或元组且value为None时使用的方法。pad/ffill:由前一个值填充其后的NaN值,backfill/bfill:用NaN值后面的值向前填充‘backfill’, ‘bfill’, ‘pad’, ‘ffill’, NoneNone

    参数 to_replace取值

    • df.replace(a, A, inplace=True)--a,b都为标量
    • df.replace(to_replace=a, value=A, inplace=True)--a为列表,b为标量
    asset_df_bak3.replace(to_replace=[0,1,2,3,10], value=0.1, inplace=True) # 将df中的0,1,2,3,10都替换为0.1
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id
    0    Govtbond    0.1
    1    Govtbond    0.1
    2    Govtbond    0.1
    3    Finbond    4.0
    4    Finbond    5.0
    5    Finbond    5.0
    6    CorpbondAAA    6.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    7.0
    8    CorpbondAAA    8.0
    9    CorpbondAAA    8.0
    10    CorpbondAA    9.0
    11    CorpbondAA    0.1
    • df.replace(to_replace=a, value=A, inplace=True)--a为列表,A也为列表,且列表a与A长度一样
    • df.replace(to_replace=a, inplace=True)--a为字典,没有value参数
    • df.replace(to_replace=a,value=A, inplace=True)--a为字典,有value参数(此时字典的key为列名)
    # 将asset_df_bak3中asset_name列中等于'Govtbond'和asset_id列中等于5的元素全部替换为0.55
    asset_df_bak3.replace(to_replace={'asset_name':'Govtbond','asset_id':5},value= 0.55,inplace=True)
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id
    0    0.55    1.00
    1    0.55    2.00
    2    0.55    3.00
    3    Finbond    4.00
    4    Finbond    0.55
    5    Finbond    0.55
    6    CorpbondAAA    6.00
    7    CorpbondAAA    7.00
    8    CorpbondAAA    8.00
    9    CorpbondAAA    8.00
    10    CorpbondAA    9.00
    11    CorpbondAA    10.00
    • df.replace(to_replace=a, inplace=True)--a为字典,字典的key为列名,字典的value也是字典。
    # 将asset_df_bak3中asset_name列中等于'Finbond'的元素替换为'bond1',asset_id列中等于5的元素替换为0.55
    # output:
        asset_name    asset_id
    0    Govtbond    1.00
    1    Govtbond    2.00
    2    Govtbond    3.00
    3    bond1    4.00
    4    bond1    0.55
    5    bond1    0.55
    6    CorpbondAAA    6.00
    7    CorpbondAAA    7.00
    8    CorpbondAAA    8.00
    9    CorpbondAAA    8.00
    10    CorpbondAA    9.00
    11    CorpbondAA    10.00
    • df.replace(to_replace=a, regex=True, inplace=True)--根据正则表达式替换df中的元素。
    # 替换dataframe中的正负无穷值
    df.replace([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf], 0, inplace=True)
    # 替换dataframe中的空字符串为nan
    df=df.replace('', np.nan)

    2.6.5 rename()


    • 参数

      index替代指定轴(mapper, axis=0等价于index=mapper)。字典或表达式None
      axis决定重命名时的轴,0:按行重命名,1:按列重命名0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’0
      columns替代指定轴(mapper, axis=1等价于columns=mapper)。字典或表达式None
      level有多层索引时可以对指定层的索引重命名int或者level nameNone
      errors是否忽略重命名过程中的错误{‘ignore’, ‘raise’}‘ignore’
    • 修改列名
    df = df.rename(columns={'c1': 'cc1'})

    2.6.6 set_index()


    • 将单列设置为索引
    # output:
        asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0
    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0
    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0
    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0
    • 将多列设置为索引
    df_bak.set_index(['asset_name', 'asset_id'])
    # output:
                    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    asset_name    asset_id                
    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
                2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0
                3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
                5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0
                7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
                8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0
                10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0

    2.6.7 reset_index()


