- flutter_color_models
A wrapper for the Dart color_models plugin with added support for Flutter's Color class.
- FlutterToast
A Flutter Toast plugin.
- flutter_rs
Build beautiful desktop apps with flutter and rust. 🌠
- credit_card_validator
A Dart package that validates credit card numbers, expiration dates, and security codes (CVV/CVC) based on the type of credit card
- rule_engine_dart
A small rule engine for Dart and Flutter
- vin_decoder_dart
A VIN decoding and validation library for Dart.
- crypton
A simple Dart library for asymmetric encryption and digital signatures
- async_message_queue_controller
An asynchronous message queue controller for Dart
- flutter_lua
This is a Flutter plugin that embeds a Lua interpreter and runtime for executing dynamic scripts from Flutter apps.
- wasm.dart
WebAssembly virtual machine for Dart [work in progress]
- google_translator
Free Google Translate API for Dart
- flutter_mrz_scanner
Scans MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) from identity documents.
- node_interop
Interop library for writing Node.js apps and modules in Dart.
- flutter_opencv
A Flutter™ plug-in providing a binding to OpenCV-4.x.
- hydro_sdk
Author native Flutter experiences in Typescript and deliver updates directly to users over the air and out of band
- dart_pad_widget
A new Flutter package that allows you to easily embed DartPad into your Flutter Web application.
- client_server_lan
A LAN communication Flutter package based off Node Commander but removing parts such as Commander Nodes and making communication between client and server two way.
- build_context
Access most used properties in your BuildContext instance.
- gizmos_hud
A Flutter package for displaying custom HUD's, Toasts, or other screen overlays. Any widget can be displayed, in any position on the screen for a completely customized interface.
- change_app_package_name
Change App Package Name with single command. It makes the process very easy and fast.
- asset_toast
reddit like toast
- dartz
Functional programming in Dart
- flutter_stats_fl
A simple FPS monitor for Flutter
- flutter_custom_refresh_indicator
This package adds CustomRefreshIndicator widget that allows you to create whatever indicator you want.
- tflite_flutter_plugin
TensorFlow Lite plugin provides a dart API for accessing TensorFlow Lite interpreter and performing inference. It binds to TensorFlow Lite C API using dart:ffi.
- markdown_widget
A simple and easy-to-use markdown package created by flutter.完全由flutter创建,一个简单好用,支持mobile与flutter web的markdown插件
- Flutter_Music_App
A new Flutter Flutter Music App built playing with animation and local music files from Soundcloud
- FlutterUnit
Flutter源码中的可用的组件一共350个左右,纷繁复杂,也没有明确的分类标准 FlutterUnit 对大大小小,常用不常用的组件能收的尽量收录。并根据个人感觉进行评星 目前收录组件207个,每个都有至少一个演示展现和代码展示。
- NextBusSG
An app to show everything bus related in Singapore, including bus arrival times and a directory, with extra features.
- bonfire
(RPG maker) Create RPG-style or similar games more simply with Flame.
- flutter_create
For creating custom flutter project from template
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