- HSL to RGB
- RGB to HSL
codesandbox 在线预览
* @param {Number} H 色相 [0,360)
* @param {Number} S 饱和度 [0,1]
* @param {Number} L 亮度 [0,1]
* @param {Boolean} stringMode 是否返回字符串模式
function HSL2RGB(H = 0, S = 0, L = 0, stringMode = false) {
const C = (1 - Math.abs(2 * L - 1)) * S
const X = C * (1 - Math.abs(((H / 60) % 2) - 1))
const m = L - C / 2
const vRGB = []
if (H >= 0 && H < 60) {
vRGB.push(C, X, 0)
} else if (H >= 60 && H < 120) {
vRGB.push(X, C, 0)
} else if (H >= 120 && H < 180) {
vRGB.push(0, C, X)
} else if (H >= 180 && H < 240) {
vRGB.push(0, X, C)
} else if (H >= 240 && H < 300) {
vRGB.push(X, 0, C)
} else if (H >= 300 && H < 360) {
vRGB.push(C, 0, X)
const [vR, vG, vB] = vRGB
const R = 255 * (vR + m)
const G = 255 * (vG + m)
const B = 255 * (vB + m)
if (stringMode) {
return `rgb(${R},${G},${B})`
return { R, G, B }
* @description rgb转化为hsl
* @param {Number} R [0,255]
* @param {Number} G [0,255]
* @param {Number} B [0,255]
* @param {Boolean} stringMode 是否返回字符串模式
function RGB2HSL(R = 0, G = 0, B = 0, stringMode = false) {
const _R = R / 255;
const _G = G / 255;
const _B = B / 255;
const Cmax = Math.max(_R, _G, _B);
const Cmin = Math.min(_R, _G, _B);
const V = Cmax - Cmin;
let H = 0;
if (V === 0) {
H = 0;
} else if (Cmax === _R) {
H = 60 * (((_G - _B) / V) % 6);
} else if (Cmax === _G) {
H = 60 * ((_B - _R) / V + 2);
} else if (Cmax === _B) {
H = 60 * ((_R - _G) / V + 4);
H = Math.floor(backCycle(H, 360));
const L = numberFixed((Cmax + Cmin) / 2);
const S = V === 0 ? 0 : numberFixed(V / (1 - Math.abs(2 * L - 1)));
if (stringMode) {
return `hsl(${H},${numberFixed(100 * S)}%,${numberFixed(100 * L)}%)`;
return { H, S, L };
// utils
function backCycle(num, cycle) {
let index = num % cycle;
if (index < 0) {
index += cycle;
return index;
function numberFixed(num = 0, count = 3) {
const power = Math.pow(10, count);
return Math.floor(num * power) / power;
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