    2.6.8 cut()


    pandas.cut(x, bins, right=True, labels=None, retbins=False, precision=3, include_lowest=False, duplicates='raise', ordered=True)
    • 参数

      bins分桶的标准int:,sequence of scalars:,IntervalIndex:
      labels指定返回的容器的标签。array or FalseNone
      duplicates如果bin边不是唯一的,抛出ValueError或删除非唯一的。 default ‘raise’, ‘drop’
    # 1、指定分桶的区间
    pd.cut(df_bak3['bond_period'], bins=[0,8,20])
    # output:
    0     (0, 8]
    1    (8, 20]
    2    (8, 20]
    3     (0, 8]
    4    (8, 20]
    5     (0, 8]
    6     (0, 8]
    7    (8, 20]
    8     (0, 8]
    9     (0, 8]
    Name: bond_period, dtype: category
    Categories (2, interval[int64]): [(0, 8] < (8, 20]]
    # 2、指定分桶的区间数,并返回分桶的信息
    pd.cut(df_bak3['bond_period'], bins=3, retbins=True)
    # output:
    (0     (0.986, 5.667]
     1    (5.667, 10.333]
     2     (10.333, 15.0]
     3     (0.986, 5.667]
     4    (5.667, 10.333]
     5     (0.986, 5.667]
     6     (0.986, 5.667]
     7    (5.667, 10.333]
     8     (0.986, 5.667]
     9     (0.986, 5.667]
     Name: bond_period, dtype: category
     Categories (3, interval[float64]): [(0.986, 5.667] < (5.667, 10.333] < (10.333, 15.0]],
     array([ 0.986     ,  5.66666667, 10.33333333, 15.        ]))
    # 3、指定分桶的区间数,并指定标签,返回分桶的信息
    pd.cut(df_bak3['bond_period'], bins=3, labels=['H', 'M', 'L'], retbins=True)
    # output:
    (0    H
     1    M
     2    L
     3    H
     4    M
     5    H
     6    H
     7    M
     8    H
     9    H
     Name: bond_period, dtype: category
     Categories (3, object): [H < M < L],
     array([ 0.986     ,  5.66666667, 10.33333333, 15.        ]))

    2.6.9 assign()


    # 生成新列'year'
    df_bak3.assign(year=lambda x: x['buying_time'].str[:4])
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount    year
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0    3    2019
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0    5    2018
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0    6    2015
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0    8    2019
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0    1    2018
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0    7    2018
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0    9    2020
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0    19    2020
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0    10    2020
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0    15    2020
    # 不生成新列,覆盖'buying_time'
    df_bak3.assign(buying_time=lambda x: x['buying_time'].str[:4])
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019    30.0    3
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018    30.0    5
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015    50.0    6
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019    18.0    8
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018    21.0    1
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018    30.0    7
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020    8.0    9
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020    19.0    19
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020    19.0    10
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020    12.0    15

    2.6.10 pd.to_numeric()




    2.6.12 df.columns.astype()


    df.columns = df.columns.astype(str)

    2.7 数据格式修改

    2.7.1 pivot()


    DataFrame.pivot(index=None, columns=None, values=None)
    • 参数

      index设置为新索引的列str or object or a list of str可选参数
      columns设置为新列的列str or object or a list of str可选参数
      values用于填充新帧值的列。如果没有指定,将使用所有剩余的列,并且结果将具有分层索引的列。str, object or a list of the previous可选参数

    2.7.2 pivot_table()


    DataFrame.pivot_table(values=None, index=None, columns=None, aggfunc='mean', fill_value=None, margins=False, dropna=True, margins_name='All', observed=False, sort=True)
    • 参数

      values用于填充新帧值的列。如果没有指定,将使用所有剩余的列,并且结果将具有分层索引的列。str, object or a list of the previous可选参数
      index设置为新索引的列str or object or a list of str可选参数
      columns设置为新列的列str or object or a list of str可选参数
      aggfunc设置对数据聚合时进行的函数操作function, list of functions, dictnumpy.mean
    df_bak3[['asset_name', 'asset_id', 'bond_period', 'rate']].pivot_table(index=['asset_name', 'asset_id'], columns=['bond_period'])
    # output:
    bond_period    1    3    5    10    15
    asset_name    asset_id                    
    CorpbondAA    9    0.048    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN
                10    NaN    NaN    0.0510    NaN    NaN
    CorpbondAAA    6    NaN    0.038    NaN    NaN    NaN
                7    NaN    NaN    0.0400    NaN    NaN
                8    NaN    NaN    NaN    0.0490    NaN
    Finbond        4    NaN    NaN    0.0330    NaN    NaN
                5    NaN    NaN    NaN    0.0365    NaN
    Govtbond    1    NaN    NaN    0.0315    NaN    NaN
                2    NaN    NaN    NaN    0.0355    NaN
                3    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    0.041

