String s = "D.T.Software";
int pos = s.indexOf("Software");


成员函数 功能描述
indexOf(s) 查找字串在字符串中的位置
remove(s) 将字符串中的字串 s 删除
operator-(s) 定义字符串减法
replace(s, t) 将字符串中的字串 s 替换为 t
sub(i, len) 从字符串中创建子串

字串查找(KMP 算法的直接运用)

  • int indexOf(const char *s) const;
  • int indexOf(const String &s) const;
int String::indexOf(const char *s) const
    return kmp(m_str, s);

int String::indexOf(const String &s) const
    return kmp(m_str, s.m_str);


  • String &remove(const char *s);
  • String &remove(const String &s);
  1. 根据 KMP 在目标字符串中查找字串的位置
  2. 通过字串位置和字串长度进行删除
String &String::remove(size_t i, size_t len)
    if (i < m_length)
        size_t n = i;
        size_t m = i + len;

        while ((n < m) && (m < m_length))
            m_str[n++] = m_str[m++];

        m_str[n] = '\0';
        m_length = n;

    return *this;

String &String::remove(const char *s)
    return remove(indexOf(s), s ? strlen(s) : 0);

String &String::remove(const String &s)
    return remove(indexOf(s), s.length());

字符串的减法操作定义 (operator -)

  • 使用 remove 实现字符串的减法操作

    • 字符串自身不被修改
    • 返回产生的新串
String String::operator - (const char *s) const
    return String(*this).remove(s);

String String::operator - (const String &s) const
    return String(*this).remove(s);

String &String::operator -= (const char *s)
    return remove(s);

String &String::operator -= (const String &s)
    return remove(s);


  • String &replace(const char t, const char s);
  • String &replace(const String &t, const char *s);
  • String &replace(const char *t, const String &s);
  • String &replace(const String &t, const String &s);
String &String::replace(const char *t, const char* s)
    int index = indexOf(t);

    if (index >= 0)
        insert(index, s);

    return *this;

String &String::replace(const String &t, const char *s)
    return replace(t.str(), s);

String &String::replace(const char *t, const String &s)
    return replace(t, s.str());

String &String::replace(const String &t, const String &s)
    return replace(t.str(), s.str());


  • String sub(int i, int len) const

    • 以 i 为起点提取长度为 len 的字串
    • 字串提取不会改变字符串本身的状态
String String::sub(size_t i, size_t len) const
    String ret;

    if (i < m_length)
        if (len + i > m_length) len = m_length - i;

        char *str = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(len + 1));

        if (str != nullptr)
            strncpy(str, m_str + i, len);

            str[len] = '\0';
            ret = str;

        THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, "Parameter i is Invalid ...");

    return ret;

编程实验:新成员函数的实现 [最终版]


#ifndef STRING_H
#define STRING_H

#include "Exception.h"
#include "Object.h"

#include <cstdint>

namespace DTLib

class String
    String(const String &s);
    String(const char* s);

    size_t length() const;
    const char *str() const;

    bool startWith(const char *s) const;
    bool startWith(const String &s) const;
    bool endOf(const char *s) const;
    bool endOf(const String &s) const;

    String &insert(size_t i, const char *s);
    String &insert(size_t i, const String &s);
    String &trim();
    int indexOf(const char *s) const;
    int indexOf(const String &s) const;
    String &remove(size_t i, size_t len);
    String &remove(const char *s);
    String &remove(const String &s);
    String &replace(const char *t, const char* s);
    String &replace(const String &t, const char *s);
    String &replace(const char *t, const String &s);
    String &replace(const String &t, const String &s);
    String sub(size_t i, size_t len) const;

    bool operator == (const char *s) const;
    bool operator == (const String &s) const;
    bool operator != (const char *s) const;
    bool operator != (const String &s) const;
    bool operator > (const char *s) const;
    bool operator > (const String &s) const;
    bool operator < (const char *s) const;
    bool operator < (const String &s) const;
    bool operator >= (const char *s) const;
    bool operator >= (const String &s) const;
    bool operator <= (const char *s) const;
    bool operator <= (const String &s) const;

    String operator + (const char *s) const;
    String operator + (const String &s) const;
    String &operator += (const char *s);
    String &operator += (const String &s);

