- 谷歌放出玩家大福利:Android精品游戏全免费 畅玩30天
- [[图]谷歌Play商城测试新界面 移除“已安装”和“库”两个子标签页](
- LineageOS 17.1发布:基于Android 10定制 自带主题引擎
- Kotlin Vocabulary | 密封类 sealed class
- Android Jetpack CameraX 库 Beta 版正式发布!
- App 黑白化实现探索,有一行代码实现的方案吗?
- App 黑白化实现探索2, 发现了一种更方便的方案,我被锤了!
- BlurTutorial
Library for creating blur effects under Android UI elements
- PlayWidget
Break the monotony and make your music player unique!
- LinkageScrollLayout
A container which supports any two view scrolling in it
- ExoPlayer-Wrapper
📺 Android library, ExoPlayer wrapper
- KeepAlive
Fighting against force-stop kill process on Android with binder ioctl / Android高级保活
- restring
An easy way to replace bundled Strings dynamically, or provide new translations for Android.
- AppLocale
a android library to update the app language dynamically.
- KeyboardStateEvents
LiveData notification when keyboard opens or closes, plus some handy extension functions
- AppIconLoader
封装了 AOSP Launcher3 iconloaderlib 的应用图标加载库,支持与 Glide 和 Coil 轻松集成,可为自适应图标(adaptive icon) 添加应有的阴影,以及可选地将非自适应图标缩小为自适应图标样式。
- Flip-Digit
Flip digit Library that makes a cool and flexible animation flip when changing from one numbers to another
- fast-builder
a code generation tool that generates the builder classes, especially for the unit test class.
- chip-navigation-bar
A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component.
- PowerPermission
PowerPermission makes handling runtime permissions extremely easy.
- android-gradle-aspectj
gradle plug-in adding supports of AspectJ into Android project
- WindowInsetsAnimation
This sample shows how to react to the on-screen keyboard (IME) changing visibility, and also controlling the IME's visibility. To do this, the sample uses the new WindowInsetsAnimation and WindowInsetsAnimationController APIs in Android R.
- Learn-Jetpack-Compose-By-Example
This project contains various examples that show how you would do things the Compose way
- covid-19
App for help people to get know if they were in touch with infected person
- DailyBugle
Modern MVVM Android application which fetches news from 🕷️
- ridesharing-uber-lyft-app
Learn to build a ride-sharing Android Taxi Clone App like Uber, Lyft - Open-Source Project By MindOrks
- terminus
A terminal for a more modern age
- FloorPlan
Translate Room schemas to Database Markup Language (DBML).
- android-github-actions-emulator
A GitHub Action for running Android UI tests on Android emulator.
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