    2.7.3 unstack()

    2.8 数据提取

    2.8.1 简单取数

    # 取dataframe中的部分列
    df_bak2[['asset_name', 'asset_id','bond_period']]
    # 取amount大于20的所有行
    df_bak2[df_bak2.amount > 20]
    # 取所有大于20的值,不大于20的值为NaN
    # 如果所有列中,大于20的值的个数大于1,则保留该行数据
    # 取满足条件的数据对应的索引
    list(df_bak2[df_bak2.amount > 20].index)
    # 根据多个条件取数时,用&符号连接
    df_bak2[(df_bak2.amount > 20) & (df_bak2.bond_period==10)]

    2.8.2 sample()


    • 参数

      weights str或ndarray-likeNone
      axis行采样或列采样0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’None


    # 根据amount列的元数大小,对应的概率采样
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    # 根据weight_的采样权重大小采样,weight_中概率大于0的数的数量要大于采样条数n,否则会出现异常。
    weight_ = pd.Series([0.1, 0.1,0.3,0.2], index=[0,4,6,7])
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0

    2.8.3 take()


    • 参数

      axis按行取或列取数0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’None
    # 取列序号为0,1,2,3的4列
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510

    3.8.4 iloc()


    # df_bak2:列'asset_name'置为索引
            asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0
    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0
    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0
    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0
    # 1、根据整数列表取数,取第0,1,3行,取0,1,4列
    # output:
            asset_id    bond_period    amount
    Govtbond    1    5    30.0
    Govtbond    2    10    30.0
    Finbond        4    5    18.0
    # 2、根据bool值列表取数,当bool值列表长度不够时,缺少的部分默认为False
    # output:
            asset_id    bond_period    amount
    Govtbond    1    5    30.0
    Govtbond    2    10    30.0
    Finbond        4    5    18.0

    3.8.5 loc()


    # 1、根据索引名称和列名称取数
    df_bak2.loc[['Govtbond'],['asset_id', 'bond_period','amount']]
    # output:
            asset_id    bond_period    amount
    Govtbond    1    5    30.0
    Govtbond    2    10    30.0
    Govtbond    3    15    50.0
    # 2、根据bool值列表取数,当bool值列表长度不够时,缺少的部分默认为False
    # output:
            asset_id    bond_period    amount
    Govtbond    1    5    30.0
    Govtbond    2    10    30.0
    Finbond        4    5    18.0
    # 3、根据数值大小取数
    # output:
            asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0
    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0
    # 4、通过loc修改dataframe中满足条件的值
    # output:
        asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    Govtbond    0    10    0.0315    2019-12-31    100.0
    Govtbond    0    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    100.0
    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    Finbond    0    10    0.0330    2019-12-31    100.0
    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0
    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0
    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0
    # 5、当索引为多层索引时,可以通过元组指定不通层的索引取数
    # df:
                    max_speed    shield
    cobra    mark i    12    2
            mark ii    0    4
    sidewinder    mark i    10    20
            mark ii    1    4
    viper    mark ii    7    1
            mark iii    16    36
    df.loc[('cobra', 'mark ii')] # 返回Series对象
    df.loc[[('cobra', 'mark ii')]] # 返回DataFrame对象
    # 返回从cobra的mark i到viper索引的全部值
    df.loc[('cobra', 'mark i'):'viper']
    # 返回从cobra的mark ii到viper的mark ii索引的全部值
    df.loc[('cobra', 'mark ii'):('viper', 'mark ii')]
    # output:
                    max_speed    shield
    cobra        mark ii    0    4
    sidewinder    mark i    10    20
                mark ii    1    4
    viper        mark ii    7    1

    2.8.6 iloc与loc的对比

    • 不同点:

    • 相同点


    2.8.7 iterrows()