    String operator - (const char *s) const;
    String operator - (const String &s) const;
    String &operator -= (const char *s);
    String &operator -= (const String &s);

    String &operator = (const char c);
    String &operator = (const char *s);
    String &operator = (const String &s);

    char &operator[] (size_t i);
    char operator[] (size_t i) const;


    char *m_str = nullptr;
    size_t m_length = 0;

    static int *make_pmt(const char *p);
    static int kmp(const char *s, const char *p);


#endif // STRING_H


#include "DTString.h"

#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>

namespace DTLib

int *String::make_pmt(const char *p)  // O(m)
    size_t len = strlen(p);
    int *ret = static_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeof(int) * len));

    if (ret != nullptr)
        int ll = 0;

        ret[0] = 0;

        for (size_t i=1; i<len; ++i)
            while ((ll > 0) && (p[i] != p[ll]))
                ll = ret[ll - 1];

            if (p[i] == p[ll])

            ret[i] = ll;

    return ret;

int String::kmp(const char *s, const char *p)  // O(m + n)
   int ret = -1;
   int sl = strlen(s);
   int pl = strlen(p);
   int *pmt = make_pmt(p);  // O(m)

   if ((pmt != nullptr) && (0 < pl) &&(pl <= sl))
       for (int i=0, j = 0; i < sl; ++i)  // O(n)
           while ((j > 0) && (s[i] != p[j]))
               j = pmt[j - 1];

           if (s[i] == p[j])

           if (j == pl)
               ret = i + 1 - pl;


   return ret;

String::String() : String("")

String::String(const String &s) : String(s.m_str)

String::String(const char* s)
    char* str = strdup(s);

    if (str != nullptr)
        m_str = str;

        m_length = strlen(str);
        THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryException, "No enogh memory to create str object ...");

size_t String::length() const
    return m_length;

const char *String::str() const
    return m_str;

bool String::startWith(const char *s) const
    bool ret = (s != nullptr);

    if (ret)
        size_t len = strlen(s);

        ret = (m_length > len) && (strncmp(m_str, s, len) == 0);

    return ret;

bool String::startWith(const String &s) const
    return startWith(s.str());

bool String::endOf(const char *s) const
    bool ret = (s != nullptr);

    if (ret)
        size_t len = strlen(s);
        char *str = m_str + (m_length - len);

        ret = (m_length > len) && (strncmp(str, s, len) == 0);

    return ret;

bool String::endOf(const String &s) const
    return endOf(s.str());

String &String::insert(size_t i, const char *s)
    if (i <= m_length)
        if ((s != nullptr) || s[0] != '\0')
            size_t len = strlen(s);
            char *str = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(m_length + len + 1));

            if (str != nullptr)
               strncpy(str, m_str, i);
               strncpy(str + i, s, len);
               strncpy(str + i + len, m_str + i, m_length - i);
               str[len + m_length] = '\0';

                m_str = str;
                m_length = m_length + len;
                THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryException, "No memory to insert str object ...");
        THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, "Parameter i is invalid");

    return *this;

String &String::insert(size_t i, const String &s)
    return insert(i, s.str());

String &String::trim()
    size_t b = 0;
    size_t e = m_length - 1;

    while (m_str[b] == ' ') b++;
    while (m_str[e] == ' ') e--;

    if (b == 0)
        m_str[e + 1] = '\0';
        m_length = e + 1;
        for (size_t i=0, j = b; j<=e; ++i, ++j)
            m_str[i] = m_str[j];

        m_str[e - b + 1] = '\0';
        m_length = e - b + 1;

    return *this;

int String::indexOf(const char *s) const
    return kmp(m_str, s);

int String::indexOf(const String &s) const
    return kmp(m_str, s.m_str);

String &String::remove(size_t i, size_t len)
    if (i < m_length)
        size_t n = i;
        size_t m = i + len;

        while ((n < m) && (m < m_length))
            m_str[n++] = m_str[m++];

        m_str[n] = '\0';
        m_length = n;

    return *this;

String &String::remove(const char *s)
    return remove(indexOf(s), s ? strlen(s) : 0);