    # df_bak3
        asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0
    for index_, row in df_bak3.iterrows():

    2.8.8 itertuples()


    for nametuple in df_bak3.itertuples():
    # output:
    Pandas(Index=0, asset_name='Govtbond', asset_id=1, bond_period=5, rate=0.0315, buying_time='2019-12-31', amount=30.0)
    Pandas(Index=9, asset_name='CorpbondAA', asset_id=10, bond_period=5, rate=0.051, buying_time='2020-06-30', amount=12.0)

    2.8.9 df.str


    • 方法

      replacereplace('a', 'b') 使用子串b替换子串a

    如:将df2的rate_type按照“|”分割成两列,两列的列名分别为'asset_name', 'rate_type'。

    df2[['asset_name', 'rate_type']] = df2['rate_type'].str.split('|', expand=True)
    # output:
    year value_type rate
        0 2020 asset1|cii 0.19
        1 2020 asset1|nii 0.10
        2 2020 asset2|cii 0.20
        3 2020 asset2|nii 0.29


    year value_type rate asset
    0 2020 cii 0.19 asset1
    1 2020 nii 0.10 asset1
    2 2020 cii 0.20 asset2
    3 2020 nii 0.29 asset2


    df2['value_type'] = df2['value_type'].str.split('|', expand=True)
    # output:
        year value_type rate
        0 2020 asset1 0.19
        1 2020 asset1 0.10
        2 2020 asset2 0.20
        3 2020 asset2 0.29


     year value_type rate
    0 2020 [asset1, cii] 0.19
    1 2020 [asset1, nii] 0.10
    2 2020 [asset2, cii] 0.20
    3 2020 [asset2, nii] 0.29

    2.9 数据合并

    2.9.1 concat()


    pandas.concat(objs, axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=False, keys=None, levels=None, names=None, verify_integrity=False, sort=False, copy=True)
    • 参数

      objs待连接的对象a sequence or mapping of Series or DataFrame objects无默认值,不可为空
      axis连接的轴{0/’index’, 1/’columns’}0
      join拼接方式,外连接、内连接{‘inner’, ‘outer’}‘outer’
      levels多级索引时使用list of sequencesNone

    2.9.2 merge()


    pandas.merge(left, right, how='inner', on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None, left_index=False, right_index=False, sort=False, suffixes=('_x', '_y'), copy=True, indicator=False, validate=None)
    • 参数

      how拼接方式,如左连接、右连接、内连接等{‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’, ‘cross’,cross是pandas版本1.2.0以上}‘inner’
      suffixes长度为2的序列,其中每个元素都是可选的字符串,指示要分别添加到左侧和右侧重叠列名的后缀,比如:左右两个df都有'value'列,输入suffixes=('\_left', '\_right'),则拼接后分别为'value\_left', 'value\_right'list-like(“_x”, “_y”)

    2.10 数据计算

    import random
    df_bak3['new_amount'] = random.sample(range(1,20),10)
    # df_bak3:
        asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0    10
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0    12
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0    1
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0    2
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0    13
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0    15
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0    4
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0    16
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0    14
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0    17

    2.10.1 apply()


    DataFrame.apply(func, axis=0, raw=False, result_type=None, args=(), **kwargs)
    • 参数

      axis指定轴线0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’0
      raw boolFalse
      result_type返回格式(只在axis=1时使用)‘expand’, ‘reduce’, ‘broadcast’, NoneNone
    # 对单列应用apply方法
    df_bak3['bond_period'] = df_bak3['bond_period'].apply(lambda x: x*12)
    # output:
        asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    0    Govtbond    1    60    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0    10
    1    Govtbond    2    120    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0    12
    2    Govtbond    3    180    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0    1
    3    Finbond    4    60    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0    2
    4    Finbond    5    120    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0    13
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    36    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0    15
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    60    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0    4
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    120    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0    16
    8    CorpbondAA    9    12    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0    14
    9    CorpbondAA    10    60    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0    17
    # 2、求两列的和
    df_bak3['amount'] = df_bak3.apply(lambda x: x['amount'] + x['new_amount'], axis=1)
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    0    Govtbond    1    60    0.0315    2019-12-31    40.0    10
    1    Govtbond    2    120    0.0355    2018-06-30    42.0    12
    2    Govtbond    3    180    0.0410    2015-09-30    51.0    1
    3    Finbond    4    60    0.0330    2019-12-31    20.0    2
    4    Finbond    5    120    0.0365    2018-06-30    34.0    13
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    36    0.0380    2018-06-30    45.0    15
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    60    0.0400    2020-06-30    12.0    4
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    120    0.0490    2020-06-30    35.0    16
    8    CorpbondAA    9    12    0.0480    2020-06-30    33.0    14
    9    CorpbondAA    10    60    0.0510    2020-06-30    29.0    17
    # 3、当传入的不是单个值时且result_type=None
    df_bak3['new_amount'] = df_bak3.apply(lambda x: [1,3], axis=1)
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0    [1, 3]
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0    [1, 3]
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0    [1, 3]
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0    [1, 3]
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0    [1, 3]
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0    [1, 3]
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0    [1, 3]
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0    [1, 3]
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0    [1, 3]
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0    [1, 3]
    # 4、当传入的不是单个值时且result_type='expand',由于apply的结果只赋值给了一列,所以结果中只有一个数。
    df_bak3['new_amount'] = df_bak3.apply(lambda x: [1,3], axis=1, result_type='expand')
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0    1
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0    1
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0    1
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0    1
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0    1
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0    1
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0    1
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19、.0    1
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0    1
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0    1

    2.10.2 applymap()


    # 对同一个dataframe分别应用apply()和applymap()
    df_bak3.apply(lambda x: [1,3])
    # output:
    asset_name     [1, 3]
    asset_id       [1, 3]
    bond_period    [1, 3]
    rate           [1, 3]
    buying_time    [1, 3]
    amount         [1, 3]
    new_amount     [1, 3]
    dtype: object
    df_bak3.apply(lambda x: [1,3], axis=1)
    # output:
    0    [1, 3]
    1    [1, 3]
    2    [1, 3]
    3    [1, 3]
    4    [1, 3]
    5    [1, 3]
    6    [1, 3]
    7    [1, 3]
    8    [1, 3]
    9    [1, 3]
    dtype: object
    df_bak3.applymap(lambda x: [1,3])
    # output:
        asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    0    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    1    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    2    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    3    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    4    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    5    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    6    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    7    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    8    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]
    9    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]    [1, 3]

    2.10.3 shift()


    DataFrame.shift(periods=1, freq=None, axis=0, fill_value=NoDefault.no_default)
    # periods--平移periods行,periods是负数时表示向上平移,正数则向下平移。
    # freq--从tseries模块或时间规则使用的偏移量(索引是日期时可用)
    # output:
    asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    0    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN
    1    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN
    2    Govtbond    1.0    5.0    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0    15.0
    3    Govtbond    2.0    10.0    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0    4.0
    4    Govtbond    3.0    15.0    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0    14.0
    5    Finbond    4.0    5.0    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0    12.0
    6    Finbond    5.0    10.0    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0    10.0
    7    CorpbondAAA    6.0    3.0    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0    1.0
    8    CorpbondAAA    7.0    5.0    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0    11.0
    9    CorpbondAAA    8.0    10.0    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0    5.0

    2.10.4 df.groupby()


    • 参数

      by用于确定groupby的组mapping, function, label, or list of labels无默认值,不可为空
      axis确定groupby的轴{0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’}0
      level如果轴是MultiIndex(层次化),则按一个或多个特定级别进行分组。int, level name, or sequence of suchNone
      as_index boolTrue
      group_keys boolTrue
    ## 变量grouped是一个GroupBy对象,它实际上还没有进行任何计算
    grouped = df_bak3.groupby('asset_name')
    # output:
    <pandas.core.groupby.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x000002A080D98FD0>
    1) 使用groupby对dataframe按照列名、索引分组