String &String::remove(const String &s)
    return remove(indexOf(s), s.length());

String &String::replace(const char *t, const char* s)
    int index = indexOf(t);

    if (index >= 0)
        insert(index, s);

    return *this;

String &String::replace(const String &t, const char *s)
    return replace(t.str(), s);

String &String::replace(const char *t, const String &s)
    return replace(t, s.str());

String &String::replace(const String &t, const String &s)
    return replace(t.str(), s.str());

String String::sub(size_t i, size_t len) const
    String ret;

    if (i < m_length)
        if (len + i > m_length) len = m_length - i;

        char *str = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(len + 1));

        if (str != nullptr)
            strncpy(str, m_str + i, len);

            str[len] = '\0';
            ret = str;

        THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, "Parameter i is Invalid ...");

    return ret;

bool String::operator == (const char *s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s ? s : "") == 0);

bool String::operator == (const String &s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s.str()) == 0);

bool String::operator != (const char *s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s ? s : "") != 0);

bool String::operator != (const String &s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s.str()) != 0);

bool String::operator > (const char *s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s ? s : "") > 0);

bool String::operator > (const String &s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s.str()) > 0);

bool String::operator < (const char *s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s ? s : "") < 0);

bool String::operator < (const String &s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s.str()) < 0);

bool String::operator >= (const char *s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s ? s : "") >= 0);

bool String::operator >= (const String &s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s.str()) >= 0);

bool String::operator <= (const char *s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s ? s : "") <= 0);

bool String::operator <= (const String &s) const
    return (strcmp(m_str, s.str()) <= 0);

String String::operator + (const char *s) const
    String ret;

    size_t len = m_length + strlen(s ? s : "");

    char *str = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(len + 1));

    if (str != nullptr)
        strcpy(str, m_str);
        strcat(str, s ? s : "");


        ret.m_str = str;
        ret.m_length = len;
        THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryException, "No memory to create str object ...");

    return ret;

String String::operator + (const String &s) const
    return (*this + s.str());

String &String::operator += (const char *s)
    return (*this = *this + s);

String &String::operator += (const String &s)
    return (*this = *this + s.str());

String String::operator - (const char *s) const
    return String(*this).remove(s);

String String::operator - (const String &s) const
    return String(*this).remove(s);

String &String::operator -= (const char *s)
    return remove(s);

String &String::operator -= (const String &s)
    return remove(s);

String &String::operator = (const char *s)
    if (m_str != s)
        char *str = strdup(s ? s : "");

        if (str != nullptr)

            m_str = str;
            m_length = strlen(str);
            THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryException, "No memory to create str object ...");

    return *this;

String &String::operator = (const char c)
    char s[] = {c, '\0'};

    return (*this = s);

String &String::operator = (const String &s)
    return (*this = s.str());

char &String::operator[] (size_t i)
    if (i < m_length)
        return m_str[i];
        THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidParameterExcetion, "Parameter i invalid...");

char String::operator[] (size_t i) const
    return const_cast<String&>(*this)[i];




#include <iostream>
#include "DTString.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace DTLib;

int main()
    String s = "ababax";

    cout << s.indexOf("ax") << endl;
    cout << s.indexOf("c") << endl;

    cout << "-------------" << endl;

    cout << s.remove(0, 1).str() << endl;
    cout << s.remove("ba").str() << endl;
    cout << s.remove(String("x")).str() << endl;

    cout << "-------------" << endl;

    String s1 = "abcde";
    String s2 = s1 - "bcd";

    cout << s1.str() << endl;
    cout << s2.str() << endl;

    cout << "-------------" << endl;

    String s3 = "ababax";
    cout << s3.replace("ba", "xyz").str() << endl;

    cout << "-------------" << endl;

    String s4 = "abcde";
    String s5 = s4.sub(1, 3);

    cout << s4.str() << endl;
    cout << s5.str() << endl;

    return 0;




  • 字符串类是工程开发中必不可少的组件
  • 字符串中应该包含常用字符串操作函数
  • 增:insert, operator +, ...
  • 删:remove, operator -, ...
  • 查:indexOf, ...
  • 改:replace, ...


737 声望141 粉丝