    ## 按单列分组求和sum(),均值mean(),标准差std()等
    # output:
            asset_id    bond_period    rate    amount    new_amount
    CorpbondAA    9.5    3.0    0.049500    15.500000    12.500000
    CorpbondAAA    7.0    6.0    0.042333    19.000000    11.666667
    Finbond        4.5    7.5    0.034750    19.500000    4.500000
    Govtbond    2.0    10.0    0.036000    36.666667    4.666667
    ## 同时传入多个对象:对df按照多级分组,然后求列均值、标准差等。
    df_bak3.groupby(['asset_name', 'buying_time'], sort=False).sum()
    # output:
            asset_id    bond_period    rate    amount    new_amount
    asset_name    buying_time                    
    Govtbond    2019-12-31    1    5    0.0315    30.0    3
                2018-06-30    2    10    0.0355    30.0    5
                2015-09-30    3    15    0.0410    50.0    6
    Finbond        2019-12-31    4    5    0.0330    18.0    8
                2018-06-30    5    10    0.0365    21.0    1
    CorpbondAAA    2018-06-30    6    3    0.0380    30.0    7
                2020-06-30    15    15    0.0890    27.0    28
    CorpbondAA    2020-06-30    19    6    0.0990    31.0    25
    ## 使用size()方法查看每个分组的数据大小。
    df_bak3.groupby(['asset_name', 'buying_time'], sort=False).size()
    asset_name   buying_time
    Govtbond     2019-12-31     1
                 2018-06-30     1
                 2015-09-30     1
    Finbond      2019-12-31     1
                 2018-06-30     1
    CorpbondAAA  2018-06-30     1
                 2020-06-30     2
    CorpbondAA   2020-06-30     2
    dtype: int64
    2) groupby对象支持迭代


    ## 单个键的情况
    for key1, sub_df in df_bak3.groupby(['asset_name'], sort=False):
    # output:
      asset_name  asset_id  bond_period    rate buying_time  amount  new_amount
    0   Govtbond         1            5  0.0315  2019-12-31    30.0           3
    1   Govtbond         2           10  0.0355  2018-06-30    30.0           5
    2   Govtbond         3           15  0.0410  2015-09-30    50.0           6
      asset_name  asset_id  bond_period    rate buying_time  amount  new_amount
    3    Finbond         4            5  0.0330  2019-12-31    18.0           8
    4    Finbond         5           10  0.0365  2018-06-30    21.0           1
        asset_name  asset_id  bond_period   rate buying_time  amount  new_amount
    5  CorpbondAAA         6            3  0.038  2018-06-30    30.0           7
    6  CorpbondAAA         7            5  0.040  2020-06-30     8.0           9
    7  CorpbondAAA         8           10  0.049  2020-06-30    19.0          19
       asset_name  asset_id  bond_period   rate buying_time  amount  new_amount
    8  CorpbondAA         9            1  0.048  2020-06-30    19.0          10
    9  CorpbondAA        10            5  0.051  2020-06-30    12.0          15
    ## 对于多重键的情况,元组的第一个元素将会是由键值组成的元组
    for (key1, key2), sub_df in df_bak3.groupby(['asset_name', 'buying_time'], sort=False):
        print(key1, key2)
    3) groupby默认是在axis=0上进行分组的,通过设置也可以在其他任何轴上进行分组
    df_bak3.groupby('asset_name', axis=1).sum()
    4) 分组信息可以是字典


    mapping={'asset_id':'asset_id','amount': 'amount',
             'new_amount': 'amount', 'buying_time':'buying_time',
            'bond_period':'bond_period', 'rate':'rate'}
    df_bak3.groupby(mapping, axis=1).sum()
    # output:
    amount    asset_id    bond_period    buying_time    rate
    0    33.0    1    5    2019-12-31    0.0315
    1    35.0    2    10    2018-06-30    0.0355
    2    56.0    3    15    2015-09-30    0.0410
    3    26.0    4    5    2019-12-31    0.0330
    4    22.0    5    10    2018-06-30    0.0365
    5    37.0    6    3    2018-06-30    0.0380
    6    17.0    7    5    2020-06-30    0.0400
    7    38.0    8    10    2020-06-30    0.0490
    8    29.0    9    1    2020-06-30    0.0480
    9    27.0    10    5    2020-06-30    0.0510
    5) groupby()的聚合操作

    对datafram数据groupby之后,可以对其他单列或多列进行聚合操作,求均值(mean())、最小值(min())、最大值(max())、求和(sum())、中位数(median())、方差(var(ddof=0), var(ddof=1))、标准差(std(ddof=0), std(ddof=1))等。格式有多种。

    import pandas as pd
    real_constrains = dict(
     name=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a','c'],
     ret=[0.3,0.12,0.13, 0.21, 6,0.01],
     duration = [0.5,1,6,2,5,10]
    constrains_df = pd.DataFrame(real_constrains)
    res1 = constrains_df.groupby('name')['ret'].std(ddof=0)
    # 要对多列求不同的聚合计算时,可以通过agg函数传字典参数进行计算
    res2 = constrains_df.groupby('name').agg({'ret':'max','duration':'min'})
    res3 = constrains_df.groupby('name')[['ret','duration']].min()
    res4 = constrains_df.groupby('name').std(ddof=0)['ret']
    # output:
    a    2.85
    b    0.00
    c    0.06
    d    0.00
    Name: ret, dtype: float64        ret  duration
    a     6.00       0.5
    b     0.12       1.0
    c     0.13       6.0
    d     0.21       2.0        ret  duration
    a     0.30       0.5
    b     0.12       1.0
    c     0.01       6.0
    d     0.21       2.0 name
    a    2.85
    b    0.00
    c    0.06
    d    0.00
    Name: ret, dtype: float64
    6) groupby的transform操作


    import pandas as pd
    real_constrains = dict(
     name=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a','c'],
     ret=[0.3,0.12,0.13, 0.21, 6,0.01],
     duration = [0.5,1,6,2,5,10]
    constrains_df = pd.DataFrame(real_constrains)
    # 使用agg无法将计算结果返回给原DF新的列
    constrains_df['ave_ret_agg'] = constrains_df.groupby('name')['ret'].mean()
    print('使用agg结果:\n', constrains_df)
    # 使用transform可以将计算结果返回原DF的每一行
    constrains_df['ave_ret_tra'] = constrains_df.groupby('name')['ret'].transform('mean')
    print('使用transform结果:\n', constrains_df)
    # output:
       name   ret  duration  ave_ret_agg
    0    a  0.30       0.5          NaN
    1    b  0.12       1.0          NaN
    2    c  0.13       6.0          NaN
    3    d  0.21       2.0          NaN
    4    a  6.00       5.0          NaN
    5    c  0.01      10.0          NaN
       name   ret  duration  ave_ret_agg  ave_ret_tra
    0    a  0.30       0.5          NaN         3.15
    1    b  0.12       1.0          NaN         0.12
    2    c  0.13       6.0          NaN         0.07
    3    d  0.21       2.0          NaN         0.21
    4    a  6.00       5.0          NaN         3.15
    5    c  0.01      10.0          NaN         0.07

    2.10.5 df.rolling(n)


    DataFrame.rolling(window, min_periods=None, center=False, win_type=None, on=None, axis=0, closed=None, method='single')
    • 参数

      window移动窗口的大小int, offset(只对datetime类索引有效), or BaseIndexer subclass
      axis设置按行或列计算0 or 'index',1 or 'columns'0
    • 示例
    tmp_df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, np.nan,4], 'C': [0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8,np.nan, np.nan]})
    # output:
    B    C
    0    0.0    0.2
    1    1.0    0.5
    2    2.0    0.6
    3    NaN    0.8
    4    NaN    NaN
    5    4.0    NaN
    ## 1、不设置最小观测数min_periods时,必须要3个数全不为nan才能输出值
    # output:
    B    C
    0    NaN    NaN
    1    NaN    NaN
    2    3.0    1.3
    3    NaN    1.9
    4    NaN    NaN
    5    NaN    NaN
    ## 2、设置min_periods=2时,只需要3个数中有2个为数即可
    tmp_df.rolling(window=3, min_periods=2).sum()
    # output:
    B    C
    0    NaN    NaN
    1    1.0    0.7
    2    3.0    1.3
    3    3.0    1.9
    4    NaN    1.4
    5    NaN    NaN
    ## 3、填充空值,比较参数'center'不同时的差异。可以看出,当center=True时,会将计算结果与窗口的中间一个数据的索引对齐。center=Flse时,会将计算结果与窗口的最后一个数据的索引对齐。
    tmp_df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
    # output:
        B    C
    0    0.0    0.2
    1    1.0    0.5
    2    2.0    0.6
    3    2.0    0.8
    4    2.0    0.8
    5    4.0    0.8
    tmp_df.rolling(window=3, center=False).sum()
    # output:
    B    C
    0    NaN    NaN
    1    NaN    NaN
    2    3.0    1.3
    3    5.0    1.9
    4    6.0    2.2
    5    8.0    2.4
    tmp_df.rolling(window=3, center=True).sum()
    # output:
    B    C
    0    NaN    NaN
    1    3.0    1.3
    2    5.0    1.9
    3    6.0    2.2
    4    8.0    2.4
    5    NaN    NaN
    # output:

    2.10.6 df.sort_values()


    DataFrame.sort_values(by, axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=False, kind='quicksort', na_position='last', ignore_index=False, key=None)
    • 参数

      axis指定轴{0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’}0
      ascending指定升序(ascending=True)还是降序(ascending=False),bool or list of boolTrue
      kind指定排序算法{‘quicksort’, ‘mergesort’, ‘heapsort’, ‘stable’}quicksort
    • 示例
    df_bak3.sort_values(by=['asset_name', 'bond_period'], ascending=True)
    # output:
        asset_name    asset_id    bond_period    rate    buying_time    amount    new_amount
    8    CorpbondAA    9    1    0.0480    2020-06-30    19.0    10
    9    CorpbondAA    10    5    0.0510    2020-06-30    12.0    15
    5    CorpbondAAA    6    3    0.0380    2018-06-30    30.0    7
    6    CorpbondAAA    7    5    0.0400    2020-06-30    8.0    9
    7    CorpbondAAA    8    10    0.0490    2020-06-30    19.0    19
    3    Finbond    4    5    0.0330    2019-12-31    18.0    8
    4    Finbond    5    10    0.0365    2018-06-30    21.0    1
    0    Govtbond    1    5    0.0315    2019-12-31    30.0    3
    1    Govtbond    2    10    0.0355    2018-06-30    30.0    5
    2    Govtbond    3    15    0.0410    2015-09-30    50.0    6

    2.10.7 df.cumprod()


    real_constrains = dict(
                ret=[0.3,0.12,0.13, 0.21, 6,0.01],
                duration = [0.1,1,6,2,5,10]
    df = pd.DataFrame(real_constrains)
    df['temp_cumu_price'] = df['duration']+ 1
    df['cumu_price2'] = df['temp_cumu_price'].cumprod(axis=0)
    # output:
    ret  duration  temp_cumu_price  cumu_price2
    0  0.30       0.1              1.1          1.1
    1  0.12       1.0              2.0          2.2
    2  0.13       6.0              7.0         15.4
    3  0.21       2.0              3.0         46.2
    4  6.00       5.0              6.0        277.2
    5  0.01      10.0             11.0       3049.2
    • 使用np.pord()函数同样可以实现,但是需要做循环计算,计算速度会比df.cumprod()慢很多。
    import time
    import random
    real_constrains = dict(
                ret=np.random.normal(1.151, 0.05, 1000),
                duration = np.random.normal(5, 1, 1000)
    df = pd.DataFrame(real_constrains)
    df['cumu_price'] = np.nan
    st_prod = time.time()
    for idx in range(0, len(df)):
            df['cumu_price'][idx] =['duration'][0:idx + 1] + 1)
    et_prod = time.time()
    print('all time of prod =', et_prod-st_prod)
    st_cumprod = time.time()
    df['temp_cumu_price'] = df['duration']+ 1
    df['cumu_price2'] = df['temp_cumu_price'].cumprod(axis=0)
    et_cumprod = time.time()
    print('all time of cumprod =', et_cumprod-st_cumprod)
    # output:
    all time of prod = 0.30219101905822754
    all time of cumprod = 0.0009975433349609375

    2.10.8 sum()和cumsum()


    real_constrains = dict(
        duration = [1,1,6,2,5,10],
                ret=[0.12,0.12,0.13, 0.21, 6,0.01]            
    df = pd.DataFrame(real_constrains)
    print('原DF: \n',df)
    df['cum_ret'] = df.groupby(['duration'])['ret'].cumsum()
    print('求cumsum后:\n', df)
    # output 原DF: 
        duration   ret
    0         1  0.12
    1         1  0.12
    2         6  0.13
    3         2  0.21
    4         5  6.00
    5        10  0.01
    # output 求cumsum后:
        duration   ret  cum_ret
    0         1  0.12     0.12
    1         1  0.12     0.24
    2         6  0.13     0.13
    3         2  0.21     0.21
    4         5  6.00     6.00
    5        10  0.01     0.01

    利用 Python 进行数据分析

    8 声望3 粉丝